Yay America!!



I know I know. Some of our anti second amendment rights folks are going to get all uptight about this one. Oh wells.

Posted to Craig's List Personals:
Merrily checked Snopes, so this may be for real. Let's hope.

To the Guy Who Mugged Me Downtown (Downtown, Savannah)
2009-01-06, 3:43AM EST

I was the white guy with the black Burrberry jacket that you demanded I hand over shortly after you pulled the knife on me and my girlfriend. You also asked for my girlfriend's purse and earrings. I hope you somehow come across this message. I'd like to apologize. I didn't expect you to crap your pants when I drew my pistol af ter you took my jacket. Truth is, I was wearing the jacket for a reason that evening, and it wasn't that cold outside. You see, my girlfriend had just bought me that Kimber 1911 .45 ACP pistol for Christmas, and we had just picked up a shoulder holster for it that evening. Beautiful pistol, eh? It's a very intimidating weapon when pointed at your head, isn't it?

I know it probably wasn't a great deal of fun walking back to wherever you'd come from with that brown sludge flopping about in your pants. I'm sure it was even worse since you also ended up leaving your shoes, cellphone, and wallet with me. I couldn't have you calling up any of your buddies to come help you try to mug us again. I took the liberty of calling your mother, or "Momma" as you had her listed in your cell, and explaining to her your situation. I also bought myself some gas on your card. I gave your shoes to one of the homeless guys over by Vinnie Van Go Go's, along with all of the cash in your wallet, then I threw the wallet itself in a dumpster.

I called a bunch of phone sex numbers from your cell. They'll be on your bill in case you'd like to know which ones. Alltel recently shut down the line, and I've only had the phone for a little over a day now, so I don't know what's going on with that. I hope they haven't permanently cut off your service. I was about to make some threatening phone calls to the DA's office with it. Oh well.

So, about your pants. I know that I was a little rough on you when you did this whole attempted mugging thing, so I'd like to make it up to you. I'm sure you've already washed your pants, so I'd like to help you out. I'd like to reimburse you for the detergent you used on the pants. What brand did you use, and was it liquid or powder? I'd also like to apologize for not killing you and instead making you walk back home humiliated. I'm hoping that you'll reconsider your choice of path in life. Next time you might not be so lucky. If you read this message, email me and we'll do lunch and laundry. Peace!

- Alex
Personally I believe that the right to carry a gun makes the U.S.A. a perfect "Poster Child" for whats WRONG with society....It may have been appropriate 150 years ago but TODAY it has contributed to a crime rate UNMATCHED anywhere (except maybe Mexico or Columbia)...An contributes to both those who commit crime and those scared of it who OVER REACT to situations causing further HEARTBREAK and IRE to the "Right to bear ARMS" argument.....TIME to LOOK for ALTERNATIVES to "PACKING HEAT" regardless of the reason...PEACE OUT
P.s....I've had a GUN waved at me....and it didn't end well....FOR THEM
conceal carry is gonna be hard for anyone to get unless you have a very good reason. I do but i cross state lines so thats not gonna happen.... o well i have a very nice wooden baseball bat you bull a knife your not gonna make out too well. anyway yeah hope it is true except why is he caring a .45? 9mm does enough damage and is smaller.....
Yay America!!!

The flip side of the coin is if we so choose we can defend ourselves. It is one of the things that is right with America.

Here is a fatal flaw with your argument.
Without a human being to operate it a gun is cold inert tool.

Oddly enough the greatest levels of gun violence are in the most restrictive areas to gun ownship in this country.

Anything worth doing once is worth doing again. Although “doing it again” might get you shot, of course:
An intended rape victim shot and killed her attacker this morning in Cape Girardeau when he broke into her home to rape her a second time, police said.
The 57-year-old woman shot Ronnie W. Preyer, 47, a registered sex offender, in the chest with a shotgun when he broke through her locked basement door.

