I hate old people!!!


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May 21, 2008
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Carlisle, Pennsylvania
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:rant::rant::rant:I was at walmart today looking for a parking space. I was following some old lady when she stopped to wait on someone to back out of there spot I stopped about 4 feet from her back bumper. Next thing I know she's backing toward me and I'm going oh **** oh **** oh **** backing up as fast as I can and laying on the horn. Apparently 139db of stebel air horn for probably a full 5 seconds isn't enough to get this old woman's attention and she backs up over my front fender and hits the fairing.:spank: Finally she stops when the ass end of her car lifts up she pulls up and her and her old man get out and she says "oh did you want me to stop?" I say "what the **** did you think I wanted you to do ?" I checked for damage there wasn't any. They got back in the car and I rode around them into the next row. I was taking my gear off and she pulls up next to me and gets out and asked if there was any damage I told her no and then we argued about what happened. She said she thought the person backing out of the spot was going to hit her so she backed up. I said I was watching that person back out the backed the opposite direction she says "oh well you where in my blind spot" I said "bull**** I was sitting to the left center of the car you could easily seen me thru the rear view mirror" she says "well I was using my side mirrors." Then I flipped out and said see that big mirror right there in the center USE IT!!! and then I walked away. I'm so glad she didn't panic and hit the gas instead of the brake or I could have been have been cussing her out from a hospital bed or worse. If she would have knocked me over it may have turned into the first time I ever punched an old lady. I was so pissed I was shaking.

I feel better not rant over.
Thats 2 today Mr Spook here in south oz got knocked off his bike in a car park my a oldie. We are all going to get old and its scarey to think we might be in the same boat later in life.
The worst driven cars here in rural Suffolk: anything small, budget, Far Eastern and hideous, likely to be owned by a very old, very myopic person. Honda Twiglet, Daihatsu Biscuits, Kia WTF, Hyundai Pantz, Toyota Prostate, that sort of thing. Easily identified by the unmistakeable noise of a 1 litre engine pulling away in third, these drones patrol at a steady 40mph regardless of the speed limit, frequently travelling on the other side of the road for prolonged periods in order to 'smooth out the corners'. Can often be spotted at the seaside reversing repeatedly into other vehicles to the genteel accompaniment of tinkling glass while attempting to park. Indicators are deployed as a decoy in the manner of some deep sea fish, to lure other road users into a false sense of security before casually mowing them down and proceeding on their way at a stately pace.

"What's that chap waving his arms for?"
"I expect he's lost his spectacles dear, like you do."
"Shall we try Aldeburgh for lunch today then?"
"Ooh, lovely."

Crash, bang, tinkle...
Glad you're ok mate.

There really needs to be road-tests for people over 75. It's ludicrous to let people drive who shouldn't be on the road.
I watched yesterday as a Ford Expedition rolled right through a red light in a major intersection in town. Unbelievable. He had his window down and I calmly asked, "Don't believe in red lights?" "What do you mean?" he replied. I just shook my head and continued on my way.
I've had an 18yo chick pull the same type of maneuver on me, except I was going 50mph at the time and went flying...

Inattention and stupidity has no age...glad u and the bike are OK!
sucks.. good thing you and the bike are ok.. i dont think i would have kept my composure as good as you in that situation...
Glad you're ok mate.

There really needs to be road-tests for people over 75. It's ludicrous to let people drive who shouldn't be on the road.
I watched yesterday as a Ford Expedition rolled right through a red light in a major intersection in town. Unbelievable. He had his window down and I calmly asked, "Don't believe in red lights?" "What do you mean?" he replied. I just shook my head and continued on my way.
I think you should have to retake your drivers test every year as soon as your eligible for a senior citizen discount. Some of these people can barley walk why should they be able to drive anything bigger than a hover round. But what do I know I'm 20.
I've had an 18yo chick pull the same type of maneuver on me, except I was going 50mph at the time and went flying...

Inattention and stupidity has no age...glad u and the bike are OK!
that had to suck but in a parking lot you would think and 18 yr old would at least look to see where the air horn is coming from.
sucks.. good thing you and the bike are ok.. i dont think i would have kept my composure as good as you in that situation...

