Yay America!!

Thats NOT A KNIFE......This is a Knife....HaHa

uh oh, Crocodile MT is on the forum....Matty, you are pulling out all the classic one liners today.

gotta say though, guns have no place in the city...not on the streets...not mixed with alcohol, drugs, and vice.
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uh oh, Crocodile MT is on the forum....Mayy, you are pulling out all the classic one liners today.

gotta say though, guns have no place in the city...not on the streets...not mixed with alcohol, drugs, and vice.

Maybe if EVERYONE went around SHOOTING BLANKS...That would help the frustration to do so and there would be LESS BABIES:ban:
I stand corrected Neidermeyer, it didn't quite look right when I posted it but I only have BEER to blame....HUMBLE APOLOGIES....Don't SHOOT ME Mate....Hang ON, I was RIGHT.....The lesson is DRINK MORE BEER....No Wait, you do realise that in Australia we use J instead of G....Only kidding....
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I guess this is on topic. I just got this email from GunsAmerica.com

Hi Everyone,

One of our GunsAmerica insider people sent us a link to this Youtube video about the failed gun ban in England.

If you don't know the history, England banned all legal ownership of handguns many years ago with very little resistance from its people. It was thought to be a good measure to bring down gun crime. The result has been double digit increases in gun crime every year since the ban. Since then the country has taken away many more freedoms, to hunt, to defend oneself from harm, and finally its citizens are speaking up.

Many of us who put time into defending gun freedom are ridiculed that the loss of gun freedom can never happen here because of the second amendment, yet we have seen throughout the history of the US that lawmakers eager to protect their own power will readily pass laws in violation of the second amendment. To this day, even after the Heller case, Chicago is fighting an NRA lawsuit to protect their own unconstitutional handgun ban.

If it were not for YOU, the American gun owning public, who so cling to freedom and defend any affront to it, we would end up much like England, whose citizens are now reeling in the face of ridiculous violent crime rates and a government that does not represent their interests.

Forward this to your friends. I have not seen anything this powerful in a long time and it should "go viral" as it is called to anyone in America who questions those who fight for firearms freedom now, before we lose it.

Click the image below to watch the video:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTq2NEUlhDE"]YouTube - The British called - They want their guns back![/ame]

And here is one that shows the dangers guns can bring in an inexperienced hand.:D

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vyw1SG0oC2I"]YouTube - Women and Handguns[/ame]
Ok I do not cede this argument at all. I think amnesty is insane.

I would still like you to explain how a 5'2" 100 lb woman should defend herself from a 6'4" 240 lb rapist?

On to the next parts.

Someone spoke of suicides. Should we outlaw pills, ropes, cars, bridges, cliffs, trains, and the like as well? Would you feel safer?

Someone spoke of accidental deaths. Again, should we outlaw skateboards, motorcycles, (drugs are already illegal), cars, buildings, trees, bridges, cliffs, showering, and the like.

The only time you hear about guns in America in Austraila is when they make the news.
You have formed your opinion based on the news and reports you hear. Just like people do with motorcycles. They only hear the bad news, they only see the actions of the minority that reinforce the views they already hold.

The wonderful thing about this, is we live in different countries. Luckly for me I live where guns are not restricted.

