Hello... from Portugal !


Junior Member
May 23, 2008
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Santarém - Portugal
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Hy everyone.

I've been around for quite some time now and i found this forum very useful and interesting. Tanks to everybody who keeps it that way :)

My name is Tiago, I'm 22 and I'm from Portugal.
My bike was a black fz6n 2004 witch i bought in 2007, totally stock and with 13.000 km. I loved every second on it until last October's 8th when a guy in a car simply didn't see me!... and turned left almost in from of me, just a few meters away. I wasn't going fast but the result was inevitable...

After a month of paperwork and talking to the insurance company of the other guy, i finally solved things up and I'm waiting for the money to be on my bank account in the beginning of next week.

I'm planing on buying an 07 or 08 fz6n s2.
Five weeks without my bike is a LOT of time.
Glad you are ok - that sucks. However, I would think that a crash like that would prob open your eyes and make you a better rider. I wonder, does an experience like that add more fear or will it make you more brave - like a battle scar?? When you get some time on a newer FZ6 let us know how it compares with the older model. Gook luck in the future
I don't know if i made myself totally clear about the accident...
The car was on the same road but the opposite way than me. Like i was going North-South and the car was going South-North... So it was not my fault, and although i was only going only at 60 km\h there were not enough space for me to stop.

Would it make me a better rider ?
I don't know, i can't read peoples minds.

I hope to have some impressions on a newer model soon, because I'm getting crazy here! :p
Would it make me a better rider ?
I don't know, i can't read peoples minds.


Sometimes I don't even know if it would help to read peoples minds or if I would even want to :D

Welcome, my friend :welcome: Always nice to hear from more people from more places!
:welcome: to the forum Tiago, sorry to hear about your accident but pleased to hear you're getting the insurance money. Five weeks is a long time without a bike :(

Looking forward to seeing the photos of your new bike :rockon:
Tanks guys

Got some good news today about the insurance money !!
So... yes, you will be seeing photos of my new bike some time soon. :D
Next weekend i hope. :thumbup:
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Finally i can ride again !
Here's my new babe, hope you like her... i'm just in love. xD

How does it compares to the older model? ... It's just better!

FZ6n S2 2009
Only 5 months and 3.000 kms
Finally i can ride again !
Here's my new babe, hope you like her... i'm just in love. xD

How does it compares to the older model? ... It's just better!

FZ6n S2 2009
Only 5 months and 3.000 kms

Hello Tiago and :welcome:. I somehow missed your original post on this. Great pictures and the bike looks sweet!:rockon:
Hey Tiago!!, sounds like a scarey experience you had. Iwas riding in Portugal in Agosto 2009 and there were some really cool & friendly bikers there! One guy wanted to race me from Lisboa to Albufeira!! I had to say no! I´m going to go back to Portugal when the weather gets better. I´m in A Coruña so only 200 km to ValenÇa. Where are you?:
Hi Tiago!
Welcome to the forum.
I personally don't post much, but read it very often: find it invaluable!
But from another Portuguese guy, had to say hi :welcome:

I had a couple of scary moments myself. I'm ashamed to say I didn't do what should have been done (it that case it would have been best to swirl instead of trying to brake) but luckily nothing happened and I hope not to have the situation again.

I'm glad you're OK and that you have a new bike: happy rides! ;)

Diverte-te com a nova motinha!
Welcome to the forum, sorry about your accident but I'm not suprised to hear, what I was in Portugal I was bloody terrified of the driving haha! Not everyone did it but the ones who did were very risky.