I was on the news!

Sup Buddy....or should I say Dr. Robert....Nice :rockon:
LOL...keep it KOSHER... I import kosher foods from Israel BTW...We got passover Matzo on sale...HAHA.
Good stuff man.
Take care dude.
PS hope your bike search is going OK.

Hit me with a matzah PB&J sandwhich!

The bike search is on hold until this Spring. I'm traveling all over the country right now interviewing for Residency positions and still waiting for my shoulder to heal up from the accident. It's about 95% healed, but that last 5% is what will make riding confortable.
Am I the only one that can't seem to find this newscast?!?! All I get is

Weird News
Fast-food worker laughs, tells robber to get a job
1,500 parakeets rescued from 2-room apartment
Woman's 3-legged cat returns after 7-week search
Human-sized heart found at the Paw Paw car wash
British pilot hits cow during emergency landing
AP poll: Understanding those barks and meows
Supermarket defends itself over Adolf Hitler cake
Supermarket defends itself over Adolf Hitler cake
Family pushes their dog as next Illinois governor
Iowa town's roads well seasoned

Not exactly weather news, seems more like a tabloid??
Am I the only one that can't seem to find this newscast?!?! All I get is

Weird News
Fast-food worker laughs, tells robber to get a job
1,500 parakeets rescued from 2-room apartment
Woman's 3-legged cat returns after 7-week search
Human-sized heart found at the Paw Paw car wash
British pilot hits cow during emergency landing
AP poll: Understanding those barks and meows
Supermarket defends itself over Adolf Hitler cake
Supermarket defends itself over Adolf Hitler cake
Family pushes their dog as next Illinois governor
Iowa town's roads well seasoned

Not exactly weather news, seems more like a tabloid??

I just checked the link and it seems to be working fine for me. In the gray box that has the actual video screen, there are links of recent news just to the right. Scroll through that and you'll find my video, which runs 1:50 in total, only 5 seconds of which is me of course.
Hit me with a matzah PB&J sandwhich!

The bike search is on hold until this Spring. I'm traveling all over the country right now interviewing for Residency positions and still waiting for my shoulder to heal up from the accident. It's about 95% healed, but that last 5% is what will make riding confortable.[/QUOTE]

LOL...Sure thing. I have to let my inhouse trucker know about it and they will send it to you, as special delivery for DOCTOR. LOL...:cheer:

Good lucky on your job search...its not like you need it you know. As a doctor, they need you, and you use them.
I just checked the link and it seems to be working fine for me. In the gray box that has the actual video screen, there are links of recent news just to the right. Scroll through that and you'll find my video, which runs 1:50 in total, only 5 seconds of which is me of course.

hmmm maybe it isn't showing because I'm in Canada? there is no video screen at all on the first page. Thanks for trying to help :Flash:
hmmm maybe it isn't showing because I'm in Canada? there is no video screen at all on the first page. Thanks for trying to help :Flash:

Your physical location shouldn't matter on the internet, it's more likely that your computer is missing a driver or program that plays this type of video. I believe the website uses a Flash player, so if you don't have that you won't see any video. Oh well, thanks for looking!
Your physical location shouldn't matter on the internet, it's more likely that your computer is missing a driver or program that plays this type of video. I believe the website uses a Flash player, so if you don't have that you won't see any video. Oh well, thanks for looking!

ok thanks, I'll look into it
yay! Got it working, just switched to Google Chrome and a video box popped right up, no issues.

It's kinda funny to me living in Ontario that a little bit of snow like that would close a freeway. We have to get a good 2 feet overnight with freezing rain for the kids to even get a snow day!

But I do understand why, when you don't get any/much to begin with, it would cause chaos on the road with people that don't know how to drive in snow.

My mother-in-law lives in Tehatchapi (sp?)CA and refuses to come up here between November and April lol
haha Rob nice! I did not hear any plug for the forum?!?!? what were you thinking?!??!? :spank:

:D :cheer:
There was snow on the Malibu Mountaintops this morning...and silly me rode my bicycle to work in the 44 degree weather :thumbup: DOH

I was in Pittsburgh recently and one of the people who I interviewed with rode her bicycle to work in 5F weather with snow/ice all over the ground. That takes gigantic cojones.
For those that don't believe it snows in SoCal, here are some iPhone pics from around Palmdale. We ended up w/about a foot of snow after snowing non-stop for 14 hours. The pic of me holding a bag in the backyard, the bag is being held at the top of my knee and I stand 5'9".
Yeah, the roads wouldn't have closed in Michigan for this, but we SoCal people aren't prepared for it. I, for one, have summer only tires on my car because my car never see's any snow. Even if they did open that road with a little snow on it, I wouldn't have made it over the mountain pass. CalTrans just isn't prepared for this kind of weather... not enough plows to keep up with the snow fall.

Be safe out there bro... trade that accord in for something with all wheel drive. Like a Subaru WRX STI! Now those things are fun in the snow!

Yea, only one problem. I spent all my money on my FZ! lol
I know it's not really a big deal, but I was on KTLA channel 5 news in SoCal tonight. With all of the road closures and storm weather, I wasn't able to make it to Bakersfield this afternoon to go to work tomorrow at my hospital (Kern Medical Center). The grapevine is closed.

So as I'm getting out of my car to ask the CHP about the likelihood of the road opening, this reporter asked me for an interview and I got my 15 seconds of fame. I can't find a video link right now on the website, but I'll post it if I find it (I know CaliRider saw it since he text'd me right after).

If you watched the 10pm news today, my real name is Robert Winston. I expect my hollywood contract offer any day now.:cheer:

EDIT: Video link Video - KTLA.COM
Nice one mate,
If you were on your bike you could have lane split all the way lol.

Hit me with a matzah PB&J sandwhich!

The bike search is on hold until this Spring. I'm traveling all over the country right now interviewing for Residency positions and still waiting for my shoulder to heal up from the accident. It's about 95% healed, but that last 5% is what will make riding confortable.

Great interview! :thumbup:

Say - where are you interviewing - anywhere in the midwest?
Great interview! :thumbup:

Say - where are you interviewing - anywhere in the midwest?

Most of my interviews are in either coast: Cali, NY, Boston, Baltimore, Pittsburgh.

I had one in Chicago, but canceled it because that program wasn't so strong. I was in Minneapolis for one. I have one in Toledo, Ohio.

That's all I can think of at the moment. You have a couch for me to crash on if I come into town?:cheer: