Why did you buy your FZ6?


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Aug 5, 2010
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If you've noticed, I may be in the market for an FZ6. Since no one ever offers test rides and if you're looking at second hand you can only go around the block a few times - never getting a real feel for what the bike is like.

I've had grand perceptions change the few times I've had a test ride. I was able to demo a Ducati Streetfighter S when they first came out. Even though everything I read about it was positive, I did not like it one bit. Sure, it had power but that is only 25% of the equation. I would have never known unless I tried it. Do people often need to buy the bike before they ever realize they do or don't like it?

What was the reason you bought your FZ6? What made you decide it was the bike for you? Was it based on style, or a favorable review? Were you able to get a test ride somehow? Did you just put your money down and hope for the best?

Over the last 20 years, pretty much every bike I've owned has come to me first. Only twice did I actually seek out that particular bike and buy it but each time it was just a quick test ride around the block (what does this accomplish? That the bike works?) before I laid down my money.


The FZ is my first bike, it was my 40 year old birthday present to myself (read midlife crisis). I chose the FZ because of the following:

1.) I wanted a bike I wouldn't grow out of (600 cc's minimum);
2.) I wanted one with an upright riding position;
3.) I wanted something with sportbikish looks but not a crotch rocket;
4.) I wanted something I could commute on but that was also fun and sporty;
5.) I wanted a new bike reasonably priced (I bought mine new but it was last years model so I got a decent deal).
6.) The majority of online information I could find (including this forum) gave the FZ6 favorable reviews.
7.) When ridden easy the FZ6 gets kicka$$ mileage (I get 48-50 mpg regularly when I'm commuting).
8.) Last but not least, I think the FZ6 is just friggin' hot.
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i had a fzs100 fazer before my fz6 , the reason i got it was .1,running costs,2,my misses dont go the back much,3, its just as much fun ,ie:light and good in the corners and still got power,4,i got a good deal and a good part ex on my fzs1000
I bought mine last year, my first bike, I have a bad back and needed a more up right bike. I love that I can ride it as is, adjust it to fit my needs for longer rides, or short quick rides. You can modify it to be a tourer, or just about anyway you want it. It is the swiss army knife of bikes. I love mine.
This is my first bike as well. Like rickvan67, I wanted something I wouldn't quickly out grow, affordable, and good mileage. All the reviews I could find on the bike were positive and it's working out quite well for me. Does the bike have some shortfalls? Sure it does, but every vehicle you ever own will have some things you don't like. After 3 months and a bit over 2k miles, I'm very happy with it.
Been riding 40 years and had lots of different bikes. I am 6'1", 235lbs (well nourished), and 50 yo. The FZ6 (mine is an 08), by design, and manufacture, is one dandy bike. It handles well, has more power than I care to use, comfortable, reliable (so far), and gets good fuel economy. A stock FZ6 needs nothing added to be thoroughly enjoyable. However, if you wish to modify there are a good variety of things you can do. You will be hard pressed to find more fun for your dollars in motorcycling.
+1 on the (ahem) mid life thing

I wanted a bike that was versatile and sporty looking. I honestly wasn't a fan of the undertail exhaust but that is the only thing I didn't like. It's fine now. I read all about the nice manners of this ride under 8k and the vavavoom performance past 8k.

I bought mine without ever being offered a test ride. I only test rode one bike from a gentleman who made me sign a "break it you bought it" note. Had it not been for the good folks on this forum i might have ended up on a ninja 500R (test rode it). the bike felt like it didn't have a soul.

I cannot say enough good things about the FZ6.. it does everything well. You need only upgrade the exhaust and the seat and the thing is damn near perfect in every way.
This is my first bike.

I like the style/looks and upright riding position. I was not able to test ride it before buying it. Actually, the dealer only had a FZ1 (I was really considering) and a FZ6R.
I found the FZ1 to be pretty big and heavy to start with.

Also, it is cheaper to insure (and gas economy) than the FZ6.

I do not regret not even a bit getting the FZ6.

I know in Daytona (bike week) you can "test ride" some models, but I never got to do that, also that is once a year!!!!! A long wait!!!!!!!
It was my first bike after 20 years without one.

I wanted an XJR1300 but when I went to the dealer Mrs saw the Fazer and steered me that way.

I bought it without a test ride, the first time I rode it was the day I collected it.

6 years and 3 months later, still not a day's regret.
My fz6 is my first bike. Second hand 2005 naked. Main reasons I brought it was to really learn how to ride in traffic and I wanted something that I could ride long distances, to and from work. Something that I could do the maintenance on myself and when I was learning to ride a bike the instructors all said that a fazer was a good all rounder first bike. I've only had in for a month and don't have much experience with other bikes but I'm loving the fz6.
sold my XR600R after a string of supermoto's/big trailies because I wanted something I could do a 200 mile trip on,that wasn't going to blow its gaskets at motorway speeds (100 odd ;))

Done the Blades and Gixers and wanted a chuckable middleweight with a bit of balls.

