What an insult!!

I am Sikh and many ignorant people think that is the same thing as muslim.

Also, many ignorant people think simply being muslim makes someone a terrorist.

Well said Lone.

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Thank you
It really bugs me when people protest like this. In my opinion they should get a free pass back to their "home" country so they can live in happiness and their own laws.

In saying that I also know to do so would be wrong because the principles we stand on are what give them a right to their opinion. I've stood in formation and was told that me being a soldier and what I do gives people the right to burn my flag. That really didn't set well with me, but to do something against those freedoms is a step in saying you can have free speach but don't say anything bad about me. It is a hard road to be on the moral high ground, to take these kind of things and move on.

When I got back from Iraq I was asked if we blong there. I never like to comment on it because it's a sticky question that has the loaded gun of debate behind it. I ussually responded with the possitives that have happened, people are working, their economy is growing, schools are being built.

Another point of view is that America was attacked by a few people who did the unthinkable. Most of us watched the news thinking it was a movie, thinking this doesn't happen in real life. I would do anything I can to prevent such a thing from happening again. So I am doing my part. I'm just a small part of a larger wheel and I put my trust in those who are above me to make the right decision to keep the world I live in and my children live in a safe place.

I am a Christian and I feel that I am strong in my beliefs that I am not afraid to learn about other religions to help me understand others. I have the utmost respect for the Sikh, I personally would never associate them with a Muslim or a terrorist. However I know there are many who are ignorant and like to lump everyone together because of a stereotype or color of skin. I was friends with some college kids who were international students when 9/11 happened. I was shocked at the way some of the students were treated because of the fact they looked funny and had a strange accent. Students from Asia to Africa were being treated like they were terrorists and muslim extremists.

I believe Education is the best solution to everything. If we are willing to just sit by and be told what to believe or how to act with out finding out for ourselves we are no different. I enjoy culture and learning about new things that are different from what I grew up with. I believe it helps me understand myself better and human nature.

my 2c
Rules reminder

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We're all about freedom of speech, however there are some topics that don't belong here, such as:

Running from the cops.
Police bashing/slander.
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Any form or racism PERIOD
I think the best thing people should do in these cases is ignore them. The media, by publishing the protestors stunt, are only giving them a platform to air their views which do not belong in the UK.
Im appalled at the protest.

But I can comment on why are service men and women get no respect from the home grown uk public, and sadly its down to the new recruits.

As that’s who the general public get to meet from the forces are the jumped up wannabes generally under 20 who haven't and might not even pass training, travelling around towns night and day in small groups generally being loud and sometimes abusive. And this tars the rest of the industry unfortunately.

In cases ive even had to help detain these groups as they attacked police officers thinking there above the law……big mistake. When being asked to produce identification by said officers.

Real service men and women that have passed out and done their time on various bases for a few years and then gone on tour, are totally different crowd there polite and nice people and you would never know that there in the forces unless they told you, but the public never meet theses people as they just mix in with society effortlessly. These people should and do deserve a round of applause.:wav:
It was Armed Forces day in the UK last Saturday and never before has our town done anything to thank the soldiers past and present other than Remeberance Sunday march.
They marched from the town hall, some playing brass instruments, and the streets were lined and we clapped our hands. It was really nice. And then they held the rest of the day at the local sports centre, where they had a spitfire on display and renactments and general fun and chat all around. Unfortunately i had to work so missed the rest of the day, but it was good to see the soldiers getting recognition.
Love spitfires. I hope one day to learn to fly just so I can own one and fly around in it. Beautiful aircraft with a wonderful story and history.
Love spitfires. I hope one day to learn to fly just so I can own one and fly around in it. Beautiful aircraft with a wonderful story and history.

The Merlin Got to be the best sounding engine bar none.I guess im lucky as i've 6 hours on the old Chipmuck Trainer so virtually a pilot lol All thanks to my days in the ATC as a teenager. I suppose i could also count MS Flight Sim
uuummm not sure. :jawdrop:

The Merlin Got to be the best sounding engine bar none.I guess im lucky as i've 6 hours on the old Chipmuck Trainer so virtually a pilot lol All thanks to my days in the ATC as a teenager. I suppose i could also count MS Flight Sim
uuummm not sure. :jawdrop:


+1 to that mate :thumbup: This is the best video on youtube :D JUST TURN IT UP LOUD OK :rockon: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2nlGN6aS8g]YouTube - Pure Merlin Engine Sounds "Without Music"[/ame]
WoW Bloody Hell... I want one!!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yprfH5ZsAHk&NR=1&feature=fvwp]YouTube - Rolls Royce Merlin static engine run[/ame]

Just watched this Awesome or what?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNJ8rIEPLOo&feature=related]YouTube - De Haviland Mosquitos and Supermarine Spitfires 2006-merlins[/ame]

Rolls Royce made the MRG's (Main Reduction Gear) on my ship. They are extremely expensive pieces of equipment. So much so that the Navy used to not even own them, it was more of a lease. These days it seems they belong to us, but I'm really not sure of what the status of the deal is or how it worked out to be the way it is.
all allied countries should get together and storm iran. i appreciate all armed forces and you are welcome in the usa anytime and i will thank you too.