I didn't keep my composure much at all I only let it fall short of punching an old lady and completely destroying her car. I had a couple of witnesses and I'm sure the surveillance footage was entertaining. If she would have broke the fairing I would have taken out her back window and if she hit me hard enough that I ended up on the ground under the bike I may have got myself arrested.
:rant::rant::rant:I was at walmart today looking for a parking space. I was following some old lady when she stopped to wait on someone to back out of there spot I stopped about 4 feet from her back bumper. Next thing I know she's backing toward me and I'm going oh **** oh **** oh **** backing up as fast as I can and laying on the horn. Apparently 139db of stebel air horn for probably a full 5 seconds isn't enough to get this old woman's attention and she backs up over my front fender and hits the fairing.:spank: Finally she stops when the ass end of her car lifts up she pulls up and her and her old man get out and she says "oh did you want me to stop?" I say "what the **** did you think I wanted you to do ?" I checked for damage there wasn't any. They got back in the car and I rode around them into the next row. I was taking my gear off and she pulls up next to me and gets out and asked if there was any damage I told her no and then we argued about what happened. She said she thought the person backing out of the spot was going to hit her so she backed up. I said I was watching that person back out the backed the opposite direction she says "oh well you where in my blind spot" I said "bull**** I was sitting to the left center of the car you could easily seen me thru the rear view mirror" she says "well I was using my side mirrors." Then I flipped out and said see that big mirror right there in the center USE IT!!! and then I walked away. I'm so glad she didn't panic and hit the gas instead of the brake or I could have been have been cussing her out from a hospital bed or worse. If she would have knocked me over it may have turned into the first time I ever punched an old lady. I was so pissed I was shaking.

I feel better not rant over.

Don't start on the age thing :spank:

I personally see bad drivers young, middle aged, old, male, female - doesn't matter.

Just glad you were ok.

But please, don't threaten to hit a woman (or a man for that instance) - not cool. Even push and shove can end with someone falling and hitting their head on the kerb. :eek:

There are always going to be tools driving around - our ability to anticipate what dumb things they are going to do makes us good riders.

Keep safe and there is nothing better than a good RANT! :D
that had to suck but in a parking lot you would think and 18 yr old would at least look to see where the air horn is coming from.

She was coming out of a parking lot into a MAIN 3 lane street and thought she did not need to look... she did see me while crossing my lane though, and decided to stop right then and there, perpendicular to traffic, in the middle of my lane (she could have gone another 10 feet and made it to the center turning lane... but nooooooooooo).

Anyway, I understand you got pissed, but I agree with Kazza... hitting a grandma will NEVER resolve anything. Now that 18yo chick though..........

wow. that made me upset and i wasnt even there in the first place. and it IS an age thing because more old people (read over age of 65) are incompetent drivers than 18 yo's. they just are.

ive never understood why people dont have to be re-examined for driving ability when they hit 65 and then every 5 years after that.
Kazza I honestly don't think I could bring my self to EVER hit a woman regardless of age. I'm the kind of person that would just mid argument walk away long before it gets physical.
She was coming out of a parking lot into a MAIN 3 lane street and thought she did not need to look... she did see me while crossing my lane though, and decided to stop right then and there, perpendicular to traffic, in the middle of my lane (she could have gone another 10 feet and made it to the center turning lane... but nooooooooooo).

Anyway, I understand you got pissed, but I agree with Kazza... hitting a grandma will NEVER resolve anything. Now that 18yo chick though..........


sounds like she panicked. Hitting anyone doesn't solve anything but you feel better afterward but hitting grandma or grandpa just makes you feel like a bad person.
wow. that made me upset and i wasnt even there in the first place. and it IS an age thing because more old people (read over age of 65) are incompetent drivers than 18 yo's. they just are.

ive never understood why people dont have to be re-examined for driving ability when they hit 65 and then every 5 years after that.

could it have something to do with being physical slower, mentally slower, slower reaction times, bad eyes, bad ears whatever the problem may be and not all old people are but over half. Oh crap I think I'm starting a new argument.
Well yeah, old ppl are at a disadvantage (like 18yo asian chick in daddy's car lol), but Kazza's point is that next time you'll leave 10ft instead of 4 and will feel much better about the whole thing afterwards :D
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Kazza I honestly don't think I could bring my self to EVER hit a woman regardless of age. I'm the kind of person that would just mid argument walk away long before it gets physical.
I'm sure you wouldn't.

