Welp...Had it 15 weeks and decided to trade up to a liter!!!


Keep it Kosher
May 11, 2008
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Boston, MA
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Dude, Really?!

People that buy a Zo6 Vette, Viper, etc. . .Doesnt mean that they use all of it. I never pushed my FZ To what it was cpable of and i dont plan on doing this bike to its full extent. I got this bike, because i wanted it, it was a good deal, and i enjoy having more than i need. Just because i got it doesnt mean ima hit the twisties up the mountains next week. Heck, i almost never take my bike out of town. So what if a ninja 250 takes me, i really dont care and thats not why i got this bike.

Thanks for the input, but you really didnt manage any use out of it, as next to none of what you said applies to my riding style.

As others have already said for me, you misunderstand my point. MOST people never fully exploit the abilities of their bikes, myself included. My point is that you wouldn't hand the keys to a Ferrari/ZR1/Porsche/etc to a 16 year old driver and expect them not to get into some hairy situations that they don't know how to handle. The R1 and CBR1000 are amazing bikes, but are incredibly unforgiving. We are all just looking out for a fellow riders' safety. The last thing we want is for a fellow rider to go down and potentially get killed. I am a physician and see a lot of these guys coming into my ER... just looking out bro.