Lakers trash fans


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2008
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Sacramento, CA
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I think the Lakers players and even coaches, all, ought to come out and remark on what a bunch of idiots these degenerate and rioting Laker fans really are. Someone's gotta put them in their place. Evidently, they (rioting fans) don't realize how dumb they are. The Lakers themselves need to riducule these idiots. I don't get it. :spank:
I have always hated the Lakers. Of course being a Blazer fan could have something to do with it. I've always been a Celtic fan since I was a little kid. However I am getting pretty tired of the spoiled sports stars. I was bummed need less to say after the game last night. :(
+1 on that tailgate. I can understand having a spirited celebration but what the heck is the point of destroying property? What does that accomplish? But we all know that would never have happened in Boston.....again :D

Let's not generalize this to all Lakers fans... there are like 15+ million ppl in the LA area, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that a minority of drunk idiots got too excited...
I think the Lakers players and even coaches, all, ought to come out and remark on what a bunch of idiots these degenerate and rioting Laker fans really are. Someone's gotta put them in their place. Evidently, they (rioting fans) don't realize how dumb they are. The Lakers themselves need to riducule these idiots. I don't get it. :spank:

It goes without saying that the idiots are not fans. They are just hoolums looking for an excuse to destroy someone elses property.

However, you are incredbly wrong to put this on the Laker players and the Laker organization. In fact they played a PSA several times regarding unruly "fans" and their behavior.

Of course, if and I mean if, anyone or any team from Sacramento ever wins anything, we can see how the fans in a "cow town" will react. It may not happen in our lifetime but there is always hope.

Go Lakers
"Congrats Lakers Fans!" Never understood why sports fans act out in such violence after a big win? Not just limited to the USA, seems to happen globally. You would think it would be the opposite, Boston Celtic fans trashing things because we lost?!?!?! I wonder if there has been any studies on this phenom?
It goes without saying that the idiots are not fans. They are just hoolums looking for an excuse to destroy someone elses property.

However, you are incredbly wrong to put this on the Laker players and the Laker organization. In fact they played a PSA several times regarding unruly "fans" and their behavior.

Of course, if and I mean if, anyone or any team from Sacramento ever wins anything, we can see how the fans in a "cow town" will react. It may not happen in our lifetime but there is always hope.

Go Lakers

Well, sorry to sound offensive, but just about every media outlet today is referring to the rioters as "Laker fans." Good that Lakers organization is playing PSA's (I guess it's just not effective enough). You got me about the Kings---what can I say? BTW, not very many cows in Sacramento nowadays (unless you're referring to some of the HD mamas). At any rate, congratulations on another stinkin' Lakers win.

Ugh...David, just when I thought you were COOL! :spank:

This, my friends, is why I'm not a pro sports fan. Sure, I'm a Cincinnati Reds and Bengals fan (ouch), but my true passion always has been and always will be college basketball, specifically, University of Kentucky basketball (Go Cats!) There is no more lunatic fanbase in America, or anywhere in the world for that matter, than UK fans. It's a religion here. Oh yeah...and you don't see us rioting after a big win or

That being said...I was pulling for the Celts...DAMN! BTW, they can stop with all the comparisons to Jordan. Kobe is no Jordan...and he never will be. MJ is the man, plain and simple. Did you ever see Jordan make a snide remark like Kobe did after winning last night? Nope. "I've got more rings than Shaq and you can take that to the bank". Son, you wouldn't have half those rings if it weren't for Shaq, so you'd best show some respect. It's called class, Kobe. But then, class never has been Kobe's strong suit...anyone remember Colorado? Oops...have I said too much?

Anyway...stick to college sports. Sure, they're gonna be pros eventually, but you get to say you were there when it all started.
Of course, if and I mean if, anyone or any team from Sacramento ever wins anything, we can see how the fans in a "cow town" will react. It may not happen in our lifetime but there is always hope.

Go Lakers

I promise you that Sacramento will not tear up their own city. And besides, the Kobe Lakers had to have a cheating ref in order to win. Just ask the ref that actually went to prison for it. I REALLY can't stand the Lakers and I dislike that jerk Kobe even more. He's just a low life citizen if you ask me. I have absolutely NO respect for him. When he gets in trouble, he just buys his way out of it.
Well, today was the official lakers (not capitalized on purpose) parade. It looks like it was a well-behaved and respectable celebration. I even heard one little boy say "Kobe," etc., and it was real cute, family sound bite stuff. Still, as far as I'm concerned, the Lakers still suck. I am sick of LA always going to the big dance and getting the girl. Anybody else have similar feelings?
Well, today was the official lakers (not capitalized on purpose) parade. It looks like it was a well-behaved and respectable celebration. I even heard one little boy say "Kobe," etc., and it was real cute, family sound bite stuff. Still, as far as I'm concerned, the Lakers still suck. I am sick of LA always going to the big dance and getting the girl. Anybody else have similar feelings?

Clippers.........I recommend you support the LA Clippers. They are just like the Sacramento Kings except they make the playoff every once and a while.

All kidding aside, you have to admire the Lakers for their continued success. The ownership for the past 30 years have worked hard to put a quality team with quality players on the floor. As much as I like the Lakers, I am not a big Kobe fan. He makes the most incredible shots but why? Michael Jordan never, ever, even attempted the foolish shots that Kobe puts up. I also think that Kobe has lost a step and will need to acknowledge that as he gets older.
