Unmarked Highway Patrol in Qld

How's this....pulled up at a set of lights next to a Police car this week, he was openly chatting on his mobile phone! And my Missus saw the same thing with an Ambulance driver!

Rules for them, Rules for the populace!


This is indeed correct,police and emergency vehicles are not covered by the mobile phone law like the rest of us ,due to an unreliable radio network...........I kidd you not .
This is indeed correct,police and emergency vehicles are not covered by the mobile phone law like the rest of us ,due to an unreliable radio network...........I kidd you not .

What a freakin joke! They travel in groups or pairs....surely the passenger can use the phone! It's a great big toss!

Saw a new one tonight....coming up over the crest of a hill, and just as i get over the crest is a Breathalyzer station....and a speed trap, getting people for not travelling at 40km/h near the breatho station....only thing was, you had about 1 second to see the breatho, and react, before this revenue raiser got you with the gun....luckily for me, i was driving my Missus's 1993 Ford Lazer, which struggles to stay at 60km/h up a hill, without extreme provocation...

But they had 3 other motorists pulled over for "speeding"!

Nice one guys, no wonder the general populace treats the speeding laws with contempt!

That's bull**** what they do & get away with.

It would do so much more for road safety if the police used common sense and apply the road rules and talk to people/warn them on harmless infractions instead of the current 'Gestapo' approach.

Such as, say if your only doing between 10-20km/h an hour over the speed limit (on roads with speed limits above 70km/h), just give them a warning or give the driver/rider the 'slow down' hand. Get on the freeway and make the pricks who sit in the right lane for no reason, get them to merge left unless overtaking etc etc.

The only speed limits I have agreement with are 40-50-60km/h zones around schools, hospitals, residential areas. The rest are BS.

Anyhow before I get on my soapbox about certain speed limits need to be removed or increased, driver/rider education needs some serious upgrading.