Just a minute…
[goes off to perform a Happy Dance, is joined by thousands]

I’m sorry… now, here’s the end of the story, from the D.A.’s office:
“I will not be filing any sort of charge against this 57-year-old woman, who was clearly justified under the law in shooting this intruder in her home.”
My only regret in all of this is that the unfortunate lady didn’t shoot the miserable sumbitch dead the first time he broke in—a sentiment which I’m sure is shared by all who read the story.

Yay America!!!!

I like dead bad guys. More dead bad guys is good.

When two gunmen smashed through the glass front door of her suburban Fort Worth home early Wednesday, Kellie Hoehn didn’t think twice. The 34-year-old mother of two grabbed a shotgun that had been pointed at her face, starting a struggle that ended with one intruder killed with his own weapon and another in the hospital.
“I wasn’t going to let them get to my babies,” she said, recalling the moment when she pushed up the muzzle of the shotgun, pointing it away from her children’s rooms.
Although the intruders told her to keep quiet, she screamed for her husband. She told her 12-year-old son, who was awakened by the sound of the shattering glass front door, to get his 5-year-old sister and hide.
“It was like a horror movie,” her husband, 32-year-old Keith Hoehn, told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. “I thought I was a dead man. We’re fighting for our lives.”
With Kellie Hoehn clinging to the weapon’s muzzle, her husband tackled the man who held the shotgun. She knocked the intruder in the head with a jar candle, giving her husband a chance to wrest the shotgun.
By then the tussle had spilled out onto the front lawn. Keith Hoehn shot one of the men who had a pistol, police said. Wounded, that man ran away.
Then the intruder who initially had the shotgun charged Keith Hoehn.
Kellie Hoehn told The Dallas Morning News that she screamed at her husband, “Shoot him, shoot him, shoot him.” Her husband fired the shotgun and the man fell to the ground. Then the shot man lunged a second time.
“Well, I shot him again, and I guess that was it,” Keith Hoehn said.

I guess so. One dead, one critically-wounded goblin. Job well done.
[waits politely for applause and cheering to die down]
No charges will be filed against the couple, of course, because this happened [clap clap clap clap] deep in the heart of Texas.

Do you think maybe she has her own shotgun now? I bet she does.

An interesting incident occurred in Loiuisville Tuesday. Two young misunderstood victims of society apparently suffered what Massad Ayoob has elsewhere called, “...a catastrophic failure in the victim-selection process”.
Sorry, I like Massad and all, but I just stole that expression, forthwith. It’s too good not to use.

But I digress. To the story at hand:
Two teens who were fatally wounded Tuesday night were apparently breaking into a house when the owner shot them, according to Louisville Metro Police.
In an interview, Jackson said last night that he and his wife were cleaning an apartment in the house that had recently been vacated when the teens forced their way inside. Jackson, 70, said the teens were wearing masks, demanded his wallet and threatened to kill him. He said he pretended he was having a heart attack to buy himself a couple of seconds to reach for the gun he had in his waistband.
“They had the weapon two feet from my head—I thought I was dead,” he said. He said he fired because he wanted to protect his wife, who was in the kitchen at the time.

And justifiably so, Mr. Jackson—although there’s nothing wrong with self-defense, either.
The Louisville Police apparently agree with me (and with Kentucky’s Castle Docrine Law), because no charges will be filed.
Read the rest of the story here, about how the two Goblins are really choirboys and are just innocent victims, despite wearing masks, carrying a gun and kicking in a door before demanding money from a pensioner. An armed pensioner. (Okay, you bloodthirsty buggers can quit laughing now.) And note that Our Hero was carrying his gun, even though he was inside his own house. Lesson learned, here. Always have a gun handy.
Nothing like a twofer, I always say.

Randal says 45-year-old Richard Lane wore a mask when he broke into Happy Donuts around 1:30 a.m., with what looked like a rifle. He stole money from the cash drawer, beat Randal up and tried to steal her car.
“I grabbed my telephone,” Randal explained. “He said, don’t call police. I say I gotta do something.”
Meanwhile her neighbor, 54-year-old Stanley Livingston, heard the commotion next door, grabbed his shotgun and ran over to help. That’s when Lane allegedly pointed his gun at Livingston, who fired one shot killing the robber.

