Who here names their bike?

I call mine Stephanie :) She rides good and keeps me safe as long as i dont jerk her bars to hard.

I havent thought of names for my other vehicles yet
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I haven't named my FZ yet. My ZX6R was named Kelly and my CBR is named Henrietta.

Kelly Kawasaki and Henrietta Honda

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I usually just call her "The FZ." Maybe I'll look into something with that like "fizzy" or maybe I'll just go with "Janine" Don't know why but that sounds like a hot athletic girl's name... The FZ is both hot and athletic looking... ;)
My black fizzer is named "Damien", after the movie, The Omen! It also gets called "the black bike", cause i have more than one bike in the shed.

My other fizzer, which is now sold, was called "Pinky", cause when it was a FZ6 Cup bike, it was painted hot pink!

Depends on how the bike is running.

Not really a name but I do talk to it. My bike can be quite temperamental.

It varies from "C'mon Baby" to "C'mon you heap of of s**t" :D
I just call it my b***h!!! Yeah I smack my b***h up!!! Ride the b***h hard and put it up wet, it never complains just takes it like a b***h!!! I just hope it don't b***h slap me!!!

Edit: lol I thought it would censor bitch
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My FZ is "The Naked Wasp"
because it is an "n" and the colours are those of a wasp.
The Naked Wasp was a student newspaper I used to work on in the late '70's and I pinched the mast head that I was going to have made into a decal for the swing arm, but then I got FAZR6's swingarm decals instead