Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition! Truckloads of Pics!

re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition! Truckloads of Pics!

Welcome back Matt. Glad you had a safe trip. 14 hours... WoW... Iron-Butt stuff :rof:

Great pics, and as was just mentioned... Only one "Babe" pic !!! :eek:
I've always wanted an R1, want one even more after hearing the "Big Bang" model, not so much of the typical "screamer" engine, and sounding more like a V-Twin... Sweet.

Look forward to more pics and some of the "stories" from the trip.

What are those in the spokes?!?!? PomPoms?!?!?

Hehehe, they are called "Spokey-Dokey's", more for kids pushbikes... looks like someone has a sense of humour :rof:

re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition! Truckloads of Pics!

Well i just wandered in the door from a rather massive 5 days away.....am absolutely drilled..the ride home today was hard yakka....dust storms, 100km'/h wind gusts, driving rain, dodging Kangaroo's & Koala's....am well shagged!

Will right an extensive report later (so much to tell), and post about a trillion photo's, but for now after ridiing just shy of 2400km's in the last 5 days, i am off to have a bath, some dinner and get ready for work...yep, i start back at work in 2 hours!

Just one photo to start with to wet your whistles of what is to come....Just me and one of my idols! Mr Troy Bayliss!!!!!

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re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition! Truckloads of Pics!

Welcome back mate.Was thinking of you riding back in that weather,glad you had no mishaps I hate riding in the wind !

Looking forward to the pics and write up :thumbup:
re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition! Truckloads of Pics!

And the Wolf returns, safe and sound. Welcome back dude.

Glad you guys had a safe trip, with no major drama's. Work tonight. :eek: .. is it "Zombie Night" up there tonight??? :rof:

Have fun mate.

re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition! Truckloads of Pics!

Welcome back!

It would have been an awesome trip to the island. I've wanted to go for ages, but haven't had an opportunity as yet.

Can't wait to see some more photos!

re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition! Truckloads of Pics!

Welcome back fella's , looks like you had a grouse trip :thumbup:...Cant wait to see more pic's that hopefully contain more babes :D....
re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition! Truckloads of Pics!

Welcome back guys:cheer:. Gotta love that Grampians wildlife:thumbup:.

Sounds like you had an awesome time, and I'll be getting my brown stinky stuff in one sock for the next trip, that's for sure:rockon:...lol.

Glad you made it OK:cheer:.

We need to keep riding back and forward across that way. It seems to make it rain:D...lol.

re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition! Truckloads of Pics!

What an EPIC trip! Too cool guys. I can hardly wait to see more photos. I think I saw you guys on TV, not really but was great racing. Spies looks like he'll be king this year, what an amazing start to the season for him. He needs to keep an eye on those BMWs however. Once they are sorted out, they'll FLY!

Welcome back home! :thumbup:
re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition! Truckloads of Pics!

Ok, well here's my well overdue 'Epic" report from the "Epic" trip that was WSBK @ PI 09, with Silverback, the "Mystery' Pillion" & me, The Wolfman!

Ok, as Silverback has already stated, we got moving 2.5hrs late, due to the fact that i worked Thursday night, could not sleep when i got home, and eventually did'nt get any shut eye till 45 minutes before we were actually supposed to leave...when i did get woken up, i actually had only managed 2.5 hours sleep anyway...not exactly the best preparation to ride 1100km's in one day, 2 up, with a bunch of gear on the bike!

Anyway, away we went! left Adelaide at 7am exactly! First stop was at Murray Bridge, for Fuel, and coffee...at which "Miss Clumsy"...aka the "Mystery Pillion"...promptly fell over, getting off my bike...something to do with brand new leathers, that were a little stiff, and hence restrictive re movement...anyway, no-one was hurt, except MP's pride, and Matt & me got a good laugh!

It was at this point, that we decided that due to my sleep in, it would be best to make a mad dash across the back blocks of SA and Victoria to Queenscliff, rather than take the more rider friendly, but longer route to Queenscliff to catch the ferry, along the Great Ocean Road...otherwise we may miss the Ferry!!!

Turned out to be a good decision, as we ended up getting to Queenscliff with only 20 minutes to spare, before the last Ferry for the day left! :eek:

The ride over to this point was pretty uneventful, and pretty much just a long & boring straight drag, with about 5 corners worth any merit, the whole way....although, as my GPS ran out of Batteries just before we got to Queenscliff, we did have the first of a couple of fraught moments finding our way to the Ferry...which did call for some reasonably spirited riding through some peak hour traffic to get there on time!

The Ferry Ride over was quite pleasent, and gave our butts a well earned break from the long day in the saddle!

Ok once the Ferry arrived at Sorrento...things went a little pear shaped for a while!!! Yep, we started following all the other bikes to PI, then somehow got seperated from the main group, and consequently, with no working GPS, other than the useless GPS on my phone, we ended up riding around the Mornington Peninsula for what seemed like forever, before we found our way to the road to PI!!!

What should of been a 1hr cruise, anded up taking us 2.5hrs!!!! pulled up at our Cabin on PI at 9pm exactly...yep, 14 hours and about 1100km's after we left home.

Part one of our epic journey done! in one piece, and with 2 bikes that performed their duties admirably!

Here's a few pics from the epic journey to PI!

The view from the back of the bike, looking down the Freeway, just out of Adelaide....not long after we left Blackwood.
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Mr Silverback, looking rather menacing on one of the endless, long straight drags across SA countryside!
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Victorian Government advertisement to supposedly scare us Motorcyclists into slowing down...not that WE were speeding...
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The view from the Ferry from Queenscliff to Sorrento.
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Lost! Silverback jesticulating as to which way we should go...none of us had a clue really!
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MP resting her sore butt on the Ferry!
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Part two coming shortly!
re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition! Truckloads of Pics!

I'm so JEALOUS!!!! :thumbup: :cheer:
re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition! Truckloads of Pics!

Ok, once we got to PI, we got down to the business of unpacking, and in my case, ripping all the touring gear of my bike, and turning "damien" back into a streetfighter of sorts, rather than a tourer!

We also had a good chat, and a few drinks with the guys in the cabin next to us...3 of them, also from SA, and one Tasmanian...who i think thought i was pretty funny as i desperately tried to remove a recalcitrant bolt from my TB's, to remove the baffles, which i had in for the ride over...i did not succeed, and in fact ended up having to drill the little sucker out the next morning in Cowes at some Auto repair place..it was not pretty!!!

These guys had some nice bikes...a couple of Triumph Sprint ST's, a Ducati S2R 1000 Monster, and a BMW 800GS.....But i think they were more interesting in Matt's MT-01...as they drooled over his trusty steed for quite some time!

We did venture into Cowes for a while on Friday night for a bite to eat, a brew or two, before riding back to our cabin for a well earned rest before making our way to the track for the first time on Saturday Morning...via Breakfast at Cowes!

Lots of eye candy in the form of bikes, at Cowes, while we ate Brekky too!

Upon arriving at the track, we got our tickets, parked our bikes, and headed across the track from the outside, to the inside, the paddock area, where we took up our position in Club Y, which was pretty much the best seats in the house...right above the pits, on the start/finish straight, with prime viewing of the start/finish line, all the action in pit lane, and with full pit roof access for viewing of the entire track...

Yamaha was the main sponsor of this round of the WSBK, so as such, they had the best box in the house! and we were in it! :rockon:

Our Corporate Box had a full Bar, a fully caterde morning tea, Lunch, Afternoon tea, comfy bean bags to pull up to the front window to observe the track action, TV monitors with live race coverage, and all the latest lap times, results, etc.

We were also privvy to our own private Autograph & Interview sessions with all the Yamaha factory riders at PI, both in the WSBK & World Supersport teams, as well as the Aussie guys riding for YRT in the Aussie Superbike & Supersport supprt classes! Nice!

As Matty has mentioned, there was a prize draw on the Saturday Morning...and we cleaned up...i won a lovely "Pink" Yamaha Cap, which i gave to MP, MP won a fantastic Yamaha Enduro bum bag,which she gave to me, and Matty won a brilliant Yamaha Racing Shirt... which Matty promptly gave to me....thanks Matty, that made my day....wore it proudly, all weekend too.

Not a bad start to proceeding, promptly followed by a "killer" gourmet lunch, and a pit walk...where we got lots of photo's, a few autographed posters...grouse!

We were good boys, and drank light beer all day!

Here's a few more piccies...this time, the views from our exalted position on pit straight! Best friggin seats i have ever had at PI...beats freezing your butt off on the outfield in the ever changing weather that is PI!

Me, looking rather impressed, with the winning "Booty" from the Club Y raffle! :thumbup:
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The view from the Club Y "corporate bean bags" of Pit straight....niiiice!
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The view of the WSBK paddock, from the rear of our corporate box.....niiiice!
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The view of the Superscreen, directly across the track, from our corporate box.....niiiice!
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MP enjoying gourmet lunch, and watchging the racing, once again, from our corporate box....niiiice!
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The view of Pit Striaght, from the Pit Roof, directly above our corporate box....niiiice!
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re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition! Truckloads of Pics!

Great shots mate .

A pink hat ! it had to happen ,lol.The pink outfit is coming together nicely :D

Couple of quick questions 1: How was your fuel economy ? and 2:What did MP think of the pillion seat ?
re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition! Truckloads of Pics!

It just kept getting better....the pit walks on Saturday & Sunday provided a truck load of photo & autograph opportunities.....

Me & Anthony West....Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!...Oi!,Oi!,Oi!
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The rather delectable Ducati 1198 up close!
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Tyres with Trye Warmers at rear of Yamaha WSBK pit!
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Aussie YRT factory R1 racer....Aussie Superbike Support Class...from inside the pit, which i managed to get an impromptu tour of!
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Anyone looking for some slightly used race tyres!
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Leon Haslam & Me!
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One of my idols....Franki Chilli & Me!
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Ruben Xaus & Me!
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Former World Supersport Champion, Kenan Sofogolou & Me!
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Yukio Kagayama & Me!
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Great pics Jamie.

Making me more and more jealous that I couldn't come :(

Ant West, so glad he had a good ride, on a bike he doesn't know with a brand new team, and to stick with the dominant force (Handspree) for the last 6-7 years in WSS... Things are looking good for young "Westie".

Great shots mate .

A pink hat ! it had to happen ,lol.The pink outfit is coming together nicely :D

Couple of quick questions 1: How was your fuel economy ? and 2:What did MP think of the pillion seat ?

Fuel economy was great on the open road...we took it very easy, and considering i had me, MP, and about 40kg's of gear (about 200kg all up)...i still managed to get about 20km's a litre out of a couple of tanks...on the way home though, when we were riding into a killer headwind, at one point it got down to about 150km's before i hit reserve! bike was sideways in a straight line though! :eek:

MP hardly complained at all, we both suffered from stiff knees, and a bit of a sore butt, but in reality, both of us, were fine..we stopped about every 100 - 150km's for a short break, and a ciggy, and this seemed to keep the numb bum syndrome well in check...

MP just loves being on the bike...a very good pillion....both on the lkong boring bits, and in the twisties...she was brilliant in the twisties on the Great Ocean Road...we were carving people up all over the shop, 2 up, with gear! :rockon:
Re: Wolfman...& Silverback goes bush pt.4-WSBK @ PI edition!

More Love from PI pits!

The nicest butt in racing!
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Mr Troy Corsers very beautiful BMW!
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a "Gaggle" of Team Suzuki's (Aussie Superbikes)
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Mad Max's Aprillia
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Mr Squiggle's (Gary Mc Coy's) Triumph
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HahnSpree Pit!
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Mad Max's Aprillia "Undressed"
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Would'nt you just love this!
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Amy Omara's Pink R1....what she has moved onto, since "Pinky"!!!
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Anthony West's Stiggy Motorsports Honda!
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More to come...Racing Shots galore, etc...but for now, i gotta run!
