Full Face Helmets


Missing The Fiz-Sometimes
Jul 14, 2008
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Plymouth, MI
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My commute takes me through the city of Detroit (much garbage on the freeway). Yesterday a flattened pop can (shaped much like a blade to an edger) was flipped up by a car and struck me square in the face (actually, my face mask). It was a pretty good, "thunk" but that was about it.

It could have certainly been much worse had I been riding with my mask up as I usually do when my speed is below 60 or so - The sunglasses would have saved an eye, but I could have still have got cut up pretty bad as it hit very hard.

I thought about riders who for some reason refuse to wear full face helmets, or where there is no law, no helmet at all and wish one of them could have watched this happen.

Anyway, wear your gear!
Full face helmet always my face shield comes down before I shift into 2nd just my habit. I have seen treads from blown out semi trailers fly over my head as they fell off in front of me. I ducked like a GP racer on that one LOL.
On another forum someone posted a very, very, very graphic video of a rider and pillion in Pattaya, both British apparently who lost their lives in the city riding without helmets, in fact by the looks of it only shorts.

If you really want to look it is on LiveLeak.com but I would suggest you don't. Both men have lost the majority of their skulls and the associated soft bits.

It really hits home why an helmet is a must, preferably full face. Maybe an helmet would have saved them even without other safety gear, but at a minimum it would have given the families a body to grieve over.

If you know anyone who doesn't wear an helmet it may be the video to save their lives.

Search "Pattaya - Two tourists killed in motorbike accident" but honestly only search for the video if you have a strong stomach.
Yeah I've just seen it and it's not pretty. I would agree with the warning about strong stomachs fortunately a few years on the railways tends to have a numbing effect to that sort of thing.
What struck me apart from the carnage was the way that traffic just carried on regardless, the fact that it took a while to cover the bodies and then held up a driving license so that everyone could see a dead mans full details.
Not nice.
+1 on full face helmet.. here is a pic of helmet from my laid down, without it my face would have been tore up like my knees.
Whoa. Was the guy with the baggie picking up what I think he was picking up? That spill look pretty bad. Looks like they had shorts, shirt, no shoes, no helmet?

That's probably one of the most gruesome videos I've seen. Next sport bike rider without helmet I meet and we get talking, this video will enter the conversation.

Hm... I think I remember Tom Cruise sans helmet in Top Gun.

Full face helmet provides the best protection period!

Sorry to dissapoint all the people in the dental industry, especially all the dentist who would rather see everyone wearing a half or 3/4 helmet.
ALWAYS wear full-face!!!

I don't understand why some of you wear the faceshield up? :confused: Mine is down from the time I turn the key. When it is in the 90's out, it is actually cooler to have it down, as it keeps the hot air from rushing in. Maybe the Shoei RF-1000 is just well-enough ventilated to do this?
Whoa. Was the guy with the baggie picking up what I think he was picking up? That spill look pretty bad. Looks like they had shorts, shirt, no shoes, no helmet?

That's probably one of the most gruesome videos I've seen. Next sport bike rider without helmet I meet and we get talking, this video will enter the conversation.

Hm... I think I remember Tom Cruise sans helmet in Top Gun.


Yeah, he sets a fine example... wiener.
I agree with the full face helmet for saving lives and teeth. But just in everyday riding how many times have you had a huge bug hit the shield and think "thank goodness I had my shield down - that would have HURT" (ok, let's be honest, or just the opposite? had it up when one of those suckers hit you square in the forehead and you felt like an idiot for NOT having it down?)
I agree with the full face helmet for saving lives and teeth. But just in everyday riding how many times have you had a huge bug hit the shield and think "thank goodness I had my shield down - that would have HURT" (ok, let's be honest, or just the opposite? had it up when one of those suckers hit you square in the forehead and you felt like an idiot for NOT having it down?)


I tend to ride with it up or at least cracked open 90% of the time. Not the smartest thing I know....

I was very happy to find a lock on the side of my new Shoei helmet. Can lock the visor closed or set a stop so that it won't blow completely closed at highway speeds. It keeps the visor open @ 1/4 of an inch. Nice.
I wear a full face all the time too - but have to admit that I crack the shield to the first notch when I am in town on a hot day (low speed).

On another note - we live and are very close to the interstate - I was on it a lot this past week and could count on one hand the number of folks with just any type of helmet on. Guess the HD folks coming back from Sturgis don't believe in them. :confused: