The Rant Thread

on the holiday monday i jumped on my little GPX250 and went for a ride to see some friends in adelaide,
on the way home passing through Mt barker I picked up a police car
he followed me from the mt barker freeway itersection up to the oval by the high school where he pulled me over :eek:
knowing he was there i made sure I didnt act stupid to give him reason to pull me over. (lol)

so on with the light's and a wail the sirens and he CONTStable pulls me over
he asked did I know why I was pulled over.
Any way to cut this story short he defected me for a faulty indicator switch
and then saying that I had a attitude ,
threating me he would do me for not indicating as well.
this was the red flag for me so on Teusday morning I rang my borther who works for work safe SA
and reported the CONTStable for breaches of the OH&S laws,

thursday I got the call from my brother to inform me 2 officers were issued $350 fines for breaches of the OH&S
and a letter of formal warning was issued to sapol for failure of their duty of care to their employees.

Moral of this long winded story is Revenge is SWEET:BLAA:
Why must we put up with the $h!thouse service we get from stealerships & mechanics these days ? :spank:

Bike went for service on Saturday :cheer: & due to the wet weather & only being a 5 minute ride home I didnt notice anything out of the ordinary , ride to work this morning & get onto the motorway hit a bump & there is a servere knock through the front end :eek: , so I pull over & give it a rock & rattle cant see anything loose so continue on with the plan of ringing the mechanic when I get to work , motor along & the knock is there on all the bumps :mad: , a little futher along & I get to the usual traffic spot & grab a little front brake & suffer the worst headshake ever :rant ... Get off the motorway through fear of my life look down & notice the head bolt is slowly unwinding itself :eek: :shakehead:............ Walk out to my bike this afternoon just to nic up the bolt enough to get me home but lose enough to show him & I notice about a teaspoon of oil has leaked from the oil filter :thumbdown: :banghead: :disapprove: i'll be on his doorstep & 7am in the morning & im not happy....

Is there where i say, i told you so.....Sorry Dan, but it just aint worth going to the Stealerships, and letting them play "Lucky dip" with your bike...

At least when you yourself f*** things up, you only have one person to blame, and chastise....yourself! And i bet you wont make the same mistake twice...

Sorry you had to find out the hard way!

on the holiday monday i jumped on my little GPX250 and went for a ride to see some friends in adelaide,
on the way home passing through Mt barker I picked up a police car
he followed me from the mt barker freeway itersection up to the oval by the high school where he pulled me over :eek:
knowing he was there i made sure I didnt act stupid to give him reason to pull me over. (lol)

so on with the light's and a wail the sirens and he CONTStable pulls me over
he asked did I know why I was pulled over.
Any way to cut this story short he defected me for a faulty indicator switch
and then saying that I had a attitude ,
threating me he would do me for not indicating as well.
this was the red flag for me so on Teusday morning I rang my borther who works for work safe SA
and reported the CONTStable for breaches of the OH&S laws,

thursday I got the call from my brother to inform me 2 officers were issued $350 fines for breaches of the OH&S
and a letter of formal warning was issued to sapol for failure of their duty of care to their employees.

Moral of this long winded story is Revenge is SWEET:BLAA:

No High Viz clothing? Good on you for keeping SAPOL members safe from themselves.:thumbup:
How did they breach the OH&S laws ?

Did they retract the defect ?

They broke the laws in the fact as in the corse of their duty they are required to enter and exit "rights of way and thoroughfares"
this requires them to wear Highviz jackets or coats apon exiting their vehicles.
as he was conducting his work on or adjacent to a right of way or thoroughfares he was failing his duty of care to himself and his employer.

Sadly no they didnt retract the defect as i had no whitness to prove he had breached the law while he was defecting me.

this is all because a few police officers have been killed or badly hurt while working around roadways.
Went back to the mechanic this morning & to his credit he couldnt be more apologetic , fixed the head bolt instantly & replaced the 'o' ring on the oil filter which he pinched causing the leak :thumbup: Bike feels great now & he has knocked $150 off the price of my next service..... If I choose to return ;)
Went back to the mechanic this morning & to his credit he couldnt be more apologetic , fixed the head bolt instantly & replaced the 'o' ring on the oil filter which he pinched causing the leak :thumbup: Bike feels great now & he has knocked $150 off the price of my next service..... If I choose to return ;)

I would be spending the $150 on tools, and doing it myself!

Yeah im thinking that to , only downside to that is the next service is the dreaded 40000k.... Hopefully my mate will have his workshop setup in his new garage by then :thumbup:

40000km's means valve clearances...I wouldn't bother! Never heard of anyone's valves needing adjustment at 40000km's!!!
[start rant]... As a few of you know, I went to afternoon shift late last year. I was dumped back onto dayshift 5 weeks ago, and all the payroll stuff seemed to go across correctly.

Now, I don't pay a lot of attention to my pay slips, I think it's time I did. Happened to look at it the other day, and for the past 5 weeks, they've been paying me the 18% loading for afternoon shift.

Did the right thing and told my boss... someone screwed up the pay system when transferring me back to days, and now I have to pay back the loading (about $1100).
Stupid computer systems!!! One keystroke wrong and it all goes to hell.

Guess I better get set for a few boring weeks at home.

Anyone know of any part-time work for an unskilled fella on the week-ends???

[/end rant]
My boss screwed my tax payments up last year, and decided to just not pay tax if I earnt under 300 a week (part time as a student, and its one of two jobs) which meant at the end of the year instead of me getting my small, but very welcome rebate of most of my tax paid, I got a big fat nothing thanks to that useless *er.
Its not a huge gross difference since I just got paid the money instead of getting a rebate, but the rebate is something to look forward too.
Getting close to that time of year again!!
Woot 3 months to go.
I hate being sick :spank:

Oh yeah, it may have been said before, im sick to death of those frigging Ashley & Martin ads always appearing through MotoGp & F1 telecasts :spank:

OneHD, only sell ad space to companies who make the products motorsport fans want.

Bikes, cars, tyres, mods/accessories, alcohol, durries (if you are a smoker), fast food..... oh yeah and 'mens health magazines' :BLAA:
So annoyed the lady who backed over my bike and did pretty substantial damage (over a grand) has got her husband to deal with the situation, and after almost 3 weeks and getting quotes, even from his prefered repairer he has now said that he *might* want to do it through insurance, and I'm stuck waiting for them to make their mind up.
Plus when he said he might go through insurance, he said HIS insurer would investigate and get into contact with me, and I'm just left thinking WTF, your wifes at fault, I have witnesses, what are you trying to pull, and wondering whether I should just give the details to my insurance company and say screw them.

Really annoyed! I think the handlebars are bent (they look bent) and it doesn't handle quite right, although the repairers I went to said its safe enough to ride.
So annoyed the lady who backed over my bike and did pretty substantial damage (over a grand) has got her husband to deal with the situation, and after almost 3 weeks and getting quotes, even from his prefered repairer he has now said that he *might* want to do it through insurance, and I'm stuck waiting for them to make their mind up.
Plus when he said he might go through insurance, he said HIS insurer would investigate and get into contact with me, and I'm just left thinking WTF, your wifes at fault, I have witnesses, what are you trying to pull, and wondering whether I should just give the details to my insurance company and say screw them.

Really annoyed! I think the handlebars are bent (they look bent) and it doesn't handle quite right, although the repairers I went to said its safe enough to ride.

Give them a deadline mate. Just let them know in a friendly manner you need this sorted and tell them you'll have sort it with your insurance company. Getting the shaft when you're trying to be a nice guy is a bit rough really.
So annoyed the lady who backed over my bike and did pretty substantial damage (over a grand) has got her husband to deal with the situation, and after almost 3 weeks and getting quotes, even from his prefered repairer he has now said that he *might* want to do it through insurance, and I'm stuck waiting for them to make their mind up.
Plus when he said he might go through insurance, he said HIS insurer would investigate and get into contact with me, and I'm just left thinking WTF, your wifes at fault, I have witnesses, what are you trying to pull, and wondering whether I should just give the details to my insurance company and say screw them.

Really annoyed! I think the handlebars are bent (they look bent) and it doesn't handle quite right, although the repairers I went to said its safe enough to ride.
Claim it on your insurance (you'll pay the excess). Your insurance will claim it from their and you will get your excess back! Don't give them another chance.

P I T A isn't it :(
So annoyed the lady who backed over my bike and did pretty substantial damage (over a grand) has got her husband to deal with the situation, and after almost 3 weeks and getting quotes, even from his prefered repairer he has now said that he *might* want to do it through insurance, and I'm stuck waiting for them to make their mind up.
Plus when he said he might go through insurance, he said HIS insurer would investigate and get into contact with me, and I'm just left thinking WTF, your wifes at fault, I have witnesses, what are you trying to pull, and wondering whether I should just give the details to my insurance company and say screw them.

Really annoyed! I think the handlebars are bent (they look bent) and it doesn't handle quite right, although the repairers I went to said its safe enough to ride.

You should always tell you insurance (in Ireland anyway) even if you were not a fault. My brother in law was crashed into (no major damage) and he didn't report it. Then about 6 months later he totalled his car in the snow and went to claim insurance, they found out about his earlier crash and now wont pay out.

Also if there messing you around just tell your insurance and let them contact the people. They will chase them you for you. I have no time for people that damage my bike and then stall and stall just trying to save themselves a few quid.
Screw them. You gave them the chance, now go get it sorted for you. I bet if you hit them they wouldn't be so nice if you were stalling look at prices and such.
Thanks for the advice guys!
I'll give them a deadline and if they haven't answered by then I'll put the claim through and let the insurance company figure it out.
I don't know why this annoys me so much, but it does. I don't claim to be an expert at the English language, or grammar, but there are a few simple mistakes so many people make all the time. But......the one that annoys me to the point of bursting, is when people say "brought" instead of "bought" and vice versa. Bought is when you buy something, brought is when you bring something. When people say "I've just brought this off of eBay" I never say anything but inside I am making angry faces. Like I said, I don't know why this annoys me and I know it is petty, but it does. Rant over.
I don't know why this annoys me so much, but it does. I don't claim to be an expert at the English language, or grammar, but there are a few simple mistakes so many people make all the time. But......the one that annoys me to the point of bursting, is when people say "brought" instead of "bought" and vice versa. Bought is when you buy something, brought is when you bring something. When people say "I've just brought this off of eBay" I never say anything but inside I am making angry faces. Like I said, I don't know why this annoys me and I know it is petty, but it does. Rant over.

LMFAO. I know what you mean. Here in Australia we are pretty casual about carving up the lingo (you may have noticed), but even so there are a few things like that, which still give a dude the teeth grinds:D.

My answer is to imagine them staked out on an ants nest with honey on their 'bits' while you scream at them, "NOW SAY BOUGHT!" while they are talking to you. You may miss a bit of the conversation, and they may ask you why you are suddenly smiling, but in the end it's probably better than hacking off their head with a chainsaw in your imagination, because the grimace and the jump back to avoid the blood spatter as the imaginary head falls may be a little disconcerting to them:eek::BLAA::D

Edit....Don't let me put you off using an imaginary chainsaw if that's the way you want to roll. Remember, when all is said and done imaginary fuel for your imaginary chainsaw is ridiculously cheap. :BLAA:
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