Nothing says “Quit doing that!” like a close-range blast of shotgunny goodness.
[waits for the roars of applause to finish]

And it gets better:
Fort Worth defense attorney Trey Loftin told CBS 11 News, “We’re a gun toting state. We have a lot of John Wayne in our blood. We’re gonna shoot first and ask questions later.” Loftin says Livingston will most likely not be charged.
If he is, the DA’s gonna face a few questions come election time. You commit a robbery and point a weapon at another armed citizen, Texas law says you’re likely gonna die, and nobody’s going to care. (I think I quoted the legal language accurately.)

And now the clincher:
According to Fort Worth police, Lane was armed with a BB gun rifle during the robbery.
You know, if I’m holding a BB gun and a guy’s pointing a shotgun at me, my only question would be: “How far do you want me to throw this thing?” But noooo.

And of course, the late goblin was a choirboy:
State records indicate Lane had an extensive criminal history, including aggravated assault and aggravated robbery.
So… all’s well that ends well.

Police said a man attempting to rape a girl and a woman was shot and killed after one escaped and alerted her nearby cousin.
Investigators said 44-year-old David Fleming forcibly entered the home of two sisters, ages 22 and 12, in an apparent rape attempt in Tipton County.
After being tied up, one of the girls escaped and ran to the home of her next-door neighbor and cousin, Keith Ingram. Police said Ingram shot and killed Fleming after he attempted to attack him.
Fleming had a prior conviction for attempted rape and was a registered sex offender. Ingram had no criminal record and a valid handgun permit.
No charges have been filed.

Uncle suggested, in his email to me, that this shooting was “particularly righteous”, and I am in absolute agreement.
[waits politely for the storms of cheers, applause and bloodthirsty catcalls to die down]
I don’t know if I could ever come up with a better example of a Righteous Shooting than this one… and why do I feel the sudden need for a cigarette?

More dead bad guys to come.

Oh and if our government gets too opressive we can overthrow it as well.
Those silly founding fathers who risked their lives, property, and happiness on a few silly ideas.
conceal carry is gonna be hard for anyone to get unless you have a very good reason. I do but i cross state lines so thats not gonna happen.... o well i have a very nice wooden baseball bat you bull a knife your not gonna make out too well. anyway yeah hope it is true except why is he caring a .45? 9mm does enough damage and is smaller.....

Cause a kimber .45acp makes a huge hole that can not close over itself leading to massive bloodloss and quick incapcitation. 9mm not so much.

Concealed carry is easy to get as long as you dont have a history of violence or mental illness.

Most states are reciprocal as well. Just avoid IL and the North Eastern seaboard, but who wants to go there anyway.
Its easy to just avoid states that feel criminals should have a advantage, and citizens should just let them do as they please.

Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom murder

Hugh Christopher Newsom, Jr., 23, and Channon Gail Christian, 21, were a couple from Knoxville, Tennessee. They were tortured, group raped, and murdered after being kidnapped early on the morning of January 7, 2007, while their vehicle was being carjacked.[1] Both murders have been classified as premeditated.[2]

Five suspects have been arrested and charged in the case.[3] The grand jury has indicted the 5 suspects with a total of 46 counts including torture, murder, and rape.[2]

The Crime
Christian and Newsom had gone on a date at a local restaurant on Saturday, January 6, 2007, but did not return home. During their drive, the couple was "hijacked, bound and blindfolded and taken back to Davidson's apartment."[4]

At Davidson's apartment, Newsom had apparently been group raped in Christian's presence.[4][5] According to Officer Todd Childress, "Newsom's body was wrapped in a 'sheet and/or comforter,' and that the victim had been shot at least three times. He also notes that Newsom's shoes, socks, identification, and iPod were missing. His body had been burned."[6]

