Inforad Bike GPS Speed Camera Warning System


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Oct 12, 2008
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I decided I couldn't afford to get any more speeding tickets so I ordered one of these nice little units. There is more info here but it doesn't seem to be working properly at the moment. It's a great little unit that lets me know when I'm approaching any fixed speed/safety cameras. What I especially like is that instead of it just going red - it flashes red when you're going faster than you should be to tell you to slow down! perfect for a bike. The unit is solid and pretty beefy and heavy - but in my eyes that means it's going to last.

I ordered it from Amazon for £40 but you can also buy it directly from the suppliers (Inforad). I would fully recommend this unit once they have added mobile speed cameras to the database (which I have been told will be happening in July. The lifetime updates is nice too! :)

The installation was quick and easy and needed very little electrical work. There are three cables coming from the main part of the device that connect to the power supply, the GPS antennae and the LED warning light. I put the unit under the seat and ran the three cables under the tank and to the front of the bike where I needed it. I needed to extend the wires supplying power to the unit to get them to reach from under the seat to my relay hooked unto the front fairing. Now it is only on when the engine is running and it works fine after taking a minute or so to find GPS satellites to talk to.

Edit: Inforad now support mobile cameras as well as fixed. They are using the famously good PocketGPS speed camera database. You can select either or both to download when updating. You can also choose from lots of countries within Europe and also the US. Pretty damn good - although there is only enough memory on the device to store mobile and fixed cameras for one country at a time really.

It comes in a nice sturdy case (which isn't really needed but is a nice touch). You can see the adapter to connect it to a computer for updating via USB:-

Here is the case from the outside:-

I ran the cable to the LED warning system and attached that to the front fairing stay using cable ties. It's very easy to adjust for best view because it's one of those bendy metal-ringed thingy's that can be bent at any angle:-

Here you can see where I attached the GPS antennae to talk to the satellites for me (it's pretty discrete where it is):-

Here you can see the LED signal glowing green that tells me it's connected to satellites and I'm not approaching and speed cameras:-

As you can see, I keep as much crap as I can underneath the seat:-

The main unit has to be somewhere protected and easily accessible so I can unplug half of it to update. It fits nicely next to the stock toolkit:-

It's waterproof, but I wrapped it in some waterproof bags anyway for extra protection. You can see where it splits to be attached to the USB adapter cable:-

And here's a closer view of the unit:-
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That is a cool little gadget!!! I guess it's for UK cameras only?

So is it always on and green then changes colour on you as you approach cameras?
That is a cool little gadget!!! I guess it's for UK cameras only?

So is it always on and green then changes colour on you as you approach cameras?
Cheers Boneman. It works in the UK and "most" of Europe apparently. Not in the US unfortunately. I imagine that there must be similar units in the US assuming they are road legal or you may be able to load in a database of speed cameras that you can download from the net for sat nav systems. I have a list of all speed camera locations for my sat nav that uses IGO8 and it's brilliant. I just don't ride with it all the time.

The light is a steady bright green all the time and when it suddenly goes red I know to check my speed and watch out around me for people suddenly slowing etc.
:thumbup: This is really cool. I'm from out in the stix in Nebraska where a tractor sets off a radar detector.
Thats a nice bit of kit, is it working ok now?
It worked perfectly from day 1. Except that I changed the settings on it when I first plugged it into the computer to be high intensity all the time instead of just in the day-time and it's too damn bright at night! I need to plug it in again and tell it to just be bright in the day. :)
I've added new information about this system to the first post in this thread as Inforad have now added mobile cameras to the system too and I would now say that this is the perfect speed camera warning system! :cheer:
UPDATE: This broke a while ago. It is NOT totally waterproof. It stopped working one day and when I looked at it the section of the under-seat storage area it was in was full of water and it had some rusty bits. I couldn't get it to talk to my computer or work again even after being dried out. I've since cut a drain hole into the storage area, but if I buy another one I would mount it somewhere else.