When Do You Shift?


Junior Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Bloomington, IN
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Hey All, just curious at about what RPMs you shift at when going through the gears. Doesn't matter when, normally or racking it out. Normally for me, I'm at about 8k. :thumbup:
I find I typically shift around 5-6k when putting around. If I'm feeling more spirited, usually around 8-9k.
Commuting to work here in northern VA I can't ever seem to find a road that has little enough traffic or doesn't have stop lights every 15 feet to ever get it over 5k in 1st!!! :eek:
if i putt around its usually around 4-5k, i take it pretty easy but im not shy of the rev limiter when i want to be.....usually if some dbag is pissin me off at a light about 9~10k is enough to set them straight....
The bike likes to shift around 6-7K in normal highway/backroad riding. In traffic you can ride as low as 4K rpms but you can tell the engine is lugging below that rpm.

Of course when the conditions are right open her up to redline a few times will get your adrenaline going! :BLAA: