Accident last night... V3.0 destroyed.


Lazy Mod :D
Jul 10, 2007
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Long Beach, CA
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To summarize, I leave work last night at about 5:00pm, and about a block down the street, an asian woman pulls out of a parking lot onto the 1st lane of a 3 lane street -I was in the far left lane-... she was quite aggressive pulling out of there so I get on the brakes to get ready to stop for her ass... her plan was to make a left hand turn, thus crossing the 3 lanes of traffic and the center lane to go the opposite direction, but after getting on the street, she stops abruptly on the far right lane (perpendicular to traffic), so I assume she saw me and I let go of the brakes... I open a little throttle to get back to 45mph when she decides to move forward again! my first hope was that she was trying to make it quickly to the center lane, but NO! she stops right in my lane, after she saw me and panicked -I assume-... At that time I was maybe 50-75feet away from her and my options were limited as I knew I had a car behind me in the middle lane (no swerving right at this point), and heavy oncoming traffic to the left... so I get on the brakes hard, but it was not enough stopping distance... I think I was doing a light endo right up until the impact with the front left quarter-panel of the Mercedes... at that point I remember flying in the air, doing a 360 forward flip and landing on my helmet and right shoulder 20 feet away...

My first instinctive move was to roll on my belly to check if I was in the middle of traffic... I rolled again once or twice making my way into the center lane and just laid there on my back for a few minutes, trying to feel my arms and legs... my first thought was that I broke my shoulder or clavicle (I had broken it already when I was a kid), and my neck was stiff as hell... so I did not move until the ambulance got there a few minutes later.

8 hours, a Cat-scan and a X-ray later, I have no broken bones and not a scratch on my body... just a very sore right neck & right shoulder.

The asian lady was freaking out after the accident, asking me if I was alright... I did not say a word to anyone and just laid there (which freaked her out even more since she couldn`t see my face due to the tinted faceshield), she was crying and telling everybody she looked 2 or 3 times and did not see me at all. Basically, it reminded me of this: [ame=""]YouTube - Think! Look twice for motorcycles[/ame]

I don`t know what`s up with the bike... I had a quick glimpse at it laying on the ground... liquid poring out of it... I don`t know if it'll be totaled or not, we`ll see... right now I am waiting for my layer to call me back, before I call my insurance.

I kinda hope it is totaled :lol...
Speed Triple? Ducati 848? we shall see :D

On the bright side, checkout what got here today:


:banana :lao
Well Damn man! Glad you are not hurt beyond repair Wave. That is the most important.

If the excuse is I didnt see em, the police should confiscate the lic. Blind people are not supposed to be driving. WTF over.

Glad your ok man. Sorry about your bike. Its probley done all it can at this point.
Damnit David!!!!! Maybe you weren't meant to have a motorcycle. Glad you're ok. Dumb b*tch shouldn't be driving; surely if she had "looked 2 or 3 times" she would've seen you.

Hope you feel better soon.
1ST, glad you are ok:thumbup: You seem to be pushing the law of averages just a little... No v4.0??;)
Glad you are ok David.That just sucks mate,the dozey cow should not be on the road full stop,:ban: for good.A brown trouser moment for you i bet,big time :eek:

Heres to a speedy recovery :iconbeer:

David, First and foremost I am glad you are okay, albeit sore. Do you think there will be a v4? or will you really defect to the Duc? That video should be a commercial on every single channel, especially during the nightly news. Jeez. Rest up!

Take care,

ouch! sorry to hear about the accident,,your write up reminded me a lot of bad memories,,,its not a good feeling at all....i remember once when i landed on the ground after flying about 20-30 feet,thanks to my gear , i stood up and people were still trying to approach me from the initial impact point,,,i didnt know what to do and i looked at my watch,,it was 10.21 pm :D this was like 12 years ago,,i never forget....

i hope you get what you want from this accident and im glad that noone got hurt! too much versions on 1 bike are not the luckiest guy are you :)
I think he is lucky as hell. The bike maybe not so much anymore, but he is very very lucky.
Oh, man, a 360 & you're ok!! Well glad to hear that for ya.
You'll be resting up for awhile before venturing out for a new one I suspect.
Coulda been worse - we're glad it wasn't.
Glad you survived another incident.

The 848 is well sweet. :thumbup:

Think Once,
Think Twice,
Think Bike.

If only.
Damnit David! Please stop doing this, you scare the p*ss out of me everytime I hear/read one of your posts.

I had that happen to me on my bicycle once, did a 360 and landed on his hood. That hurt!
dude.. sorry about the bike.. it was a beauty.. glad to hear that your ok..we need to teach the box four wheeled drivers to pay more attention to us...
Glad to read you are not badly injured. I flew over a car back in 84, I know what it is like to do a 360. The imbicil cried that I hit him and he did not hit me. He turned in front of me. Plenty of bruises but no broken bones Thank God.