VID: Harley rider pulls a Rockford on his bike and dumps his old lady on her ass....Whatta tool

still in pain man. getting better but every once in a while i think its healed and I put too much weight on it moving around and it kills.

riding is ok....under 50kph.... anything above that the bumps get it all swollen again.

next summer ill be riding through again. will be 100X more epic. this last trip was a learning experience of long-range touring and which highways are better to ride than others. The trip im plotting for next summer will be no less than 5k km round trip. Maybe longer?
The "use the rear brake" isn't always the riders fault but sometimes it is the educators. In my MSF class they constantly said apply the rear brake first then apply the front brakes. They also stressed the results of locking the front brakes and only mentioned locking the rear. Unfortunately this typically leads to a bad emergency response of stomping on the rear brake.

Your answer is great, but there's something wrong there? Why use back brakes first? What i've learned is to use front brakes, get the weight shifted forward, then back brakes in conjunction with the front (?)

As to the peanut on the bike ... i watched that vid several times, and still can't figure out what he did :rolleyes: Back brake sums it up, by all i can say for sure is he panicked, THAT is what his mistake was ....
Your answer is great, but there's something wrong there? Why use back brakes first? What i've learned is to use front brakes, get the weight shifted forward, then back brakes in conjunction with the front (?)

As to the peanut on the bike ... i watched that vid several times, and still can't figure out what he did :rolleyes: Back brake sums it up, by all i can say for sure is he panicked, THAT is what his mistake was ....

I wasn't advocating using the rear brake first, nor do I, I was just saying that is what they taught us in my MSF class and I can understand why so many people do it this way if they are taught that way.
I am sure he was aware of the next turn coming up. It was probably his friend taping him go around the curve and he was just supposed to stop afterward. He hit the breaks too early before getting upright and ended up with a surprise. Haha awesome
It was all rear brake...

The only other way to get your rear wheel to bark like that is if you accelerate hard and then miss an upshift. It gets your attention and if you were to panick...could end in a similar fashion. Certainly upped the pucker factor the first time I did it. Note to self....dont miss a shift at 12K rpm.

In this case he was decelerating and simply grabbed a little too much of that monster foot pedal brake. Sweet 180 slide at the end. Big points for style. If she was holding on just a bit tighter..I think it would have been a 10 pointer.

What I really want to know is if mumma got back on the bike after. Our old ladies put a lot of trust in us to bring em back alive (wasnt that a tv show in the 80's?). One stunt like this and she's all done ridin beyoch with your @$$.