You may be a motorcyclist if...

...when you find yourself looking at the long range forecast to see how many commuting days on the bike you'll have next week.

All the time!

**When you put all your gear on just to go to the gas station and back
** You get into an argument with your significant other on who gets to drive just so you can ride the bike.
You think to yourself the pizza won't be in too bad of shape after you stuff it in your sidecase and bring it home....

I ate it, don't understand why the wife and kids had a problem re-assembling it when they opened the box:D

Your doing displacement math in your head with every item on the quick list from the grocery store thinking, if I expand my tank bag I can fit everything!!!
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... you are lighting the barbecue to cook dinner when you realize that you have forgotten to change out of your riding pants and boots when you got home...

...your young kids recognize you better with your helmet and gear on than without...
You've been home for hours & your Daughter asks "Why are you still wearing your riding boots" ??.... :D

You whack your knee into the centre console of your car whilst cornering....
1. You don't own a car or a truck!

2. You have to pay for car insurance whenever you go rent a car.

3. When you are responsible for putting 300 more motorcyclist a year legally out on our roads.

Haven't owned a vehicle in almost four years, and problably never will as long as the man upstairs continues to allow me to ride.
When you have your car on a battery tender all the time.

When you bruise you knuckles trying to tap your helmet to alert another cyclist to an approaching police car when you are driving your car
Number one used app on my iPhone -- so I know if it's a riding day.



You know your a motorcyclist, when you have a late model car in great condition, and at least a 2 car garage, and the car does not live in the shed...but your bikes do.....unconditionally!
