Bike pictures

Picture with the cell phone


And picture with my camera



My favorite!

So here's my most recent pic. I felt an urge last Saturday at about 4:30PM-ish. So I just got on the bike and started heading north. I ended up going to Prescott, AZ and then turning around to hit up a bar in New River which is near where I live.

This picture was taken at about 5:45ish. The sun was still going down behind me and the sky was an AMAZING mesh of purples, blues, pinks and oranges. I tell ya, there is NOTHING better than riding with an Arizona sunset in your view. But to top it all off, it was a full moon too!

So here is my FZ with a Bad Moon On The Rise. :rockon:


On a side note, I just got my Motodynamic tail light and a pair of Rizoma Zero 11's to replace my front signals with. I hope to fit the tail tonight but I found out I need to get a pair of Magic Blinkers if I want the Rizomas to work as running lights. So I'ma hold off on them for now. I'll post pics and maybe a vid when done.
red might be slower but its "more Cool" :spank:

Trying to mount a 295/70r17 to the front not really working :thumbup:
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