Why ride a motorcycle


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2010
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D/FW Texas
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I know this goes in the video section, but you have to see this.:rockon:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dytQvJefFW0]o#o Why Ride a Motorcycle? - YouTube[/ame]
that makes a lot of sense all round ... yes its dangerous but so is being in a car a truck a plane a boat ...even walking
i say get out there and enjoy LIFE to its fullest instead of hideing away

lifes an adventure ....lets see where it takes us :thumbup:
Great video. I have an entire swarm of people that are constantly calling me crazy for riding. All my friends, everyone at work, my entire family, my girlfriend... none of them really understand how amazing it is to ride. Each day I ride, is my own personal gift to myself, and I love every second of it.
The music makes it sound like a bad conspiracy video ...

I get the idea of the video and all that, and i agree, but don't make it sound like you're somekind of superhero by repeating yourself over and over again.

He got into an accident, reflected on himself, got back on the bike and loved it ... That's a 20 second video at most.

The racer that lost his limbs and is still doing it ... now THAT is inspirational :)
That video sums up perfectly why I ride. My partner can't wait to get on a bike once the kids are older. In fact I'm tempted to book her onto a CBT course as a surprise :D
Living is all 'All the stuff you do before you die'. Those who do nothing to live longer...never really live at all.

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark" Michelangelo
That video is a little over dramatic. And really you could substitute pretty much anything from skate boarding to jumping out a airplane.