What would it take for you to break your moral or ethical code?

What would it take for you to break your Moral/Ethical Code?

  • A large sum of cash (please specify amount)

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • A gift (car, house, boat, perfectly modded Fz6 or other motorcycle)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Your perfect fantasy with the person of your desire (tell g-rated story)

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • A favor (i.e. like the movie Horrible Bosses)

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Junior Member
Nov 9, 2012
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Scottsdale, AZ
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So, sometimes I get people who ask me to do something that is not always on the 100% up and up. Sometimes, it is something flat out illegal most of the times it is just something stupid.

I started my own running joke of it saying I would take a half million dollars in non-sequential $20 bills (weight about 50lbs) as my standard reply when somebody tries to push my boundaries.

So How Much Would it Take for You to Break Your Ethical/Moral Code?
My wife says she could go for George Clooney and that I would want Angelina( and then she says she might consider that option too lol)
so I went for perfect fantasy
When it comes to a cash deal, the more I think about it the higher the price and then it just gets to "impossible dream" territory......I just have this little word I like to think I live by-integrity,

But fantasies woohoo WOOHOO
22 year-old guy here and I went for fantasy.

Money and things will eventually die, but memories won't.

As for who the fantasy is with?

Jennifer Lawrence. My word that woman is... Pretty :)

That, and she's only a little over a month older than myself.

As for what the fantasy would be? I'm old fashioned, so just a great evening doing the things I love. Motorcycle ride through the mountains, dinner at some romantic spot. Or if it's the winter, some nice snowboarding and dinner by the fire.
My wife says she could go for George Clooney and that I would want Angelina( and then she says she might consider that option too lol)
so I went for perfect fantasy
When it comes to a cash deal, the more I think about it the higher the price and then it just gets to "impossible dream" territory......I just have this little word I like to think I live by-integrity,

But fantasies woohoo WOOHOO

I know what you mean about integrity. That's why I started joking with people using equally outrageous demands as what they are asking of me. It's a lot less stressful then getting mad at them and tearing them a new one.

That's a great wife BTW, everyone I ever suggest anything like that and they get the usual pissed off "Am I'm not good enough" attitude, LOL
I voted for a favor like oh, let's say Jennifer in Horrible Bosses. I love my wife dearly for the past 23 years but I told her if Jennifer wanted a favor from me I'd be gone.
The wife isn't worried about that one :)
I voted for a favor like oh, let's say Jennifer in Horrible Bosses. I love my wife dearly for the past 23 years but I told her if Jennifer wanted a favor from me I'd be gone.
The wife isn't worried about that one :)

I wish she was my dentist, I'd actually go for my cleaning every 6 months like prescribed:spank::spank:

Everybody has different morals.

Which one of us hasn't lied about our parking tickets to try to get out of them?

How about padding the resume a bit?

Or everytime a homeless or a beggar asks us about some money? Do we really don't have any change? Or are we lying because they should just get a job?

The truth is we break our moral codes on regular basis, that's just how the world works. As long as there is no perceived harm to other we break our code of conduct.

Now I can give you an example of that.

A *cough* friend *cough* impersonated another person infront of the DMV personnel to take a motorcycle written exam.

Was that immoral, if the said person had close to 10 years of motorcycle riding experience (in Europe) under the belt? But without knowing English language very well he would never pass the written exam. Mind you, he did take the riding exam on his own.

We all like to say that we have our integrity but would you say the same if somebody offered you few $millions to break it?

Since I was never in such a position, I can say that nothing would break my integrity, but dangle few $millions in front of my face and my mind might change. You never really know unless you are in that position.
I would say money. The amount would have to be great enough to better the lives of those I care about to a degree equivalent to the risk and violation of my moral code. It would also depend on the situation, I would rid you of the drug dealer down the street far faster and for less than I would rid you of your boss.

Us married folk can joke about dream girl like Scarlett Johansson but if you would never cheat on your wife then you won't no matter what woman is asking you. You might try and get your wife in on it so that it wont be cheating, and two birds one stone fantasy;), but it is unlikely to ever happen. Your moral code and values get tested all the time in the little things in life. If honesty is your best policy, but you lie to your boss about why you were five minutes late, then you are in violation. If integrity is your word to live by, but you don't drive twenty minutes back to the store cause you forgot to pay for the bottle of aspirin you put in your pocket while you looked for whatever it was your wife sent you there in the first place for at ten at night, then you are in violation. The sad part is that society tells us that it is okay as long as it is small, or victimless. That telling a lie doesn't make you a lair is the same logic as stealing a car doesn't make you a car thief. If you know it is wrong then it is wrong no matter the level. OFF SOAP BOX