Skipping! A very dangerous pursuit!

Well, i have mentioned it elsewhere on this forum, but i thought this was silly enough to share with the whole forum.

Wednesday night/ Thursday Morning, i had just finished my gig as a DJ at about 3.30am, when i decided that i should go say hi to my work buddies girlfriend, who was waiting outside the venue i was working at, in the carpark, in his car, ready to take him to the airport for a red eye flight at 5,30am!

I also thought that she may enjoy a lollie or two, so i picked up the "little red riding hood" basket we have on stage, to give out lollies to the club patrons throughout the night, and proceeded to make my way to the carpark, with the basket under my arm...

As soon as i got to the carpark, and she could see me, i thought, hmmm, i am holding the little red riding hood basket, perhaps i should "skip: over to her car, like little red riding hood would!....i like a bit of a laugh...and i reckon the site of a 40+ year old bloke, dressed in a ffluffy fluoro colored vest, swinging a lollie basket, would be pretty amusing!

So anyway, i take one skip off the right leg, then try to take a second skip off the left leg...the moment i lift my left leg....."SNAP" goes my left calf muscle!!!! And i mean snap...i heard it!!!

Acute agony follows....immediately!

So after stumbling about for a bit, and handing over my lollie stash to it's intended recipient...i decide that i have really hurt myself, and go to the Hospital!!!

Tell them my story, they laugh at me a lot...check me out, and send me on my way 5 hours later....

Today i went to get an ultrasound on said calf muscle...and find out the reason i cannot walk at the moment is because i now have a 20cm (8 inch) tear in my left calf....

needs an operation apparently, but because i have a rather nasty heamotoma in the same calf, from the will go near it, to operate!

so i am "doomed" to about 12 weeks of "Difficulty", getting about!!!

Moral of the story.....40+ year old men, should not "Skip"!!!!

Wolf, listen to me: Have them check your thyroid! (Not meaning to sound like a parent here but practically the same exact thing happened to me...I was slowly dying and didn't know it!)
One evening I walked to the mailbox and got the newspaper. My old driveway was a 90 degree curve ascending an ever-so-slight grade. As I got to the top I heard a loud SNAP! (It sounded just like a big stick or twig breaking, maybe a bullwhip cracking) I froze, thinking someone was right behind me. I stopped, looked all around, looked under my own feet...nothing! The next step I attempted - could have brought me to tears! The next morning I went to my doc and he said I had completely torn my left calf muscle in two! Well, my wife was a nurse and asked him to check my thyroid, as (she said) I had been grouchy, (more than "my usual"), my eyes were acting up, my skin was looking like an old man's, I was losing hair, and my memory had not been up to snuff. Well he did the basic blood test and it showed okay. She kept after him and despite the fact that he said he could not justify it to my insurance he finally gave me the radioactive test. It was BAD! I immediately went to an endocrinologist and while I forget the exact range, it was something like: On a 12 -35 scale of "good" I was like at 335!!! (I was way off the chart!) Hypothyroidism, (Hashimoto's Disease) Maybe I'm over reacting here but your symptoms really hit home with me. It IS hereditary! Take care and good luck man!!!
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I've been off my game since getting back from that big riding trip. Half of me is still out there. Of what's left there is only emotional and physical wounds. I've actually not been posting that much just because when I'm home I'm usually high on painkillers haha. Still getting back to equilibrium.

Consider that a teaser for my ride report which will be posted tonight or tomorrow.

I've been off my game since getting back from that big riding trip. Half of me is still out there. Of what's left there is only emotional and physical wounds. I've actually not been posting that much just because when I'm home I'm usually high on painkillers haha. Still getting back to equilibrium.

Consider that a teaser for my ride report which will be posted tonight or tomorrow.


Cant wait for that ride report....should be a ripper! No pressure Lone...none at all! :D
They have surveillance cameras in the car park where you work?

Im sure I could pass the hat around & collect enough cash to ensure the footage of "little red riding hood" ends up on the internet :D
Little red riding hood looks a bit like my missus! :D

Now, i bet i could have some "fun" with that game!!! :D

Might raise my blood pressure a bit though! :D

<snip> Thanks for all the well wishes folks....and dont worry, i am already thinking of getting back on the bike! And i reckon it will be less than 4 weeks...probably about a soon as the swelling goes down enough to fit my size 10 Sidi boot back on my leg!

Wolf I really cannot see how that would help reduce the swelling .... ;)
Update...after bailing on my ride with the boys today....i decided that i reckon i could ride my bike to the, out came the boots...and thanks to the adjustable nature of my Sidi boots....I COULD GET THE THINGS ON!!!


Out to the bike, sit on it the black good, rearsets are too far set back on that bike, stretches the calf...over to the other FZ6 with OEM pegs, etc....comfy as...

Get all my gear on, get on bike, reverse out of shed...little bit painful, turn bike around, ride to the shops....well nearly...immediately it feels fine, and gear changing is not the issue i thought it was going to instyead of riding to the shops, i head for some local twisties for a quick stress!

In fact, it is way more comfortable than's just like sitting here righting this in fact!

I am one happy fact, i am going to go for another ride this arvo....

Just don't over do it, nothing like doing what feels good. Have fun!!:thumbup:

Cheers, well i just got back from about 240km's through the Twisties....Met up with forum members Jay Jay & Spook, for about half of it, for a bit of gentle flip flopping through the Twisties, before bugering off by myself, and upping the tempo a bit...for the last 100km's or so...

I felt no discomfort at all, apart from a few twinge's of pain when getting on and off the bike...but whilst riding, at one point, i forgot that my calf was completely buggered!

I am so happy...worst part of the ride, was getting off the bike, and walking inside a shop to get an Iced Coffee...should of ridden the bike up to the counter, would of been easier...

Now that i am home....swelling has not worsened, there is no "throbbing", or "heat", normally associated with "aggravating" an injury through over exertion during recovery! The Calf is still extremely hard to walk with, but definitely not worse.

Cheers, well i just got back from about 240km's through the Twisties....Met up with forum members Jay Jay & Spook, for about half of it, for a bit of gentle flip flopping through the Twisties, before bugering off by myself, and upping the tempo a bit...for the last 100km's or so...

I felt no discomfort at all, apart from a few twinge's of pain when getting on and off the bike...but whilst riding, at one point, i forgot that my calf was completely buggered!

I am so happy...worst part of the ride, was getting off the bike, and walking inside a shop to get an Iced Coffee...should of ridden the bike up to the counter, would of been easier...

Now that i am home....swelling has not worsened, there is no "throbbing", or "heat", normally associated with "aggravating" an injury through over exertion during recovery! The Calf is still extremely hard to walk with, but definitely not worse.

That's good news Jamie :thumbup:

Mike is exactly the same - always buggars his back up but still rides. Claims no back pain while riding :confused: But painful when walking...
Great stuff Jamie :) Good to hear you are back on the bike (See just like Rossi, but sooner!!) :)

Yeah.....Slight difference, i did'nt have a bone sticking out of my leg!

Sitting is fine, it's just walking...hilariously slow, got the old man "shuffle" going on! My 11 year old, and Jess are giving me heaps...especially since i have taken to using a old fashioned, wooden walking stick! (It's a ripper, you should see's even got real wood knots in it!)...
