Stop The Ban


Make no excuses!
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Apr 29, 2008
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Central New york
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Not sure if this has been posted here yet, however it is something that is majorly impacting the start of this industry, the children. It also means no youth racing either... Basically feb 10th a new law went into effect and it does not allow dealers to sell any motorcycle or atv intended for use by anyone under 12 years old. I have added this to my dads site. There is tons of info and I have 4 vids on there that explain this more:

My bad... Guess I should have read it because I thought it was to do with another issue that I've been watching... Ignore me. :D
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The ban is totally wrong. It's BAD parenting that causes the accidents. If parents were responsible with the youth while they are on the machine, then accidents would be minimal. Proper training and supervision. If the parents don't provide that basic function, then it is unfortunately the children who suffer.

I don't think the ban is about danger/bad parenting. I think it's about lead, and the possibility that children under 12 may try to eat their machine.
I think it's probably more to do with clamping down on holliganism in towns. I live in Belfast (most of the time) and there a quite a few monkey bikes/ small youth bikes to be seen riding around. They aren't legal for the road (these are kids) so they use the footpaths and side streets.

It's more a case of a few super-moronic parents spoiling it for everyone by buying these things for their kids even though they live in the freaking CITY, where there is nowhere to use them legally. I once saw one of these kids pull out onto a dual carriageway, he nearly got flattened by a taxi and caused a few people to emergency stop.
I don't oppose youth racing or youth bikes if the kids have somewhere to use them. A full ban is just over-kill but there needs to be some sort of restriction put on ownership, maybe a junior racing liscence or really strong penalties for parents of kids caught using them in built up areas.

(P.S. if anyone reading this has bought their child a youth bike and lets them out in the street to tear it up then I want you to know that I hate you. you are a douchebag. )
The ban is totally wrong. It's BAD parenting that causes the accidents. If parents were responsible with the youth while they are on the machine, then accidents would be minimal. Proper training and supervision. If the parents don't provide that basic function, then it is unfortunately the children who suffer.

The ban has nothing to do with any of this. It's all about LEAD! We knew it was coming before it happened, but I'm guessing it still hasn't been sorted out.

Here is one of many atricles about it.
yes let me clear this up. It is 100% about the lead not the lawsuits about kids getting hurt in rhino's etc.
I read about this in CityBike. It's yet another case of the govt. trying to protect us from ourselves. Next they'll outlaw bullets 'cause there's lead in 'em...
Malcom Smith made a bold move this past week at his shop in Cal.

I am sure Dad will post the link soon. I will try to find it again in my inbox.

Basicly, he called on the media to the shop he could and invited several big wigs in the industry and sport. Including Jeremy McGrath and the owner of Glen Helen and they purchased youth bikes and ATV's. Included in this is where he took his grand son to the local sporting goods store and purchased lead fish weights....

Hopefully this will cause some change in the right direction.

click on the link to my dads site that i posted in the first post when i did it and the first vid is of him!