Do you wave at Harley riders?

Do you wave at Harley riders

  • I wave at them every time

    Votes: 131 65.8%
  • I'll wait for them to wave first

    Votes: 68 34.2%

  • Total voters
I also am a Harley Owner from down under i nod at all riders, or if i can raise a hand its not that hard, funny i stoped to help a jap rider and i got that stare, fixed his bike as i am mechanic big smile felt good.
My name is spencer and I am addicted to power wheelies. Does that count as a wave?? :) because it's easier and funner than waving lol.
We where riding thru a mountain pass one time and these three Harley riders fallowing the typical stereo type would not let us pass. After a few miles of this a fellow rider, who is a dam good rider, ends up passing them on a straight patch of road, doing a wheelie and with his hand slaps the back of the helmet of the Harley rider in the front. The reaction of the Harley riders "PRICELESS" as they tried to catch him but could not as my fellow rider was gone and doing so was like :Flip:

So to answer the original question....NO I don't wave as I would rather keep my hands on the controls.
We where riding thru a mountain pass one time and these three Harley riders fallowing the typical stereo type would not let us pass. After a few miles of this a fellow rider, who is a dam good rider, ends up passing them on a straight patch of road, doing a wheelie and with his hand slaps the back of the helmet of the Harley rider in the front. The reaction of the Harley riders "PRICELESS" as they tried to catch him but could not as my fellow rider was gone and doing so was like :Flip:

So to answer the original question....NO I don't wave as I would rather keep my hands on the controls.

Your friend is an asshat. Also, see my signature :D I know plenty of very nice people who ride Harleys. In face I have never met a Harley rider who was not very pleasant to speak with. That said, they do tend to not wave back. I usually wave, but sometimes don't.
Reread my post, I never said he was a friend just a fellow rider and yes he is an asshat for doing that.

Your friend is an asshat. Also, see my signature :D I know plenty of very nice people who ride Harleys. In face I have never met a Harley rider who was not very pleasant to speak with. That said, they do tend to not wave back. I usually wave, but sometimes don't.
Reread my post, I never said he was a friend just a fellow rider and yes he is an asshat for doing that.

The harley riders were bigger asses for being a rolling roadblock when people behind them were wanting around to enjoy their day instead of sitting behind a bunch of overweight slugs. slapping the helmet was stupid but everything else was great.
I'm a new rider(been on the road for like 2 days) and when harley's are riding in groups they usually always wave. I guess it's a thing to point your fingers to the ground as a wave :confused:. I just take my hand off and give em above the handlebar wave lol :D
Here in NC I've found 9 times out of 10 they wave at me. Was just out in the mountains and had a harley rider come up and say it was a sharp looking bike and asked some general questions. It's usually the tools in the tank tops that their above the world.
I believe the for the most part, clubs are designed to keep people out! Let's not be like that here. I wave at all non cagers, even can-am riders. If they don't wave back well no worries on my part. We are all brothers and sisters who pride ourselves on being unconventional.
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I wave at all bikes if it's safe. I don't care if they wave back but to be honest, more of the Harley riders return the wave than other sport bike riders..... Guess guys on other sport bikes are either too cool to wave or they have a death grip on the grips and can't let go :)

Either way, I'm waving because I want to!
i don't not wave to them. all riders are the same to me and sometimes i wave, sometimes not. i ordinarily "look" if i can and give a "tip of the helmet" to many. if i get the "wave" as a rider passes i am likely to "wave" back if noticed or i don't need two hands on the bars atm

i don't wave to scooters as often because they're either too elite to wave back or too embarrassed by their ride to assume they're being waved at by a motorcycle rider. so i leave them alone as to not make 'em cry :(
This may have already been posted as well, but isn't the title kind of an oxymoron? I mena, harley riders?Blah

And, one of the top 10 reasons they don't wave is it may void their warranty - I just received a newsletter from a local "motor company" dealer that recommended to not swerve around a pot hole because you may lose control. Seriously. :spank: