We've lost our other baby today.....


Administrator aka Mrs Prebstar
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Jul 18, 2009
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Chittering Valley, West Aust.
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After losing our beautiful black labrador Senna just before Christmas, we're devestated that our other beautiful girl, Brocky, had to be put to sleep today. Very sudden. Her legs gave way yesterday without warning. She stopped eating and drinking. She was my wedding present from Michael when we got married, 14 years ago. She was beautiful and a typical blonde.

It's especially hard as Mike is still in Germany/Holland. He had just come home from meeting up with Cloggy (Martin) in Amsterdam last night and I had to tell him the bad news. I wish she could have hung on until he came home - only Sunday night - but I couldn't watch her suffer.

RIP my beautiful baby
So sad for your loss. We had a black lab who we had for 12 years who the same thing happened to. I know it is hard, but you did the right thing. My condolences.
I feel so sorry for you. I know the feeling. I did have the most beutifull dog ever, it was a Tibetan Spaniel (dont know if the translate is correct) that I had to put asleep when she was 1 year old :( She had to much problem with her stomach. I miss her so much.
Really sorry to hear about your loss Karen, it must have been devastating, for both of you, especially with Mike being over here at the moment. I wish you (both) lots of strength at this time of grief.
So sorry to hear this Karen, I know exactly what your going through. 2 years ago my Dalmatian died that I had for 14 years and then 3 months after her life long buddy and mine of 12 yrs, my ****er spaniel literally grieved himself to death according to the vet. After his buddy (the Dalmatian, cookie) passed (the ****er, buster) was just never the same. He slowly starved himself to death and I had to put him down. But about 6 months after buster passed my uncles jack russle had pups, and he let me get the pick of the litter. As much as I felt like I was betraying cookie and buster, rowdy(the jack) quickly made everything better as much as i hate to say it, seeing how Rowdy has 3times as much personality as buster and cookie combined.

It really is amazing how much dogs can become a part of the family!!!! They truly are mans best friend!!!
Sorry for your loss Karen, sad news indeed. Hopefully great memories will overcome with time.
I'm sorry for your loss. I know almost exactly how you feel.

We got a yellow lab when I was probably 8 or 9, and had to put her to sleep when I was 20 (last summer). Her name was Sunshine, and that's exactly what she was. She went through paws with a cause training until she was about 1 year old (when we got her) and there was a ligament that goes over her kneecap that would go out of place from time to time. No real pain, just discomfort for her. But she had to flunk out of the program so we ended up with a gorgeous yellow lab!

Last summer she had a disc in her back slip, causing her to lose all control of her back legs. We came home and she was sitting like this: & (sitting on her hind end, with her legs out in front of her and her front paws down on the ground.)

So we said goodbye, and the vet did what she had to do. Only dog I've ever buried, but she has a nice spot behind our shed in the back yard. :)


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Loosing a dog is one of the worst things ever. My 14 year old retriever is getting up there and I know not much time is left. I hate thinking about it.
Sorry for your loss, I sure do love my dogs, so I can't imagine how it must feel when their time is over. Sounds like you got a lot of good years and she didn't suffer much.
I'm so sorry to hear the news.you did what needed to be done.I was in your shoes before and I know it is not easy,but it is mercy,and Love you have shown.they are together now.
So sorry to hear this, Karen. I can't imagine having to go through it twice in six months. You have my deepest sympathies.

As someone who has had 2 goldens or labs in the house since I was born, I know just how much these animals are a part of the family.

Keep an eye out for that local rescue that needs you two as much as you need him/her.



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Wow Karen, So Sorry to hear about another family member passing. Pets are just like family and probably better. They always love you and can't wait to see you everytime. My family has always been a dog family. We had to do that to one while I was a kid. Broke my heart at the time. Now I realize it was for the best. I'm sure you will get another one in time.
Sorry for your loss. We just had to put our 12 black lab mix down last week. His kidneys failed and he went downhill super fast. The kids grew up with him.

My heart goes out to all of you.
Sorry to hear. When I was a young, my parents didn't know how to tell me that they put our dog Rocky to sleep at age 18. I was too young to understand that was very old for a dog and she was in pain. Now I know why it was the right thing to do.

My parents second dog Missy turned 17 in February. The vet recently evaluated her and said she was fine, but she has taken a turn for the worse. It's painful to think about, but I get through it by thinking about all wonderful times we've shared.

so sorry for your loss. it's never easy to lose a companion. took me 6 years after losing my childhood cat to diabetes before rescuing a dog. i'm sure you know: better days are ahead - keep your head up!
Karen, my heart goes out to you and Mike. There are very few things in life that are as heartbreaking as to lose a love one, as our dogs are. Every time we have lost one of our dogs I swear that I couldn't go through it again, but we turn around and rescue another one knowing that eventually we'll be going through it again but in the meantime they bring us so much joy and love to our lives.