Where is everyone?


Junior Member
May 29, 2008
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Cambridgeshire, UK
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Entering my first winter as a biker and cant believe how few bikers I see out now. I plan to be a mainly fair weather rider but even I went to work on the bike twice this week and plan to be out tomorrow. I usually have to nod hello many times on my trip to work but I was lucky if I saw two others on the road today.

Even this forum seems to quieten down. I used to log on an have dozens of posts to read each day... now there are a lot less.

Do bikers hibernate? :don'tknow:
I commute 17 miles to london each day from the south, still a convoy of 20 or so of us every morning rain or shine.

I passed my test back in Feb and thought i'd be a fair weather rider but got the bug bad so upgraded my wet gear so there's no going back to the cage or the train for me
One of my bikes is in bits being tinkered with ready for next year and the other one (which is supposed to by my winter hack/donkey bike) has knackered gearbox bearings, so is off being fixed elsewhere.

The Missus' sunny Sunday bike needs a service and tax leaving her Fazer as the only working bike between us. She takes that in to her work and I go in the car to mine.
I have some reasonably good wet weather gear. Gortex Hein Gericke. Seems to keep me dry so far!

Being an inexperienced rider I still find it nerve wracking in the rain. I just dont know how much I can get away with in the wet before sliding. Find myself going around round-about and tight bends at walking pace. Hopefully confidence will come with experience hence wanting to get out there as much as possible.

Cornering seems to be my week spot at the moment. Find I stiffen up and look at the front of the front wheel (which I know is the wrong thing to do) if I feel I am entering a bend / corner too quickly and then it all goes wrong. Again, hopefully experience will help!


BTW: wasnt this one of the wettest summers you had? Was hoping to have a good bit of time on the bike in the dry.
Im in Houston so year round its not bad riding, I have mesh gloves now so im looking for some winter gloves, any suggestions?
My bike is in bed for the winter. It is cold, wet and dark in Denmark. That is what a car is for. I ride for enjoyment, not because I have to.

Our insurance is different than the UK. My bike is insured for the road until the end of this month and then it is just insured for fire and theft. To insure it to ride over winter is a lot more expensive.

Entering my first winter as a biker and cant believe how few bikers I see out now. I plan to be a mainly fair weather rider but even I went to work on the bike twice this week and plan to be out tomorrow. I usually have to nod hello many times on my trip to work but I was lucky if I saw two others on the road today.

Even this forum seems to quieten down. I used to log on an have dozens of posts to read each day... now there are a lot less.

Do bikers hibernate? :don'tknow:

Do you want an honest reply?

It topped about 30C today & is now a balmy 21C. I finished work early & came home to find my wife had baked a cake (seriously) & dinner was in the works.

Had a great meal, then my wife & bub (6 weeks old) needed an early night. So im left to my own devices. The Poms are playing the Kiwis on TV & ive got half a slab of coldies in the fridge. Lifes Good :thumbup:

Life isnt all beer & skittles though. Ive just come out of a cold & very wet winter of riding & im quite looking forward to taking full advantage of what the summer has to offer. :iconbeer: :aus:
Not many bikes out here anymore, as its dipping into the twenties in the mornings. One thing I've noticed: the Harley guys seem a lot more likely to wave when you're both out in the cold, 8 for 8 yesterday! :cheer:
So I was wrong. People are out an about. Mind you it helps when you are in the warms of Houston or Australia!

Have a good winter! I cleaned mine up at the weekend and pretty much got it ready for the winter. Hoping to have a few warmer days here and there though so may be able to get it dirty again !!
Don't forget us in SoCal (southern california) where we are maybe hibernating due to smoke inhalation, but I went out with a group of about 30 on Saturday...not bad if I do say so myself ;)