I’ve been watching this one without comment up till now, because I wanted to see what happened. Story of the film so far: West Palm Beach (FL) resident has run-in with local Hispanic gang, who set out to terrorize him. One day, while out walking his dog, three of the scumbags try to run him over with their car, whereupon our Good Citizen empties his Glock at them, killing two.
[waits politely for the storm of applause and bloodthirsty cheering to subside]
Regrettably, the local prosecutor decided to charge this Hero with murder or something, because he, in his wisdom, adjudged that fourteen shots fired was “excessive” (”...argued that only Borden’s first five shots could be construed as self-defense” ). Yeah, I know: when scumbags are coming at you, you’re supposed to count your shots just in case some pantywaist prosecutor might decide that you Took Things Too Far. (For the record: had our Hero gone on to burn down the houses of the gangbanger scum with their families inside, that might have been a tad excessive—but not too much so, as his house was torched by the gang recently.)
Anyway, the jury of his peers told the prosecutor that he and his case were full of ****, and promptly acquitted Our Hero of any wrongdoing. Okay, they ”had the option of finding Borden guilty of lesser charges of second-degree murder or manslaughter but acquitted him outright.
[pauses once again to allow the huzzahs to die away]
Of course, it’s a Pyrrhic victory. Because the cops are essentially powerless to do anything about gangs, Our Hero has had to move to another place. Oh, and while he was in jail, not only did the gang burn down his house, but the cops destroyed his dogs because they couldn’t be bothered to feed them. Nice.
My suggestion to the voters of West Palm Beach: the next time there’s a bond issue up for vote which will appropriate money for the police, vote it down. Tell them to get their money from the D.A.’s office.
Everybody failed society in this case: an innocent man had his life overturned first by a criminal gang and an inept police force, and then by a venal prosecutor who deserves a kick in the nads. In fact, the only person who did the right thing by society was Our Hero, in that he killed two rat bastard gangbangers, and for that he deserves our thanks.

So this goblin has had several run-ins with the same cop before, over the past few years. Cop pulls goblin over for speeding; the argument gets hot, cop pepper-sprays scumbag, and then scumbag shoots cop dead and drives over the body a few times.

So why is this in the Righteous Shootings category?
Liko Kenney shot Cpl. Bruce McKay four times and ran over him after a traffic stop Friday evening, state Attorney General Kelly Ayotte said. Gregory Floyd, who was driving by with his son, grabbed McKay’s gun and shot Kenney when he refused to put his gun down, Ayotte said.
...and shot the bad guy dead, too.
[pause to let cheering and clapping die down]

And because, according to Reader Allen R., this incident happened in the Live Free Or Die State:
Authorities said Floyd was justified in shooting Kenney.
I’ll say.

Seems like this guy decided to leave his hometown in Wisconsin to visit his cuz in Indianapolis. Once there, the two young men, as young men will occasionally, decided to embark on a little larceny. Maybe liquor was involved, maybe not; whatever, these two paragons of virtue decided to break into the apartment of a young lady. Maybe rape was in their thoughts, maybe just robbery; whatever, the Out-Of-Towner goblin discovered that Indiana isn’t Wisconsin, in that said young lady was armed, and ended his budding career of interstate larceny with extreme prejudice.
[pauses politely to let the storms of applause die down]
Because all this happened in the Hoosier State, which has the right attitude towards this kind of thing, our young Annie Oakley will not be charged with anything. Reports that the responding police officer complimented her on her grouping are unconfirmed, but would not be surprising.
The only bad part of the story is that the Local goblin got away without being shot as well, but he was arrested later and is being charged with felony murder. (Indiana, for my Overseas Readers, has the death penalty. We can but hope...)
No law was stopping the man that died in this one. He stated he would kill them, went there with the intention to kill them, and died trying to kill them.

The crashing back door snapped Eric Cegon and his girlfriend awake in her apartment. Fear grew as they heard feet rapidly climbing the stairs to their barricaded bedroom door about 3:30 a.m. Wednesday.
Cegon, 30, grabbed the shotgun next to their bed and sat up, hoping the locked door would hold. He said he knew the intruder was the man who had threatened his life and held a knife to his girlfriend a week earlier.
The girlfriend, Samantha Simons, covered up her 2-year-old son and screamed as her ex-boyfriend kicked in the door, knocking over the small dresser lodged against it.
“I knew if that door came open what I would do,” Cegon said Thursday. He fired the 12-gauge shotgun he had borrowed from a friend two weeks before to protect himself. The blast knocked Erik A. Richter, 35, to the floor.
A loaded gun fell from his hand.
“You killed me,” the couple recall Richter saying.

But hold the applause—it gets better!
Cegon squeezed the trigger again.
“I shot him again to make sure he didn’t get up,” Cegon said.

