Which one would you buy?

I agree with most that in your shoes I'd stick with either the FZ6 or SV650.

As Cali_Rider said, the FZ6 seems to be your best compromise, but my advice would be to sit on both and ride both if you can and pick the one that fits you the most (both in terms of engine and ergos, and everything else on the bike). It's a very personal thing that no-one in here will be able to confirm for you.

Both are EXCELLENT bikes and you can't really go wrong.

I'd stay away from the liter bike for now...

Good luck with your decision.
Well, I'm still bikeless. I backed out of the deal on the FZ6. It was going to need some extra tlc to get it to the point that I wanted it. Also, I had decided that I wanted to get some Scorps to make it sound a little meaner. When I saw how much they cost, I started having second thoughts. Putting all those things together, I was having buyers remorse and I hadn't even bought it yet. So, I decided to go with the FZ1. In preparing to go down and buy it, the guy calls me and say that someone beat me to it. I guess I deserved that after backing out of a verbal agreement on the FZ6.

So, my search continues. But, for now, it's limited to the FZ1.
I have owned an SV650 and now have an FZ6, which is superior in all areas. I have riden the FZ1 and its a bit cramped for me and I am only 5'9", honestly it reminds me of a streetfighter, no good for highway travel. I wouldnt let the cost of pipes keep you out of an FZ6, you will spend that on insurance owning an FZ1.
If it were me, I would go first for the FZ1, you should be able to snag it for $5K. Then I would go for the FZ6,

I love my FZ6, but think the liter would be more fun.

The Suzuki is a nice bike and would consider that last.

But they are all nice bikes, go with your gut on what will make you happiest.

PS. I posted based on your first post, sorry to read you missed out on the FZ1. But don't fret too much. There are lots of bikes out there, just be patient and more than likely a better deal will come along and then you will be happy this deal fell through. Look at it this way, you are much more knowledgeable now than when you first posted this thread and will be able to make a more informed decision on the next opportunity.

Good Luck.
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Making your mind up is always a pain :confused:
I looked for a long time before I traded my Honda VFR800 for a 2004 Fz6.
A guy in a bike shop said that I wouldn't like the Fz6 because of it's lack of power compared to the VFR.
OK, so the Fz is nowhere near the rocketship the VFR was but it certainly isn't slow, and I can honestly say I haven't grinned so much riding a bike since I had my first 250 twenty-odd years ago.
Even caught myself singing whilst riding the other day.:eek:
And where are you going to ride at 140mph (without getting busted) anyway??

Good luck in your search. :thumbup:
Well, I'm still bikeless. I backed out of the deal on the FZ6. It was going to need some extra tlc to get it to the point that I wanted it. Also, I had decided that I wanted to get some Scorps to make it sound a little meaner. When I saw how much they cost, I started having second thoughts. Putting all those things together, I was having buyers remorse and I hadn't even bought it yet. So, I decided to go with the FZ1. In preparing to go down and buy it, the guy calls me and say that someone beat me to it. I guess I deserved that after backing out of a verbal agreement on the FZ6.

So, my search continues. But, for now, it's limited to the FZ1.

In an earlier post, you mentioned not seeing any FZ6's at the dealerships. There is a good reason for this. As far as I can tell, Yamaha is not offering them here in the US for 2010, so 2009 was the last model year for the breed.

Back before I bought my 2008 Cobalt FZ6, I was agonizing over the FZ6 vs. FZ1 decision. I have been riding bikes for 35 years, both dirt and street, so experience wasn't an issue. But, street bikes these days are sooo much better than they were 10 or 20 years ago.

I ended up buying the FZ6 over the FZ1 for several reasons. Bigger gas tank + better mpg = less stops for gas, the cool FZ6 undertail exhaust vs the FZ1 Bazooka, easier to push around in the garage, stock centerstand eases maintenance, cheaper insurance, and, as the guy at my local dealership said, how much faster than 140 mph do you wanna go?
I've had all of them in the past year and my favorite for running around town was a FZ6 that I converted to a naked. But I will say this- the FZ1 is light years better on the interstate. Rock solid stable and instant acceleration even in 6th gear. Depends on what kind of riding you you do most of the time. I'm pretty small (5-8, 150lbs) and I don't find the FZ1 at all intimidating. But you will be stopping for gas every 150 miles- it has a fairly small tank. You won't need to do any upgrades except maybe the exhaust canister which is pretty awkward looking. The suspension and brakes are much better than what comes on either the SV or FZ6. If you want to do any 2 up riding, no contest, the FZ1 is far superior. But, that said, if I am just running to the gym or the post office, I usually jump on my naked SV650.
And the answer is.....

#3.5. The original deal on the 2007 FZ1 fell through. However, I ended up buying a different 2007 FZ1 from a member on the FZ1OA board. Picked up the bike yesterday. Need to get it registered and insured before I can take it out. Unfortunately, with my work schedule, that means no seat time until next weekend. Riding pants don't come in until next week anyway, so probably better(ATGATT). I wanted to thank all of you who provided input to my questions. I hope you don't mind if I still lurk around here from time to time. Lots of great information. I think it's awesome hearing from so many international riders.

Thanks again!

And the answer is.....

#3.5. The original deal on the 2007 FZ1 fell through. However, I ended up buying a different 2007 FZ1 from a member on the FZ1OA board. Picked up the bike yesterday. Need to get it registered and insured before I can take it out. Unfortunately, with my work schedule, that means no seat time until next weekend. Riding pants don't come in until next week anyway, so probably better(ATGATT). I wanted to thank all of you who provided input to my questions. I hope you don't mind if I still lurk around here from time to time. Lots of great information. I think it's awesome hearing from so many international riders.

Thanks again!


Why leave? We kind of look at the FZ1 as the big brother to FZ6.
These are the sellers pics. Haven't had a chance to taken any new one yet.

nice color. to me the fz1 looks best in silver with a very close second being black. i would absolutely love to have either one. congrats on a wonderful looking bike.

if you don't mind me asking... how much did you get it for?
The fz1 is a great bike, but the others will get about 10 miles per gallon more when riding, and the fz1 uses higher grade gas. the sv is for small framed people, under 6 feet tall. Its really hard to beat the fz6, the advantage of the fz1 is u can just roll on the throttle to pass instead of tap dancing on the gearbox for more power. Take into consideration the cost of tires too.
Six pages of posts and not one of what I had in mind when I first read the original post. And yeah, I might be just a little biased. But, me, and for the $$ you've listed, I would by both, the SV and the FZ6 :). BTW, I have 9 bikes;)

But then, there's no substitute for HP! Enjoy your new ride and welcome back to the street!
nice color. to me the fz1 looks best in silver with a very close second being black. i would absolutely love to have either one. congrats on a wonderful looking bike.

if you don't mind me asking... how much did you get it for?

There is a very nice silver one with a lot of mods here in AZ. The only reason I didn't get it was because I didn't like the silver. I was able to pick it up for $5300 and then paid for shipping from Ky to AZ. $5800 total