

Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
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Sydney, Australia
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Had a bit of a close call on the way home from work this evening, got to the lights before my street as they turned orange and gave the bike a bit of gas, then started tapping the brakes to slow down for the next set of lights I was turning right at.
The back wheel locked up and just refused to grip AT ALL, and I slid from just past the first set of lights, all the way to the next, and halfway through the corner, at which point I was able to regain control and finish the corner. Luckily the front brakes slowed me down enough for a semblance of control!

Managed to stay upright and in control of the bike, which I'm putting down to the Yamaha's balance more than my abilities, but I had my heart in my mouth thats for sure!

It was dry tonight and the tyres where warmed up, so I'm not sure if it was something on the road, a bit too much speed or a combination of the two, but I'll be being extra careful at both sets of lights from now on!

Come to think of it the bike was actually stepping out a tiny bit on the rear when I was taking off from the lights all the way home.