Now you can applaud [he said, putting in ear protection].

Lest the Professional Handwringers out there start wailing about how “no one deserves to die for this”, allow me to offer a pre-rebuttal:
County Attorney Thomas Kelly said that a week before Richter died, he threatened Simons with a kitchen knife and said he would kill Cegon. Richter was charged with assault in that case.
His deadly break-in was the second time he had violated a court order not to contact his former girlfriend, Simons, or her new boyfriend, Cegon. Richter was scheduled to appear in court Wednesday on a terroristic threats charge for repeatedly threatening to kill Cegon since Nov. 4, when he broke Cegon’s vehicle’s windows, court records said.

And if you want to take a look at a pic of the late choirboy, go ahead and hit the link. (Warning: not safe for small children)
You know, I’m getting really sick of men (and it seems mostly to be men) who somehow think that they have an exclusive right to someone else’s life, whether that someone wants them there or not. I’m also getting really sick of the authorities even considering prosecution of someone who ends this nonsense. (Although that’s not happening here, it’s not uncommon, either.)
I can just see some moron D.A. going after Our Hero for pulling that trigger a second time. “So you executed him; played judge, jury and executioner?” is the usual line.
Of course, the proper response is, “No—he was playing judge, jury and executioner: I was just stopping him.”
And that’s good. In this case, the Jilted Lover had gone through all the build-up: threats, property damage, and then, finally, a savage assault. And the couple had done everything by the book: restraining orders, the police, charges.
Sometimes, of course, this doesn’t end happily: despite all that, the scumbag will succeed in his goal. This time, he didn’t—and all because Our Hero had the commonsense to borrow a shotgun, just in case.
Of course, he should have bought his own shotgun long before, because—and I cannot stress this enough—every home protection system begins with a shotgun.
For those of you out there who have been remiss in your home protection planning, pay a visit to your neighborhood FFL / the next gun show, and make the proper purchase.
I don't carry a gun or feel the need to, and I've been in more than my fair share of physical altracations, against all kinds of ****ed up, improvised weapons, and I've got the scars to prove it.
I know you aussie guys have a rep for being rowdy, but I don't think anyone who hasn't spent considerable time in the united states can apreciate just how violent our society is. It's not because of guns, but guns are mixed into the cultural soup from which the violence arrises.
Despite what others have said, here in califronia, probably the most violent state in the union, it is VERY hard for anyone to get a concealed weapons permit. What that means is that all the gangbangers and scumbags, as well as the decent, scared citizens out there packing heat are doing it illegaly already, under threat of very serious, felony consequences.
Making the penalties stiffer isn't going to deter the scumbags a bit, and since everyone knows that, it's probably not going to change the scared guy's mind who has to walk through his ****ty neighborhood to get home at night.
It's a tough situation. My personal feelings on gun ownership relate more to defending my home and not wanting my government to control all the firearms (which is what I think the founders had in mind with the second amendment. As the bumper sticker says, "It ain't about duck hunting"). Guns make the violence worse, but the violent criminals with guns will be there regardless of the laws, so do you take away the right of the citizen to protect themselves?
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Colin Jenkins’ girlfriend was already in bed Tuesday night, and he was just about to join her when the doorbell started to ring incessantly. When Jenkins opened the door, a man forced his way inside the rural Springfield home. Within minutes, one robbery suspect was dead and another critically wounded.
Jenkins’ girlfriend had shot them both.

