Ride report!


Junior Member
Nov 25, 2009
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Gday guys,
Hit the road early yesterday to head up around Tumut and the dams. It was bloody cold when we got up in the mountains!!
I went with a mate on a FZ1 whith an Akai Ti pipe and was a dream to listen to!!

I thought I have been close to getting my knee down for a while but not having sliders has always been in the back of my mind, any way I just had my draggin jeans on which I thought even if i did get my knee down for a split second they would hold up...

I was wrong but I got my knee down! but the hole in the pants made the ride home that little bit colder.

On the was home my mate on the Fz1 had a off on the Elliot way, I didnt see it but I rekon he just froze up and ended up with his eyes straight ahead instead of through the bend. The main thing is hes fine, and anyone who has been checking there mirrors for there mate to come and then realising there not and then having to go find them is not a good feeling!

Looking the way he came from


Great pic's mate , i love the roads down Tumut way :thumbup:.... Havent been there for soooo long , used to go Trout fishing down there on Blowering Dam every year..... :thumbup:.... I have always wondered how my Draggin's would hold up to a brief knee down , now i know DONT DO IT :eek: :D
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Great pics and story, sorry to hear about your friend but at least he is ok and learnt something!!!
Certainly looks like an awesome ride! I'm jealous :(
good to hear ur friends ok.

congrats on the knee!! hows it feel to be in the club? did you get your membership card in the mail yet? :p

one day ill join the club myself. :)
Yeah, saw your mate's post on the FZ1 forum. Glad to hear he's OK. Not so good for the bike I hear.

As for the knee down in Draggins, I've been tucking my knee up out of harms way for so long it actually feels weird to let it hang downwards now in my leathers. Probably looks a little weird, hanging off with the knee up next to the tank, but you still get the benifit of shifted center of gravity so it's worth doing.

Looks like a great ride. Pity your friend had an off - good job he's ok.

Does possibly look like he had a little panic and didnt look where he wanted to go.

Just shows you can make a mistake no matter how experienced you are.