Swingarm frame plugs for the FZ6

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Feb 14, 2010
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Found a really cool set of swingarm frame plugs from J-SPEED on EBAY. It's the first place I've seen that addresses both left and right side. They look really sharp too!
lol, i plan on just cutting out two circles out of steel, primer and painting them black, then using silicone to put them on. My $2 fix :thumbup:
I ordered a set of swingarm plugs from JSpeed a few days ago and just got them in yesterday. I was a bit skeptical at first like the rest of you, but these plugs are def worth the money.

Do the math; it costs like $45 for the Yamaha plug for the right side, then spend another $35 (?, can't remember) for the Daybreaker plug. Almost $90 later you have an FZ6 with mismatched swingarm plugs. Also, I didn't feel so good with using a plastic anchor to secure almost $90 worth of parts to my bike.

My FZ6 has a silver frame so the aluminum matches pretty well. Even without the color matching these plugs are a good deal and really are the only set of matched swingarm plugs I could find.
lol, i plan on just cutting out two circles out of steel, primer and painting them black, then using silicone to put them on. My $2 fix :thumbup:

Haha, there's some Yankee engineuity! When they fall off it'll be like little throwing stars flying from your FZ! Wire it up to some pneumatics or something like that and make them fly on cue!
Found a really cool set of swingarm frame plugs from J-SPEED on EBAY. It's the first place I've seen that addresses both left and right side. They look really sharp too!

I ordered a set of swingarm plugs from JSpeed a few days ago and just got them in yesterday. I was a bit skeptical at first like the rest of you, but these plugs are def worth the money.

Do the math; it costs like $45 for the Yamaha plug for the right side, then spend another $35 (?, can't remember) for the Daybreaker plug. Almost $90 later you have an FZ6 with mismatched swingarm plugs. Also, I didn't feel so good with using a plastic anchor to secure almost $90 worth of parts to my bike.

My FZ6 has a silver frame so the aluminum matches pretty well. Even without the color matching these plugs are a good deal and really are the only set of matched swingarm plugs I could find.

Is it me or do both of these sound like an advertisement? Maybe I just need my coffee...
Haha, there's some Yankee engineuity! When they fall off it'll be like little throwing stars flying from your FZ! Wire it up to some pneumatics or something like that and make them fly on cue!
throwing starts have points dummy!! these will be flyin discs!! :thumbup:
Here's another idea: Write your phone number on them and fling them to hot girls you see on the sidewalk. However, the trick would be to get the pressures right...a cute girl with a chunk taken outta her leg probably won't call ya! :)
I ordered a set of swingarm plugs from JSpeed a few days ago and just got them in yesterday. I was a bit skeptical at first like the rest of you, but these plugs are def worth the money.

Do the math; it costs like $45 for the Yamaha plug for the right side, then spend another $35 (?, can't remember) for the Daybreaker plug. Almost $90 later you have an FZ6 with mismatched swingarm plugs. Also, I didn't feel so good with using a plastic anchor to secure almost $90 worth of parts to my bike.

My FZ6 has a silver frame so the aluminum matches pretty well. Even without the color matching these plugs are a good deal and really are the only set of matched swingarm plugs I could find.

i think we need a write up and pics of these. we must see the quality.
Yes they are pretty and I like the look, but do they have a function that I am missing? Is it a problem not having the plugs?
Yes they are pretty and I like the look, but do they have a function that I am missing? Is it a problem not having the plugs?

They have several functions:

1. By benefiting from the reduced air resistance the bike generates, you acceleration and top speed will better by 22 - 25%.
2. If they are not used, your swing arm will have to be replaced every 2 years, due to increased corrosion.
3. Due to the improved airflow around the bike, your mileage pr. gallon win better by 110 - 150%.
4. Studies show, that FZ riders, that have these mounted, have a 50% less chance of being hit over the neck with a frozen chicken, while driving.

There you go, - that's how they work!

:)justkidding:, - they are for cosmetics only)
They have several functions:

1. By benefiting from the reduced air resistance the bike generates, you acceleration and top speed will better by 22 - 25%.
2. If they are not used, your swing arm will have to be replaced every 2 years, due to increased corrosion.
3. Due to the improved airflow around the bike, your mileage pr. gallon win better by 110 - 150%.
4. Studies show, that FZ riders, that have these mounted, have a 50% less chance of being hit over the neck with a frozen chicken, while driving.

There you go, - that's how they work!

:)justkidding:, - they are for cosmetics only)

Wow, I have all of those effects! You never realize how badly you need these frame plugs until you get hit over the neck with a frozen chicken while driving, very scary! :)

I'll snap some pics and put them up, is there a certain way you guys would like this to be done?
OMG ... $95.00 Did it come with lube or was that extra? :eek: They are sharp looking though.:thumbup:

I used a rubber cap I found at work to plug the right side, looks better than not being there and was free. I still need to come up with something for the other side. Also used smaller caps to plug hole in frame slider and to hide another bolt in the frame. Stuff has been on there all last year and haven't lost'em yet.
'Daybreaker' on this forum was custom making left side frame plugs for a heck of a lot less than $95!! Not sure if he has any left:

Here is what they look like:


More info and pics here: Boneman's FZ6 Site - Frame Cap

I bought the Yamaha OEM plug for the right side from my Yamaha dealer and was $45CDN.


More info and pics here: Boneman's FZ6 Site - Frame Cap
Boneman, I took a look at your website before I purchased the JSpeed plugs. I really like your site and got some good ideas for future mods I want to do to my FZ6.

Yes, Daybreaker's plug is cheaper than $95, but it's also just one side. Combine the cost of the $35 for his plug and $45 for the Yamaha plug, $95 isn't such a bad deal to get matched plugs. I think the extra $$ I spent to get matched plugs was def worth it.

I'll snap some pictures of my J-Speed plugs and do a review when I'm done with work today.
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