UPDATED: Socal Fires... Newcomb gone!?!

Well thank you both for the satellite pic!

We did get haze from your fires last year...I'll have to catch the news tonight to see if that's what we've got now!

And we had a member who had to evacuate last year because of the fires, didn't we?!?
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Well thank you both for the satellite pic!

We did get haze from your fires last year...I'll have to catch the news tonight to see if that's what we've got now!

And we had a member who had to evacuate last year because of the fires, didn't we?!?

That would have been me, thankfully my house was spared. I can't believe Newcombs is gone, was hoping to head up there in a couple weeks for a ride. ****ty.

Haha, do you and John also go for driving trips in caravaning matching RSX's now? Too funny guys. It would be even better if he had a red FZ and you still had the blue one.
In the back of my head I knew this would happen, but didn't have the courage to muster up a google search. Thanks for the updates and the pics guys. It's sad for all affected for sure.

Parents called while visiting Vegas this weekend and said that there's a layer of smoky haze. Glad I'm just upwind of it, even though my car is still covered in ash every morning.

Guess we'll find somewhere else to go for the 12th. Doubt the area will be ready for a ride before then.
I really hope they rebuild. Newcombs was a great place. Great food and great location.

Maybe we can bring some camp stoves and coolers up there till they reopen....who's with me?
Man, that sucks. Hope everyone is safe, real shame about Newcombs, looks like a great place.

You Cali guys cop it about the same as us Aussies, know what ya going through.

Stay strong folks.

I think we should make a forum event. Bring 1 support vehicle with camping bbq stuff and do a little shindig in the burned down parking lot (if we can do that) in honor of the place.

So count me in.
Haha, do you and John also go for driving trips in caravaning matching RSX's now? Too funny guys. It would be even better if he had a red FZ and you still had the blue one.

Yeah we went up there once, but my tires were shot, so now that I put new Bridgestones on, I want to go back out there! :)

The RSX is a lot of fun in the canyons... almost as much as the Buell :D
I really hope they rebuild. Newcombs was a great place. Great food and great location.

Maybe we can bring some camp stoves and coolers up there till they reopen....who's with me?

I have some folding chairs I can bring. :thumbup:

I think we should make a forum event. Bring 1 support vehicle with camping bbq stuff and do a little shindig in the burned down parking lot (if we can do that) in honor of the place.

So count me in.

Good idea... spamthefood, start a new thread and let us know when :thumbup::D
Nah seriously, it's a lot of fun too! :)

GREAT NEWS! a more reliable source just confirmed that Newcomb is fine! roads are all closed still though...
That's great news..

I've also been watching the Mt Wilson / observatory closely, I'm a sucker for old building with historical significance. Looks like they were able to save it.

The live web cam went dead the other day, but someone was grabbing the stills from it for days before that and made a time lapse on Youtube, it's pretty cool (and scary):

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbewoOi2bk8]YouTube - Mt. Wilson Time Lapse - Monday[/ame]

(some more Mt Wilson links:)
Mount Wilson Observatory
Temporary mirror site: Mt. Wilson 150-Foot Solar Tower Current Towercam Image
Yeah we went up there once, but my tires were shot, so now that I put new Bridgestones on, I want to go back out there! :)

The RSX is a lot of fun in the canyons... almost as much as the Buell :D

True that brother. Every time I see one on the highway now, I stare in reminiscence of 'ole blue. Great car.

I'm down for that camping trip to Newcombs if anyone else is down. Gonna need a big support vehicle though.

EDIT: Just saw the links that Newcombs is still there! Sweet Jebus it's a miracle.
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SCOA Needs your help!

Saturday September 05, SCOA (Southern California Outdoor Adventurers) will donate Arrowhead water and Gatorade to the firefighters who are battling the Station Fire. Will you help SCOA haul and unload our donation as well represent SCOA to the firefighters?

We will assemble at 10:00 AM in the SCOA parking lot, transfer the donation s and arrange the carpool. We will head to the command post and present our donation to the duty officer.

As many people we can get to go the better. It will be good to show the "unified and diverse faces of SCOA." We will go together and present together. While many of you have expressed interest in "dropping off" your donation on your own, if you are willing to wait until Saturday and go together the message will be stronger and more impactful!

Signup and pass on the invite!
SCOA Needs your help!
NEWS I GOT THIS MORNING (not confirmed):

I have some disappointing news.
I just spoke to someone at Newcomb's, and he said that are talking about not opening the roads until after winter. He said the pavement is destroyed in many areas, the guard rails are gone, and there is a lot of debris on the roads.
The good news is that the restaurant is still standing, and plans on opening as soon as the roads are useable.