Accident last night... V3.0 destroyed.

I'm glad your left neck is ok though!!!

Sorry couldn’t resist it, glad your ok'ish,

Glad you **** her up; give her a taste of what se could have done as a result of not looking
Like everyone else, I'm glad you're OK. That's the most important thing. But Wavex, you're not a CAT, man (though Admin apparently is ;)), you don't have nine lives. Given the lady's comments - and there is no excuse for her - but given her comments, I have to agree with an earlier poster that black on black on black might not be the best choice for visibility. How about that nice RED Ducati with matching jacket and helmet? :thumbup:
It is good in Asian countries where people proactively honk without reason. Makes everyone around you alert. In US people should honk once for alerting and twice or more when others **** up with traffic discipline .. IMHO
Now way. I'd say you got them all out of the way! Glad your ok.

No matter what bike you end up with I hope stay on the Fizzer Forum.

Good luck!

Thank you, I`ll stick around for sure :)

Yeah, I hope I fulfilled my quota... I am getting a little tired of re-building naked fizzers...
David, First and foremost I am glad you are okay, albeit sore. Do you think there will be a v4? or will you really defect to the Duc? That video should be a commercial on every single channel, especially during the nightly news. Jeez. Rest up!

Take care,



If V3.0 is totaled, I shall look at the Duc or Speed Triple. If not, I don`t know what I`ll do yet.

I know however that I will stop commuting on a bike... whatever's next will go to the track and the wkd canyon rides only.
ouch! sorry to hear about the accident,,your write up reminded me a lot of bad memories,,,its not a good feeling at all....i remember once when i landed on the ground after flying about 20-30 feet,thanks to my gear , i stood up and people were still trying to approach me from the initial impact point,,,i didnt know what to do and i looked at my watch,,it was 10.21 pm :D this was like 12 years ago,,i never forget....

i hope you get what you want from this accident and im glad that noone got hurt! too much versions on 1 bike are not the luckiest guy are you :)


Yeah the adrenaline will often compel ppl to stand up right after a crash (been there too)... but I learned it is best to just lay there for a few minutes and give your body some time to calm down before evaluating yourself... in this case my initial thought was, oh oh, that feeling reminds me of the one I had when I broke my clavicle (same side) about 20 year ago :) Then after a couple of minutes, I started to feel my neck stiffen up... that was enough for me to just keep my back flat against the asphalt, and avoid any head movements.

It was only 7hours after the accident that they finally took the neckbrace off while telling me I had no broken bones... it was a big relief to slowly move my head left and right... I wasn`t sure of anything up until that point.
Still sore as hell this morning.... and very glad it is only soreness.
Hey Dave! We're all glad you came out again in one piece. The abrupt and unpredictable maneuvering of that Asian woman driver rings much truth. I swear it almost seemed like I witnessed this sort driving on more than one occasion in L.A.

BTW the Triumph Street Triple looks awesome.

Nice forward roll. ;)

My first thought laying there right after the accident was that it was a dude in the car (the Mercedes had tinted windows, so I couldn`t see), and that he literally wanted to "get me"... my assumption was that he had seen me the first time -when he stopped- so him pulling out further and stopping right in front of me made no sense whatsoever... in my head, I was convinced he had done it on purpose... but then I saw the little woman come out of there crying and shouting to everybody around that she had looked 2 or 3 times and did not see me at all. It made me feel a little better on the one hand, because it was clear she wasn`t out to kill me, but pissed me off on the other, because I realized my earlier assumption wasn`t accurate... I should have known right...

My reasoning during these 4-5 seconds went like this:
1) wow wth is that car doing pulling out of the parking lot without even stopping... better slow down
2) ok she saw me and stopped, let's get back to 45mph and pass her so she can proceed and get out of the middle of the street
3) huh?!??!??! boom.

A lot of you are thinking, "wow, this guy obviously has an issue with riding, it`s his third accident within like 2 years!, won`t happen to me, I ride safe"... which is fine, and probably true, but remember everyone (especially the ppl who commute everyday, and get in a routine with their bike), this whole thing went down within a few seconds, and everyone of us make these types "on the spot" decisions everyday, so independently of whether or not you think I ride safe/defensively, please keep alert, and bet on the safe side EVERYTIME, because it only takes one wrong split-second decision to end up in a "cul-de-sac".
I hope magseal does not TRY to rip you apart for this

I was thinking about him while writing my first post... he (now aka whisperquiet) already responded on SBN... haven`t had the time to answer everybody yet hehe

DefyInertia said:
You must have landed pefectly....LUCKY!