Venting on a forum like this is a great way to clear the stress from your day.

And you'll always get a good response from us :)
I hit and abuse bad drivers every day, just in my head ....... :BLAA:

Makes me feel better, knowing I've called them an arsehole or knocked them out with a right hook ;)

Especially P platers - now they are my pet hate. Don't get me started....

I was punched in the head by a cyclist years ago. He cut in front of me, I flipped him the bird :Flip: , he punched my drivers window in and punched me in the head at the next set of lights. It was 45'C outside and the cops said there was a lot of road rage that day.

That's why I do it in my head these days - no one gets hurt and I feel like I've won :Flash:
:rant::rant::rant:I was at walmart today looking for a parking space. I was following some old lady when she stopped to wait on someone to back out of there spot I stopped about 4 feet from her back bumper. Next thing I know she's backing toward me and I'm going oh **** oh **** oh **** backing up as fast as I can and laying on the horn. Apparently 139db of stebel air horn for probably a full 5 seconds isn't enough to get this old woman's attention and she backs up over my front fender and hits the fairing.:spank: Finally she stops when the ass end of her car lifts up she pulls up and her and her old man get out and she says "oh did you want me to stop?" I say "what the **** did you think I wanted you to do ?" I checked for damage there wasn't any. They got back in the car and I rode around them into the next row. I was taking my gear off and she pulls up next to me and gets out and asked if there was any damage I told her no and then we argued about what happened. She said she thought the person backing out of the spot was going to hit her so she backed up. I said I was watching that person back out the backed the opposite direction she says "oh well you where in my blind spot" I said "bull**** I was sitting to the left center of the car you could easily seen me thru the rear view mirror" she says "well I was using my side mirrors." Then I flipped out and said see that big mirror right there in the center USE IT!!! and then I walked away. I'm so glad she didn't panic and hit the gas instead of the brake or I could have been have been cussing her out from a hospital bed or worse. If she would have knocked me over it may have turned into the first time I ever punched an old lady. I was so pissed I was shaking.

I feel better not rant over.

Oh man, that sucked, I really feel the adrenaline and anger by just reading this. It could have been worse for her and for you is she would hit the gas in stead of the brakes.

Old people and gravel on a roundabout are the most dangerous factors when riding a bike.
My blood starts to boil when i'm behind an old guy, and he's doing 60km/h when 70km/h is allowed. and there's a full white line on the road (which means that you can't cross it. )

I once was driving in town (50km/h) and and old dude drove from a parking lot on to the road. I slowed down a little bit just in case I was dealing with a dementing old guy who lost all sense with driving a car. At first I tought he saw me, because he was slowing down coming almost to a complete stop. So I drove on, but then on the last 7 meters, he accelerates and drove on in fromt of me.
I had to do an emergency stop. the rear wheel blocked, but I was going slow so everything ok (thank god, 'cause I just bought my bike one month ago.)

i was so f****** pissed at that time, I wanted to sound the horn, flash the lights, give him the finger and accelerating hard out of frustration. But then I realised I am one hand short of doing so. So I just give him the "are-you-f******-insane-gesture"

He did not react, so I doubt if he ever saw me thru his 2cm thick glasses.

sorry for the language, but everytime when I think about it, it makes my blood boil.

ps: I am not an angry guy
Glad you came out of it ok, but I'm surprised no one brought this up yet: you should never be just 4 feet behind another car. Loads of people out there will run into you without ever seeing you.. old, young.. whatever.
Always assume people around you will do the dumbest possible thing. Sorry to turn this into a safety lecture, but this incident should have never occurred in the first place.