Wrecked my FZ :(


The EAgle
Mar 27, 2008
Reaction score
Binghamton, New york
Visit site
I was driving around the city. Went around a corner, around a parked car, and BAM hit a man hole, :eek: went sideways and was sliding down the road.
I and my FZ went sliding down the road for a good 30 or 40 feet. I was going about 40 MPH. :spank: :spank:
Attached are some pictures. Anyone know a good place to pick up a front fairing for a '06? :(
I am not going to lie, I was wearing shorts. But on another honest note. It is something I very rarely do. I have the jacket and the pants and mx-5 boots and everything. I am the guy who gets picked on for wearing that stuff when its 90 out, but I still wear it. But that is the way it goes, the one and almost only day I do not wear my gear, this happens.
I hope you recover soon.. wear your gear for that one day ass wel:spank:

I'll never ride without gear.. Rode with jeans on once.. (full gear except pants).. never again.. :rolleyes:
youch! sometimes i think i would choose a broken bone over road rash. i have been bad myself in this heat here in maryland. most of the year i rock the boots, slider jeans, jacket, and obviously helmet and gloves. but with a short in-town commute and 90+ degree days, it is not uncommon to see me rock adidas' with khakis and a shirt (but with helmet and gloves) :squid: however the ex-girlfriend did just get me a pair of slider khakis that will be my new work pant once it cools the f down here. reminds me i need to change my coolant so that fan can cut down on blasting me with hellfire a little bit.
Dump the fairing.. go naked (unless much of your riding is going over 70mph for long stretches at a time).
Heal quick and never ride without gear again.
Good to hear your ok.

You'll alway's see.... the one day you do not wear any protection you crash....

I see to much people over here not wearing any protection because its 35c out there.
I can see why they dont want to because i was sweating like hell when i had a red light. But i dont want to take the risk. Sometimes when i only need to drive like 2km. I wear normal jeans and my leather jacket + gloves. But thats very rare.
Re: Wrecked my FZ :( ////I just wrecked mine on 7/7/2010 also

Just wrecked mine also, hit a 3 point buck at 60mph. The front is toast, I'm going to make it a naked bike. I'm still alive because I had full gear on.
Broke my collar bone in two places and bruised my lungs.
Still don't remember what happened.
All went so fast.
Thats a lot of skin you lost, hope recovery is fast.



OH by the way, anyone know where I can get a new or used speedometer for my bike? The Dealer wants 680.00 new. Sickos.
Although the bike runs fine without it. :) Maybe I'll just go without.
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the one and almost only day I do not wear my gear, this happens.

Isn't this always the case?

Oh by the way, it's 112 degrees today here in Vegas. If I can ride with full gear on, jacket, gloves, riding pants and boots, you probably can do the same. I have to be honest, it feels like I'm riding in the world's largest oven! But the more I sweat, the cooler I am.

It's those riders who are ridng in shorts and T-shirts are the ones taking all the risk. That pavement is hot enough to fry an egg. Plus they are dehydrating a lot quicker as their sweat just evaporates into the air.

Heal up quick, take care and thanks for posting and being honest. Always a nice reminder that we can crash anytime, unfortunately it's through someones misfortune.

Be careful rounding that corner! Everytime I see a manhole cover, I'll think of this post.
All good for the not very serious riders damage...
Hope getting well soon..
Today, here Los Angeles, above 100 degrees and I was little nervous when commuting.
So, I did some easy detour when coming back to home.
It's probably not a complete coincidence that you crashed when you weren't wearing your gear and shorts to boot! When you dress casual your attitude changes to a more relaxed mode .... it's just human nature. When you have complete gear on, even on a smoldering day, your mind knows this is serious business and you operate accordingly. But with shorts .....
Dump the fairing.. go naked (unless much of your riding is going over 70mph for long stretches at a time).
Heal quick and never ride without gear again.

Agreed :D

Sorry to hear about the crash, glad you're ok. I would have sold you mine if you decided not to go naked, but I just sold them last week.

I'll never go back to faired!!! (never say never :shakehead:)
I'm not going to lecture anyone here - your road rash speaks louder than words.

Glad there were no serious injuries.

Sorry about the bike.

The two of you need to go naked - naked bikes rock :rockon:
That sucks dude :( Glad you are ok though !! And go naked, should be alot easier, and your bike will look alot better too ;)
Damn...Hate to see such a nice ride get damaged...Lost count of amount of times Ive told people "I'd rather sweat than bleed" over the last couple of summers when asked about the gear Im rockin' in the blazin' sun
You guys are sending mixed message here! First you tell all to wear their gear all the time, and now to 'go naked'!?!? :justkidding:

Sorry to hear about the accident. Watch that road rash carefully (it's easily infected), and take your time getting your bike back together (you'll learn alot doing it). Good luck, and enjoy the 'naked' look (even though you'll ACTUALLY be wearing ATGATT!)
