WIN!: Parking Revenge WIN


Be nice i am
May 25, 2010
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Telford England
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It's a win until the single mom who owns that sees that she's blocked in and decides to run your bike over. If someone is ignorant enough to park in a clearly marked moto parking spot they would not hesitate to either attempt to move or run over your bike. ;)
then they get a new bike....the person has the tag number and a clear picture of the bikes condition just prior to the hit-and-run
Funny, but the motorcycle is also parked 'illegally' as it's across two parks.

Sure, the cager deserves a'slappin', but the bike rider is also in the wrong.

The insurance company would declare that whilst the cager did the wrong thing, the motorcyclist parked there in either an attempt to gain benefit from an insured event (did it deliberately for personal gain) and the presence of the bike deprives the cager of their liberty to move their car.

Rather than hit the bike, they may try to move it, also, and for a soccer-mum with no knowledge of bikes, would probably damage it, or drop it, and then leave the scene.

And unless you actually SAW this happen, then the cager would claim it was like that, and they have no knowledge.....

Good for a photo opportunity, but no good can come of it.

Funny, but the motorcycle is also parked 'illegally' as it's across two parks.

Sure, the cager deserves a'slappin', but the bike rider is also in the wrong.

The insurance company would declare that whilst the cager did the wrong thing, the motorcyclist parked there in either an attempt to gain benefit from an insured event (did it deliberately for personal gain) and the presence of the bike deprives the cager of their liberty to move their car.

Rather than hit the bike, they may try to move it, also, and for a soccer-mum with no knowledge of bikes, would probably damage it, or drop it, and then leave the scene.

And unless you actually SAW this happen, then the cager would claim it was like that, and they have no knowledge.....

Good for a photo opportunity, but no good can come of it.


True, but I think parking the bike like that would allow more bikes to park in the space provided, thus requiring fewer motorcycle parking spots.
Good for a photo opportunity, but no good can come of it.
This was what I thought as soon as I saw it, for the same reasons you mentioned and more. As they say, two wrongs make a left.

The ironic part is most cagers get pissed when I take up a full spot... my coworker falls into this category.
The ironic part is most cagers get pissed when I take up a full spot... my coworker falls into this category.

Unless I'm riding in company I always take up a full spot by parking my bike reverse in, diagonally in the park. Not corner to corner, but rear wheel to one side of centre (off the oil spot) and the front wheel to the other side. Makes my bike more visible, and discourages people thinking they can squeeze their bike/car/truck/bus there too.

Yup, always amazed but arrogant self important cagers. Had one park, no squeeze in, next to me in the corporate parking deck. And it was a Lexus which could have been door dinged when I got on my bike!?!?!? It was not easy getting out without hitting the car. Don't know what they were thinking - sorry I assumed they thought.

Now I park over in the space to keep that from happening. It's life, a lot of nice people but some just don't care about anyone but themselves.

Sometimes when I meet my wife somewhere I will park in the same parking space with her. Her Smart car only takes up half of a space anyway. Another cool thing about a Smart car is you can turn around in the parking space if there is an empty space next to you. Very handy getting out of parking lots when there are a lot of cars lined up to get out and gets lots of smiles as you entertain those waiting.
This was what I thought as soon as I saw it, for the same reasons you mentioned and more. As they say, two wrongs make a left.

The ironic part is most cagers get pissed when I take up a full spot... my coworker falls into this category.

Isn't it ironic that those cagers driving the largest vehicles that take up the most parking space area in the lot are the ones pissed about bikes or compact cars in spots they wanted to occupy? I have a pet peeve against people who drive unnecessarily large vehicles to commute to themselves.:spank: (i.e: commuting in a 7 passenger SUV or quad cab diesel pickup that you never use to haul anything with)
Sometimes when I meet my wife somewhere I will park in the same parking space with her. Her Smart car only takes up half of a space anyway.
I feel like we need a picture of this. If it's anywhere close what I have pictured in my head, it's probably amazing. :) Next time you meet her out, snap a quick pic.
I have a pet peeve against people who drive unnecessarily large vehicles to commute to themselves.:spank: (i.e: commuting in a 7 passenger SUV or quad cab diesel pickup that you never use to haul anything with)

It's none of your business what anyone else drives. Perhaps they have a hobby that requires them to own a big vehicle. Ever tried to pull a horse trailer with a Prius?

Less resources are used to own one big vehicle than to own two cars.

I agree with crappy parking by all drivers with 2 or 4 wheels just sucks.
Perhaps they have a hobby that requires them to own a big vehicle.

While the possibility exists that any one given SUV/oversized vehicle serves a purpose other than carrying the one or two people currently going down the road, the LIKELIHOOD of it simply being oversized and almost never used in the capacity for which it was built is much higher.

Yes, people can drive whatever they want but contrary to what you said earlier, it IS my business... yours too. Every unnecessarily large vehicle on the road increases demand for a good that we are predominantly buying from another country. It drives up prices, lines the pockets of people that wish to harm us, pollutes the air you and I breath more than necessary, and the list goes on.
Funny, but the motorcycle is also parked 'illegally' as it's across two parks.

Looks like there's enough room in the left spot to back the bike in and be fully within the space. Still wouldn't be enough room for soccer mom to get out and she'd still probably knock over/drop the bike. But, the bike would at least be parked legally.
True, :rockon:

It's a win until the single mom who owns that sees that she's blocked in and decides to run your bike over. If someone is ignorant enough to park in a clearly marked moto parking spot they would not hesitate to either attempt to move or run over your bike. ;)
It's awesome because the driver of the car won't be able to just wheel the bike four feet over.

Oh wait...

I agree with the fact that cars shouldnt park in the very limited pathetic excuses for bike parking bays .... to many places force us to park in a space that a car driver would be annoyed at ... but what else we sposed to do ... so i also park occasionly diagonal in middle of a space just so im atleast seen ...