Bike pictures


OMFG! Am i jealous much....i have always wanted to go see that mural! Where is it? God i loved that show, Northern Exposure! Got the whole ENTIRE SERIES on DVD!

Is that yours Jamie? My Gawd he's adorable....must take after his mum?!?! :BLAA:

j/k mate, you know I'm just messing with ya!

Yes he is adorable, and both him, and his big brother are "stamps" of their dad, me! :D

Thanks aid-90! The windscreen is the puig touring smoke color. I found it on amazon for about $100 usd. I like it much better than the stock one:D
I took this one a while back whilst out on a ride.... I thought the Red and light colored horses were a good reference for our bikes representing the Modern day Cowboy's horse being a motorcycle..... :BLAA: :rockon: :rockon:
This was the last picture I took before I mothballed it. There's 2 brake rotors that weigh about 60 lbs in that box.

Just took this pic after stopping on a ride outside Columbus, OH yesterday. All of your pics with mountains and beaches in the background make me jealous...
McDonalds parking lot is the best I got :D