Lets Talk NFL Playoffs.....


Resident Rumologist
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Sep 10, 2008
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Ipswich , Australia (+10 GMT)
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Humpy is curious to see how many Americans knew that the 2 opposing Punters in todays Playoff game were Aussies ??? Mat McBriar for the Cowboys & Sav Rocca for the Eagles..... Although his team lost it was exciting to watch Sav Rocca make a very rare Punters tackle... 'GO AUSSIE GO' :D

Ohh and there is also another Aussie (Ben Graham) playing tomorrow for the Cardinals , Ben sadly will be playing on the losing team though :D because the Packers are going to repeat what they did to the Cards last week :rockon:......

GO PACKERS :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:BLAA: :cheer:

Sports aren't pointless. What they get PAID is pointless though. Sad when you can play a game a get millions but a teacher teaching your child cannot make ends meet? The police and firemen who risk their lives get just OK pay? People that make a difference in the world should get paid the big bucks, not some uneducated person who can hit a ball farther, catch a pass, throw the most three-pointers, or drive a car once a week and maybe park in victory lane.

The human race puts its "values" in all the wrong places. Sports figures ONLY get paid that much because the rest of the people out there are more willing to pay for it than pay a higher tax rate to support the police, fire and teachers.

FWIW, I don't pay to see any of those sporting events and if I do, it's typically college level. They play with hearts and a hope to make money but at least at this level, they play without a payout incentive and it makes a better game. College hockey ROCKS!

I might watch a few events on TV and I do cheer for various teams but I'm not buying their garb or paying for tickets... I'd rather order a few platters of food and send it over to the fire department for them to enjoy. It's cheaper and I feel better about it afterward.

On topic? My team uber-blows and can't make the playoffs to save their soul. Ever since Daniel Snyder became the owner, he's micro-managed the staff of the team to the point where no one of quality will work for him knowing they cannot make decisions they know will allow them to be successful. You who follow football at all know the team with the mere mention of that name. Give us back the days of the real Hogs. Where's my drunk running back when you need him? Sure, he drank a lot, he never came to practice, but dammit!!! No one could stop him!

I'd like to see the Saints and the Colts square off on the big event. Who wins, I'm not really caring, just hoping it's a nail-biter to the very last second of play with the winner in question as the last second ticks off the clock. Who played? Who cares? It was just THAT EXCITING OF A GAME!

Hey, one CAN wish, eh? Cheers all and enjoy the show!
sorry man, but most football fans don't get too excited about the punters :D

pointless? you don't get it, at all, the best spectator sport bar-none...
a brilliant combination of strategy and execution when done properly,

and anyone who's laced it up will never forget the game, pure aggression,
nothing better for a young man with adrenalin coursing through his veins

I'm a Bills fan...thank god it's over (the season)..I'd like to see the Saints
win it all, great, entertaining team, glad the Steelers are out this year, sick
of them, hopefully the Pats make a quick exit too
Humpy is curious to see how many Americans knew that the 2 opposing Punters in todays Playoff game were Aussies ??? Mat McBriar for the Cowboys & Sav Rocca for the Eagles..... Although his team lost it was exciting to watch Sav Rocca make a very rare Punters tackle... 'GO AUSSIE GO' :D

Sav Rocca?! I remember that name. Here's Sav Rocca at a Ravens game:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_vYB3walr4]YouTube - Sav Rocca - Welcome to the NFL[/ame]

Welcome to B-more, Murdaland! :D
(For the record that was a really cheap shot at the end.)
Ohh and there is also another Aussie (Ben Graham) playing tomorrow for the Cardinals , Ben sadly will be playing on the losing team though :D because the Packers are going to repeat what they did to the Cards last week :rockon:...... :cheer:

Uh, what's that Humpy????? The Packers are gonna what??? :BLAA:

(Sorry, but I am a big Kurt Warner fan from his days as a St. Louis Ram.)

GO CARDS!!! :cheer:

And kudos to the Aussie kickers!!! :thumbup:
I was pretty bummed to see my beloved Pack drop to the Cards today but what a friggin game that was! In a way I'm glad they lost because had they won I have a feeling they'd be facing the Viqueens in the NFC championship game in the Metrodome and I'm afraid they would have taken another a$$ kickin' at the hands of Brett Favre.
Bummer about the Packers, it was a good second half. Proud Of Spencer Havner (he made the last Packer touchdown) as he is a local guy and his Mom is a good friend of mine.
Go Vikings!
Well, as a lifelong Bengals fan (I know, I know...I'm a glutton for punishment), I'm not sure who to pull for now.

On one hand, I'm kinda liking the Jets (obviously, I like an underdog). But, I've grown into a big Peyton Manning fan (and that's hard for a Kentucky fan to admit...but it's those damned Mastercard commercials and his SNL appearance a couple years ago have turned me to the dark side), so I'm thinking maybe I should pull for the Colts.

Hmm...at least the Pats lost. I think the Saints would make for a wonderful story, as would Minnesota with Favre. Jeez...I don't know.

I'll say this...ANYONE BUT THE STUPID COWBOYS! If I have to watch Jerry Jones reconstructed face smile one more time, I'm gonna throw something at the TV! :Flip: