Wanna come play with me? So Cal June 3

We had an awesome ride today and had many of you in our thoughts.
  • Road construction caused us to ride "Aussie/GB style" on the left for a few miles :rockon:
  • Newcomb's Ranch is totally different on a Monday! Plenty of parking!! Talked about how cool our So Cal group is and how fun it will be when we're all there together. Perhaps we can meet up with more forum friends too?
  • Saw a Hooker at the observatory on Mt. Wilson :eek:...just a picture...it is the name of one of their telescopes...
  • Decided to locate the other end of ACH :drool: they have cake there!
  • Then all the way back along ACH 'cause it looks a little different going the other way and it was so fun the first time
  • I now know my daily riding limit: 400 miles 12.5 hours :BLAA: Just under 200 miles were twisties too!
Time for beer and a bath!

Looks like you both had a great day riding. Wished I was with you guys! :(
NICE!! 400 miles a GIXXER?? That's doubly impressive :thumbup: .. it's not exactly built for comfort.
NICE!! 400 miles a GIXXER?? That's doubly impressive :thumbup: .. it's not exactly built for comfort.

I feel surprisingly good today. The bike and I fit well together. The only soreness is in my neck, caused mostly by wind buffeting on the freeway stretches (I think). I had a tank bag so I couldn't tuck in any further and it was pretty windy on the way home.

It's kinda funny. I had spent the last week watching Keith Code videos and reading Lee Parks "Total Control." After TOTALLY freaking myself out on 3 turns just before Jerry's place I was afraid I wouldn't find the zone ever again. I took Jerry's advice to relax and stop thinking so much. I kept it down to two ideas: keep my upper body/arms relaxed & use the inside arm only when steering. Worked like a charm. AND is probably why I'm not hurting today.

But thanks for the "impressive" compliment! I think I've earned the right for a little bit of swagger today. :cool:
Looks like a fun ride wish I could of made it... I'm free for a fri sat sun any week this summer but I'm glued to the. TT on velocity channel
Saturday... Hint. Hint... Cough.. Ah hmmm... :rockon:

LOL. It's the only weekend all summer I am out. Hope you can find someone!! But my calendar is open June 14-16 if you want to get something going the following weekend. :D

Should get a new thread going for that...I'm played out for now!
Saturday... Hint. Hint... Cough.. Ah hmmm... :rockon:

I'm open...

LOL. It's the only weekend all summer I am out. Hope you can find someone!! But my calendar is open June 14-16 if you want to get something going the following weekend. :D

Should get a new thread going for that...I'm played out for now!
How about June 22nd on a Saturday? We have some other hoons, (great company and friends) from out of town that'll probably be here on Saturday 22nd.

I'll post up soon!

I might be down for a ride on Saturday. I'll know by the end of the week :)

Find out Bro! :D
Yup, Cali rider and myself will be there on the 22nd. Cali's checking with Wavex to see if he'll be able to make it. Can't wait to see you SoCal hoons!!
I'm guessing Cali rider is the guest of honor....:BLAA:

I'm a 100% in for the 22nd! :Sport:
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