Christian's parents found her Toyota 4-Runner on Chipman Street on Monday, with the help of her mobile phone provider. Because the killers ditched Christian's SUV just a few hours after it was stolen, it has been sugested that the primary objectives of the perpetrators was their desire to kidnap, torture, rape, and murder, instead of a simple hijacking.[7] An envelope recovered from the vehicle yielded fingerprint evidence that led police to Lemaricus Davidson and 2316 Chipman Street. When police went to the address on Tuesday, January 9, they found the home unoccupied and Christian's body in a trash can in the kitchen. She had been dismembered, her body found in five separate trash bags.[8] It has been alleged that for two days she had been group raped multiple times, beaten, and urinated upon.[4] Reports have also indicated that Christian was forced to drink bleach or a similar liquid, in an attempt to remove DNA evidence.[8] Newsom's body was found adjacent to railroad tracks in East Knoxville the next afternoon.[4]

Some media reports have suggested that prior to their deaths Christopher's ***** was severed and one or both of Channon's breasts were cut off, however the police department refuses to comment on these specific allegations.[4]

The Victims
Christian came to Tennessee with her family from Louisiana in 1997. She was a graduate of Farragut High School and a senior sociology major at the University of Tennessee. [9][10] On January 12th her family released a statement to thank the Knoxville community "for all their prayers and everything". A candlelight vigil was held on the university campus January 25, 2007 in her honor. She is buried at Highland Memorial West Cemetery.

Newsom, a former baseball player for the Halls High School Red Devils graduated from Halls in 2002. He was interred at Woodhaven Memorial Gardens.[11]

District Attorney General Randy Nichols has not indicated whether or not he will seek the death penalty, but he does say the state will seek conviction for all charges filed in a 24-page indictment from the Knox County Grand Jury.[12]

The five suspects are:

Eric DeWayne "E" Boyd, 34, arrested in connection with the fatal carjacking, only faces federal charges as an accessory after the fact. He was not indicted by the Knox County grand jury.
George Geovonni "Detroit" Thomas, 27, faces a total of 46 charges. Thomas was indicted on 16 counts of felony murder growing out of rape, robbery, kidnapping, and theft of Christian and Newsom, 2 counts of premeditated murder, 2 counts of especially aggravated robbery, 4 counts of especially aggravated kidnapping, 20 counts of aggravated rape, and 2 counts of theft.
Lemaricus Devall "Slim" Davidson, 25, (b. June 13, 1981) faces a total of 46 charges. Davidson was indicted on 16 counts of felony murder growing out of rape, robbery, kidnapping, and theft of Christian and Newsom, 2 counts of premeditated murder, 2 counts of especially aggravated robbery, 4 counts of especially aggravated kidnapping, 20 counts of aggravated rape, and 2 counts of theft. Davidson had completed serving a five-year sentence in Tennessee on a previous felony conviction for carjacking and aggravated robbery on August 5, 2006.
Letalvis "Rome" Cobbins, 24, (b. December 20, 1982) faces a total of 46 charges. Cobbins was indicted on 16 counts of felony murder growing out of rape, robbery, kidnapping, and theft of Christian and Newsom, 2 counts of premeditated murder, 2 counts of especially aggravated robbery, 4 counts of especially aggravated kidnapping, 20 counts of aggravated rape, and 2 counts of theft. In 2003, Cobbins was convicted of third-degree attempted robbery in New York state. He and Davidson are brothers.
Vanessa Coleman, 18, was arrested by police in Lebanon, Kentucky. She faces 40 Tennessee state charges. Coleman was indicted on 12 counts of felony murder growing out of rape, robbery, kidnapping, and theft of Christian and Newsom, 1 count of premeditated murder (of Christian only), 1 count of especially aggravated robbery (of Newsom only), 4 counts of especially aggravated kidnapping, 20 counts of aggravated rape, and 2 counts of theft.
The four suspects indicted in Knox County are scheduled for a status hearing on May 17.[13]