Tried a Hornet,SV and a ZX,then tried the fizzer and was hooked.It truly is a great little bike and one that I'll be happy with for a good couple of years :thumbup:
FZ6 is my seventh bike. To me it is the perfect blend of handling, power, speed, looks, quiet, comfort, economy, cheap to insure, etc, etc, etc.
I've had some back surgeries in recent years and after looking for TWO YEARS the first time I test rode a Fazer I bought it on the spot! It's the ONLY bike I've found that I can sit up on comfortably instead of having to lay down on. Plus, two up? It doesn't even know there is an extra person on it! I love mine. (I know where two more brand new ones are still in the showroom) Good luck!
Pretty much everything rickvan67 said, plus the fact that the FZ6 is two different bikes depending on how you ride it. Keep it below 6000 RPMs, and it's a nice commuter and careful beginners bike. As your confidence grows, rev it up closer to redline, and the beast awakens.

Just as with rickvan67, getting my license and buying a bike probably was the beginning of my midlife crisis. Two days before I got the license, I also got the message that I was going to be a father. A very good week for me! ;)

I never got to test ride the bike I bought (or any other FZ6) before I bought it. The price was low and the bike was very nice, so I just bought it there and then. The test drive came when it was time to take it home a few days later. I had to shop for a bike in a hurry, or else I would never get around to it due to the baby that was on the way. Now I have both a 3 months old baby and a bike, and I love them both (in different ways, of course). :D
I'm finding that this is a bike that will grow with you. This is my first street bike, and as others have pointed out, keeping the RPM's low you can learn easily with it. I'm starting to experiment up in the 9-10K rpm range more and more and the bike is a totally different animal. It's awesome, and I'm glad I got this bike. The community of riders is also awesome.
She was my first bike too, bought a "used" '07 in '07 with 1,400 miles on her (owner's wife told him he didn't like it :rolleyes:) and I got her for only $5,500, with a helmet that fit!
Picked her for three main reasons:
1. Not having ridden before, I wasn't sure I'd like it, so I wanted something inexpensive.
2. All the magazine reviews said that the taller testers liked it (I'm 6'5").
3. Never got a test ride, but just sitting on her in the dealership, felt right. :thumbup:

I got my AARP card this year :( and the financial situation has been good lately, so I'm seriously looking at a BMW R1200 GS for touring. I can only ride the FZ about 120 miles/day, the legroom is just too cramped. But, I'll never sell her, and if I end up with a Beemer my FZ will become a track bike, which I'm really looking forward to! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Owned a Ninja 500r with my daughter prior to my FZ6. (Had to get my own bike) Really was interested in a V-strom, liked the ride, but didn't really like the looks of it. Test rode an FZ1 but found that I wasn't "mature" enough to ride it and found the ergos far more cramped than the FZ6. Took my bike out for an hour test ride prior to buying it from the dealer (sorry you guys can't test ride bikes in your "hoods"). Wouldn't have bought the FZ6 without a test ride.

I have been looking for an excuse to buy a different Bike ever since I bought my Fizzer. After 40000 kms I can't come up with a good enough reason. Excellent price, reliable, reasonably comfortable, and really moves if I want it to.(Its all in the wrist).
My Son wanted to learn to ride and hinted he wanted me to teach him on my Hayabusa:eek: ya that was going to happen , found my FZ6 on craigslist and fell in love with it , the busa just sits in the garage now and my son wondering if I am going to pass the FZ6 to him , ya right this bike is a kick in the butt to ride in the hills . too much fun.
a buddy of mine raved about his. I rode his as needed and I felt great on it. Nice perk to have. I wasnt interested in a ss bike or a cruiser. The fz fit my beginning needs nicely and there were many used in the area to choose from at the time so it was a no brainer. My interests in bike styles have changed as i rack up miles on the fz...... may make this a naked someday or ditch it and buy a triumph street triple.
If you've noticed, I may be in the market for an FZ6. Since no one ever offers test rides and if you're looking at second hand you can only go around the block a few times - never getting a real feel for what the bike is like.

I've had grand perceptions change the few times I've had a test ride. I was able to demo a Ducati Streetfighter S when they first came out. Even though everything I read about it was positive, I did not like it one bit. Sure, it had power but that is only 25% of the equation. I would have never known unless I tried it. Do people often need to buy the bike before they ever realize they do or don't like it?

What was the reason you bought your FZ6? What made you decide it was the bike for you? Was it based on style, or a favorable review? Were you able to get a test ride somehow? Did you just put your money down and hope for the best?

Over the last 20 years, pretty much every bike I've owned has come to me first. Only twice did I actually seek out that particular bike and buy it but each time it was just a quick test ride around the block (what does this accomplish? That the bike works?) before I laid down my money.


Don't dealers let you test ride over there?

In Perth, you can test ride - good half hour ride at least - just have to sign an insurance waver - if you drop it you pay the excess.

As for picking the FZ6, I saw her and fell in love with her at the dealership. I had only ever had 250's before, and was still on a 250 licence, so I couldn't actually test ride her. My husband did that for me. He wanted something fairly light, easy to move around and something that he knew I could handle easily, and something that could keep up with the boys when they all went for their "spirited" rides. This bike had it all.

Very happy with the bike. I will eventually want a litre bike, but, I will probably look at the FZ1. Won't be parting with the FZ6 though. She'll be my special baby always :thumbup:
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