The 10 years of Judo paid off a few times already! I got the landing part down! now if I could only get the riding part down huh :rof:

If V3.0 is totaled, I shall look at the Duc or Speed Triple. If not, I don`t know what I`ll do yet.

I know however that I will stop commuting on a bike... whatever's next will go to the track and the wkd canyon rides only.

Duc...DO IT!!!

It's pretty much perfect right out of the box, no mods required. :thumbup:
dude, good to hear you're alright, no one ever makes the perfect choice all the time. Good luck bike hunting, Im sure you'll make us proud. Too bad about the Fzerrr, she was unique alright...
I was thinking about him while writing my first post... he (now aka whisperquiet) already responded on SBN... haven`t had the time to answer everybody yet hehe

The 10 years of Judo paid off a few times already! I got the landing part down! now if I could only get the riding part down huh :rof:

Judo... OOOOOS. Shodan? Tokui Waza? I also have about 10 yrs of Judo experience. Planning on going back as soon as I heal my hip. For now, I'll stick with the visits to a chiropractor and an accupuncturist.
David! Holy Crap!!! Utterly relieved to know you're OK! Extremely sad for your bike! You've got a Guardian Angel looking over you.

Send Yamaha a pic and respectfully bow out. Post pics of the bike if you have time.

Take care and please keep us informed.

Thanks Eric, got your PM too but haven`t had the time to read or respond yet... will do so soon... ty.ty.

Here is a little medley, that I am posting with a tear in my eye lol:






It will be missed! :(
Sounds terrible. If there's one thing that bothers me it's the inassertive drivers. You know, the ones that seem to drive uncertain about things. They'll drive you crazy with their indecision. I hate it when you're at a 4 way stop and you're approaching---no, make that slowing down---and they, paranoid, have to wait until you're completely stopped. Then, and only then, do they s-l-o-w-l-y start to cross the intersection. If they'd be more courteous, assertive, they would initiate the cross as soon as it was evident that you're coming to a stop so that you would'nt have to wait a frickin' half hour waiting for them to get the F out of the way. Sounds like that lady was the same way: unsure if it was safe or not to proceed, so does it half-ass leaving everybody else wondering what she's going to do.

Sounds about right. My uncle was a car journalist and pilot (rally driving, Paris-Dakar, etc...) and told me one day that the most dangerous people on the road are the unassertive/indecisive ones... once you decided where you want to go, and checked that it is clear, make your move and make it quickly... not doing so opens the door to lots of potential problems for yourself and others on the road (he had told me so while driving inside of Paris... I`ll remember my whole life, it was my first time driving in a big city, and he was my instructor... it was quite an adventure)...
Perhaps wearing all black and having a black bike isn't so badass after all. Gald to hear you're ok.

I fail to see your point, if you think this type of things only happens to ppl on black bikes, think again :)

Plus I had my high beams on (like I always do during the day), so IF she had looked properly, all she would have seen from the front would have been the high beams most likely...
As others have mentioned, glad you are OK! A high percentage wise, a rider will encounter an accident within the first 5 minutes of the ride, so you just added another statistic to that group.

What kind of gear were you wearing? How did it hold up?

I agree with Biker Dude........The use of the horn may have saved your ass as you described that you had time to evaluate your corrective measures. If I feel or see threatened in anyway, I use my horn period! I probably use my horn too much, but I don't care, that's just the way I am when I ride.

As far the Mercedes? $$$$$$$

ty :)

RF-1000 helmet took a beating on the front right (landed on it and rolled on my right shoulder and back)... the Alpinestar jacket held up (it's his 3rd crash and it saved my ass everytime, along with the Shoei). I was wearing work pants/shoes with that... one of the shoe was still sitting next to the bike after the accident lol
I feel that we as a Collective failed in not seizing possession of Wavex's V3.0 IMMEDIATELY he got word that he was going to Laguna until the bike could be trailered to the event.
We should hang our heads in SHAME I tell you. :disapprove:


I'm so glad to hear you got out of that one with no broken bones, Wavex.....I wouldn't be too quick to sign anything for a while, however, just in case some post-accident trauma shows up.

:D I really appreciate the msg thank you.
Personally, I'm not a real fan of the naked version of the Fizzer, but Wavex'x bike was an exception. It was an awsome looking bike, and hate the thought of it being wrecked.

Wavex, you shouldn't have to pay a dime out of your pocket. Make sure you're compensated from her insurance and then some. I can feel your stiff neck all the way from Vegas.

Thanks bro... I have a good lawyer and he`s working on it :thumbup: