Why does this accident happen?


Proud Dad
Aug 31, 2008
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Santa Rosa, Northern california
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im a new rider almost 6 months i was checking out some videos of accidents why i dnt know but i saw a few of these why does this happen is it the rider or road what did he do

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well i,m just guessin,but I would put my money on tire shine of some kind that they put on preppin it for the showroom or final wipe down after the sale.that tire wet,shine stuff is like baby oil super slick.
It looks like the back end broke away left when he transitioned from leaning left to right, which surprised the rider enough to make him crank the throttle open, dumping the bike.
Looks like the tires are coated with some type of protectant. Probably Armorall, Black Magic, or similar substance used to increase shine.

Combine that slick surface with an inexperienced rider and too much throttle and you've got a recipe for disaster. Result... shiny new bike now has plenty of "texture" on the plastic and frame.
He wasn't on the gas that hard. You would have heard it. And without getting on the gas hard, he wouldn't be able to make that rear tire break loose even if it was new and slick.

And look at how he rode up to the cameraman. Both feet on the pegs, good use of the clutch, off the curb, at a very low speed. He's no newbie, he knows how to ride.

I have to agree with others, somebody gave those tires a coating of Armor All without thinking about the consequences.

As to the identity of that somebody? We'll never know.
New tires.

Seen the same thing happen in other videos where the rider appears to be doing everything right other than leaving a dealership with new rubber.

Most dealers will warn you about new rubber for a reason- you just saw it.
Supposedly it was a new bike.

A. New tires combined with something else
B. The dealership stupidly put on some tire shine product, or it's oil slicked
C. Scientology is to blame
thanks guys good to know i thought he locked the brake or somthing no shiny armorall for me haha

If he locked the rear brake, you would've heard/seen it.

As a relatively new rider I've had plenty of experiences locking the rear tire and let me tell you it's scary, and it's so loud/abrupt you think everyone is laughing at you.

I usually don't even use the rear brake anymore, especially during emergency stops because the front brakes(R6 4pot, ebc hh pads, ss lines) are so strong the back wheel comes off the ground, which means even a tiny bit of pressure will lock it, and it can sometimes cause the engine to stall(even with the clutch disengaged or transmission in neutral) due to abrupt forces to the driveline.

You're welcome for that mostly useless information. I do that a lot.
Looks to me like someone tire-shined it, armor all, whatever. Same thing happened to my friend in his Integra. Just finished totally detailing it, redyed the vinyl trim pieces, everything. Used too much tire shine and it got in his treads, rear end slid out the first turn he took (its a front wheel drive car), ended up totaling the car. He just washes his tires now, and lets it wait to dry.
Looks to me like someone tire-shined it, armor all, whatever. Same thing happened to my friend in his Integra. Just finished totally detailing it, redyed the vinyl trim pieces, everything. Used too much tire shine and it got in his treads, rear end slid out the first turn he took (its a front wheel drive car), ended up totaling the car. He just washes his tires now, and lets it wait to dry.

Lol. Somewhat related, I knew someone who totaled a nice S2000 by accidently shifting into 2nd on the highway. Broke traction right into a highway divider.

this is german and one of the guys said "a new motorcycle" in a happy tone. So this seems to be a brand new motorcycle. So the tire has maybe just 100m on it.
I think brand new (not much grip) tires and a litte bit to opened throttle on a >150hp machine and the rear wheel slides away.

BR Robert
Reminds me of this classic clip, guy riding his new bike away from the dealership does almost the exact same thing:


New bike, slippery tires. It's a classic tale: first grip is lost, then grip is found, and highside hilarity ensues.