What gear do you wear all the time

What gear do you use on a short or long ride?

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All my gear all the time! Full face helmet, armored jacket and pants, gloves and boots. :thumbup:

I feel naked without it all.
Helmet, Jacket and gloves all the time.

Of course I also only ride in pants, but they are not always armored pants, which is what I think the poll was asking.

And I do also always wear closed toe shoes, but sometimes it is sneakers. I know, I know, I'm a squid. Seriously though, if I know i'm riding just down the street or for a commute, I don't go agatt....if it's a ride for the sake of riding, or a longer trip, I will wear it all.
I must say, when I was a few years younger (10) I would ride in shorts and sometimes even flip flops :spank:.. Now that my brain works like it should :spam: everytime I go out, I have all my gear on:rockon:. And yes sometimes I think it's such a pain in the *ss to put everything on for a 15min ride to work, Then I kiss my wife and daughter good bye, and I realize I take a risk with or without gear everytime I get on my bike. So even if it takes me longer to suite up than the actual ride does, it's well with it.

If you have time there is a great artical in the March Sport Rider, "THE LOADED GUN"

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I didn't have a poll option to choose - I always wear helmet, jacket, gloves and boots. On longer rides I also wear riding pants.

This is my general setup as well.

oh and for the record I chose HELMET, GLOVES, JACKET since the above is not an option
Since I live 2 km from work and the limit is 50 km/hr and there are too many cars pulling into or out of the various parking lots for the units on my way to my unit to go any faster, it's my combat boots (army stuff) and my combat pants, but I will have on a jacket, gloves and helmet all the time, every time.
If I'm not going to work, it's all the gear all the time.
Same as with the MX bike, it doesn't matter if I'm at the track or just playing on the trail I wear everything every time.
AGATT, as said above. Even if it is 2mi dash out of the office to fillup the tank at lunch.
I assume the pants are riding pants with armor? Not jeans.

I wear full gear, I'm so use to wearing it, I feel naked without it. I use to take my riding pants and riding boots off at work, but for the past year, I've just kept both of them on.

I also wear safety goggles too. Just in case I want to ride with my visor up.

All right, who are the two members who ride with only a helmet, or helmet and gloves:spank:

I created a similar poll long time ago, but the poll is closed.
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Plus vis vest for me.

We have just had last years Motorbike fatalities stats for denmark published.
We lost 39 bikers last year. The highest total in over 10 years.
25% involved lone riders.
That means in the other 75% of accidents another vehicle was involved. One of the most dangerous situations is when a car comes out of a side road.
I was in an accident like this in 1991 where I broke both my arms, right leg and smashed all my top teeth in even though I had a well fitted full face on. My bike headlight was on and I was travelling at 30mph.
The drivers excuse was "I didn`t see him".

Hence the vis vest...and headlight mod with bright bulbs.

If just one of those riders was wearing a vis vest, there is a chance that they would have been seen and saved.

I would rather be a fashion victim than a victim ....again.

helmet is non negotiable for me, armored jacket, long pants (not armored, but no shorts), and gloves are always on as well, but if i show up to ride with someone and they do not have adequate gear for themselves, Helmet, long shirt and long pants are my requirements. Then i will usually not ride with them.