Wind Screens


Missing The Fiz-Sometimes
Jul 14, 2008
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Plymouth, MI
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I know that this topic has been beaten to death, but I’ve read the old posts and got so much conflicting information that I figured I’d try one more time with some more specific data about myself hoping that there is someone about my size that has some real experience.

I’m going to be keeping my FZ6 for at least another year or two and want to make it as much a comfortable ride as possible. Thanks to this forum, I'm shipping my seat off to Florida next week to be, "re-stuffed" (and saving $500 in the process), so hopefully my tail end will be happier this year.

I commute 90 miles to work (both ways) daily in moderate freeway conditions. We are pretty fast in Michigan with cruising speeds around 75 mph. I do wear earplugs, so noise isn’t an issue – my problem is vision (I wear contact lenses). At freeway speeds, I ride with the visor down and usually wear sunglasses during the day. It would be nice in the warmer months to be able to put the visor up occasionally (I know, that’s not the safest thing to do, but it cools you down nicely). The problem with this is that the wind blast is right in my face (I’m about 6’ 1”) and those contacts dry out almost instantly.
I don’t care where the wind blast finally hits me (preferably it wouldn’t , but I know that this is impossible), but I’d just like it out of my face. Is there anyone out there about my size with good experience?
Many thanks!
You could get a touring screen, I have a givi and I love it. It puts the air right at my helmet, and the noise from the wind is much louder, but I just use plugs and the noise isn't much of a bother. I wouldn't open my face shield at highway speeds with it though. You could also add one of these : MRA VarioTouring Extension Spoiler for attachment to original windshield - MRA.VTA, I want to get one of these.

I also have the Givi Touring screen and like it a lot. I've had it for 2 years now with no problems. I'm 6'1" and find it made a big difference in wind baffling and highway comfort. I've done a few longer trips with it and suffered no fatigue or head stress.
I went with the Puig touring screen, huge difference from stock. Make sure you use the added edge tubing, I could tell the difference with and without it.
like you said, this topic has been talked to death, but without any kind of consensus,
I've tried a puig double bubble, looked great but was useless, no more protection and
more noise, the OEM touring screen, better protection but very noisy, earplugs are a
must with that screen...if you're looking for complete upper body and head protection,
where you will actually be looking through the screen, you have to go with a very tall
one, two options around are Cal Sci and Cee Bailey, I just got my 24" Cee Bailey,
haven't tried it yet cause it ain't riding season here yet, if it does not offer the protection
I'm after then I think I'm out of options, if you're looking for that head protection, where
you can ride open visor in the rain etc. Those 2 are IMO the only options
To each his own, I guess. It was enough wind protection for me, I didnt notice anymore noise than stock. It wasnt until I was on my way home from my ride today that I noticed I wasnt having to keep my head forced forward like I did with the oem windscreen, seemed quieter too.
Go out and buy yourself a pair of clear safety glasses that wrap around, one of the best $5.00 investments I have ever made!

I have the Puig Double bubble which I can hide behind (5'9"), but when it is hot out a blast of air to the face feels good!
I have the Givi 440D - With the side extensions that protect hands from wind. I like the hand protection in the cold weather.

For me there is head buffeting and blurred vision from the taller screen. I have gotten used to it, but don't like it. Yes, noise is worse, but I always use earplugs, so it is not an issue.

With the larger screen on Michigan freeways, I notice the bike gets blown arround a little more from wind. Especially on I275.

There is more chest protection from wind & rain, but it is not importaint to me.

I will go back to the stock screen during warm months when I don't need the hand protection.

Happy riding
You could get a touring screen, I have a givi and I love it. It puts the air right at my helmet, and the noise from the wind is much louder, but I just use plugs and the noise isn't much of a bother. I wouldn't open my face shield at highway speeds with it though. You could also add one of these : MRA VarioTouring Extension Spoiler for attachment to original windshield - MRA.VTA, I want to get one of these.

I forgot to mention that I'm 6'2" tall and with the stock screen the air was hitting me below my helmet, and my head was getting knocked around, with the touring screen it hits me at my helmet and doesn't make my head bob around. The MRA extension will make the air go over your head, you can adjust the the height and angle of the extension to meet your need.
I know your looking for more of a taller screen, but to smooth out the wind buffet (I can't remember who originally did it), you could cut slots on the edges of the OEM screen. Smooths out the flow, and at least helps with the buffet.

On a side note, wow, there are lots of FZ riders around the Detroit metro area. Lol
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