Oh yeah.
[pause to let storms of applause die down]

This story, although it had a happy ending, is a chilling one (quite chilling for one of the Goblins, heheheh):
The drama began just after 10 p.m. when a neighbor spotted a suspicious car. There are only five houses on Darnell Drive, part of an upscale neighborhood north of the Upper Valley Mall in western Clark County. Georgianna Sarven and her husband have lived in one of them for 28 years.
Their neighbor went to their house and said she was afraid to go home because a strange car was parked on the street with its lights off and a man inside.
The Sarvens accompanied her to her home and were inside checking her house for trouble when they heard commotion across the road.
“Then, all hell broke loose,” Mrs. Sarven said. “We saw the boy that lives there outside waving his arms, flagging down police, and someone else said there was a dead body on the porch.”
Kelly recounts the night’s events like this:
Jenkins opened his door about 10:30 p.m., and Huffman, armed with two guns, muscled his way in. The two fought, and Jenkins yelled to his girlfriend for help.
She left her bedroom, and Huffman stalked her down the hallway toward a back room. When she emerged, she had a 9 mm handgun and Huffman was right in front of her. She fired multiple times, and he went down.
She then ran to the living room and found a masked Carson fighting with Jenkins on the floor. She fired several times, apparently grazing her boyfriend in the back and hitting Carson once in the back.
Carson got up, stumbled onto the front porch and fell dead. A handgun was found near his body. Jenkins was treated for his injuries at a local hospital, Kelly said. Stapleton was shaken but unharmed.
Kelly said the car that neighbors saw, a large green vehicle with a damaged door, likely was a getaway vehicle. He said deputies are searching for the driver.

Understand something: this was no “opportunity” burglary, where some schmuck sees an open door or empty house and tries his luck.
This was a planned attack by a gang of three thugs, all of whom deserve to die (hey, one-third of the way isn’t a bad start).
It behooves all of us, including our wives and girlfriends, to prepare against something like this, because it could happen to anyone. Please imagine what would have happened if the girl’s handgun had been locked away in a safe, or unloaded with the shells in another drawer, or all the permutations in which the Nannies are constantly telling us to store our guns, “for safety’s sake”.
Be prepared. It works for the Boy Scouts, and it should work for everyone.

A Saucier woman who shot an armed robber in self-defense has not been charged in the man’s death, said authorities, who confirmed the case will be presented to a grand jury as a routine matter.
Bobby Earl Hardy, 31, was shot several times after he assaulted the woman’s husband and fired shots at the couple in their yard on Bell Lane, said Sheriff George H. Payne Jr. The woman told investigators she grabbed her personal weapon and fired back.
“She was a better shot than the robber,” Payne said.

You tell ‘em, Sheriff. “Shot several times”? I hope she emptied the cylinder into his worthless ass.
[cheers and applause]

Wait, wait… it gets better.
Payne described the woman as a 73-year-old grandmother of four with two great-grandchildren.
Oooohhhhhh I don’t think I can stand it: there’s just too much good news here. Oh, and needless to say, the late goblin was a real choirboy:
Hardy had been out of prison since May after serving two years for an armed robbery in Gulfport, according to state prison records. That robbery was in 2003 at the Lyman Quick Stop. Hardy also had served time for aggravated assault.
Can I hear a round of NoR applause for Granny Beth?
[blocks ears to avoid hearing loss

So this guy and his girl go for a moonlight stroll. Unfortunately for them, moonlight walks are also a preferred situation for scumbags to stick guns into the girl’s back and demand money.
Unfortunately for the goblin, guys out for a moonlight walk may also sometimes be armed, and they may resent having their girlfriends’ lives put at risk by a scumbag.
Whereupon guys thus armed may also shoot the scumbag dead for his impertinence. Which is precisely what happened in New Orleans earlier this week.

Classical Irony Note:
The gunman, who had no identification on him, died at the scene, between Elysian Fields Avenue and Marigny Street.
...although said scumbag is more likely to encounter Stygian darkness than the Elysian Fields, if there’s any truth to the legend.
Remember, kids: a gun in the pocket is better than a gun left at home. Even if carrying it on a moonlight stroll with your girlfriend is not a romantic thing to do, getting robbed and/or shot is not exactly a romantic thing, either.
Note to the Jackals Of The Press: Calling this episode the ”latest incident of violence” is incorrect, for the same reason that killing a rat or other varmint in your house isn’t an “incident of violence”, either. It’s just pest control, and should be regarded as such.