^ Details of double slaying emerge, Knoxville News Sentinel, January 13, 2007
^ a b Grand jury presentment in Christian/Newsom case, Knox News, May 3, 2007
^ Female suspect arraigned in Channon Christian, Chris Newsom murders, WBIR-TV, April 18, 2007
^ a b c d e f Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian Brutally Murdered As The Nation Looks on, Court TV/Crime Library, April 03, 2007.
^ Duncan Mansfield, Associated Press. "4th Arrest in Tennessee Couple's Slaying", CBS News, January 12, 2007. Retrieved on 2007-04-18.
^ Katie Allison Granju. "Released documents reveal new details of Christian, Newsom murder investigation", WBIR-TV, January 12, 2007. Retrieved on 2007-04-18.
^ The Knoxville Horror: The Crime and the Cover-Up, American Renaissance, May 14, 2007.
^ a b Four suspects charged with murder in Knoxville double slaying WATE 6 News, February 1, 2007
^ Memorial to be held for loss of student, The Daily Beacon, January 25, 2007. Retrieved on 2007-4-20
^ Channon Gail Christian,Knoxville News Sentinel from January 12, 2007. Retrieved on 2007-4-20.
^ Chris Newsom, Knoxville News Sentinel from January 12, 2007. Retrieved on 2007-4-20
^ Duncan Mansfield, Associated Press, Fox News from February 02, 2007. Retrieved on 2007-4-20
^ Granju, Katie Allison. "Female suspect arraigned in Channon Christian, Chris Newsom murders", WBIR-TV, 2007-04-18. Retrieved on 2007-05-13.
^ Bet You Haven't Heard, Charlie Daniels - Soap Box, May 7, 2007
^ Murder in black and white, The Patriot Post, May 04, 2007.
^ Not a black and white issue, DiamondbackOnline, April 04, 2007. External links
Message from the Christian Family
5th Suspect Arrested in Double Murder, Announcement Expected Soon
Volunteer TV 8 Double Murder Suspect Indicted in Court
Retrieved from Murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Buy a gun, learn how to use it, take safety courses, practice with it frequently, get your concealed carry permit. If you live in a state that doesnt allow it, move.
I'm NOT questioning your RIGHT to defend yourself, but surely you must see the fact that if Citizen A arms themselves and chooses to commit a crime with said "Firepower" then citizen B decides to also arm themselves and the next time thay hear a strange noise end up blowing away the neighbours kid retrieving a ball from their back yard, or another popular on is the kiddies finding it and ACCIDENTALLY blowing away a friend while playing with it...or the EVER popular schoolyard shooting that seems to be MORE PREVALENT than EVER.....Give such a dangerous option to people either UNTRAINED or UNSTABLE and you are asking for TROUBLE...There is NO ARGUING this ONE...The guns don't kill people, People kill people argument is the MOST PISS WEAK excuse going around and is continued due to either Arrogance or Ignorance...END OF STORY
i could very easily pick up a large rock from the groung and bash you in the skull with it until you died but you dont see a ban on large rocks do you ? if you dont like guns dont buy one. there should be more debates on driving while on cellphones than guns. it seems like every other driver on the road is talking or texting while driving and i have no way to defend myself from them.
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i could very easily pick up a large rock from the groung and bash you in the skull with it until you died but you dont see a ban on large rocks do you ?

Mate, I've had knife attacks, broken bottle attacks, bats, clubs and a LOVELY assortment of various implements THRUST at me and its not a problem coz they have to get close enough to use them...see where this is going.....Wake up to yourself
Mate, I've had knife attacks, broken bottle attacks, bats, clubs and a LOVELY assortment of various implements THRUST at me and its not a problem coz they have to get close enough to use them...see where this is going.....Wake up to yourself

well i dont pull my gun out randomly. i would be very selective of the times i use it. im not a criminal, just trying to defend myself from them.