What a Dumbass!!!


Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Sao Paulo - Brazil
That's one of the dumbest crashes I have ever seen! :banghead:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-j_QAfUcLg]YouTube - ‪motorcycle wreck‬‏[/ame]
Looks like the goofball just ran off the road for no rhyme or reason. Some people just don't deserve to ride a bike.

I wonder if this latest craze at videoing all the time hasn't contributed to more unsafe riding. It's the classic, "Hey, watch this" mentality where the rider has to show his audience something new and daring.
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looks to me like he wasn't 100% paying attention, but I did also notice where the road was held together and there were some holes as well. Then just before he went down there was a wide strip of something at an angle and the front wheel came off the ground, so thinking he was looking in his rear view then looked up and tried to correct and thats when he went down
Squid-ery at it's best :rolleyes:

This is how i'd call it.... squid 1 (guy with camera) is riding with squid 2... squid 2 revs his engine at the stop light and takes off. Squid 1 consequently decides to rocket past squid 1who changes into the passing lane assumingly trying to get the car to move to the slow lane. Squid 1 decides to be a typical squid and show he can go real fast in a straight line... cut off a car. not be able to slow down for the corner due to road conditions and lack of inexperience, and the inevitable happens... squid on ground wondering what the hell happened. :spank:

Edit: after watching the vid again...i stand by my conclusion, but also note Squid 2 (guy with no cam) shows some relative understanding of riding and wasn't really irrational in any way whereas...squid 1 right from the start when you see him take the right hand turn wide into the passing lane, you know somethings gonna happen... then he irradically changes lanes like the whole road is his (or maybe he just cant handle his bike idk). Then crashes....I agree...for the safety of themselves and others... some people just don't deserve to ride a bike :D
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"Countersteering is overrated!! Power wheelie from every stop is where it's at!!"
Lucky he hit that curb, looks like a nice big truck coming in the oncoming lane....meathead...:spank:
My personal opinion this is a classic case of target fixation.

Oh Look there's a curb, I'd better not hit it, I'd better not hit it, Oh SH&T I'm going to hit it, OH CRAP I HIT IT !!

Always look where you want to go NOT WHERE YOU DON'T !!
My personal opinion this is a classic case of target fixation.

Oh Look there's a curb, I'd better not hit it, I'd better not hit it, Oh SH&T I'm going to hit it, OH CRAP I HIT IT !!

Always look where you want to go NOT WHERE YOU DON'T !!

+1 on that theory :thumbup:
+2 on the target fixation. He swung wide(not counter-steering), fixated on the curb, probably tensed up, kept going for the curb, panicked and probably hit the front brake, and viola! Front end washed out and down he goes! Hard way to learn a lesson, that's for sure!

Honestly, I've target fixated a few times, from riding when I'm too tired to ride. However, I realized what I was doing each time(never as bad the dude in the vid though), and immediately corrected by looking where I wanted to go, and throwing the moto into a proper lean, followed by a short break to re-focus. LOL Hasn't happened in along time though, as when I'm too tired to ride, I just take the car instead, or take it real easy. Never underestimate the benefit of a break! Even 5 minutes off the bike can be a very nice reset!
defendant target fixation. The other day I was in a long curve going about 45mph, looked in my mirrors, and when i looked back a red truck decided to back out from behind a bush/shrub thing on the side of the road. First thought was OH CRAP that truck is now in the way. Look at how big and red that truck is...then it it me... STOP LOOKING AT THE BIG RED TRUCK AND FINISH THE TURN. Sure enough for what was way to long, yet probably only a fraction of a second, I was heading right for the truck. So thank you MSF course, thank you FZ6 forum, and thank you Army for teaching me how to react, what to look for, and how to keep my head in situations.

PS Poor innocent bike, STUPID :squid::spank: