Trouble getting into neutral


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Mar 23, 2012
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Northern New Joizey
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Sometimes (more frequently lately) I have a tough time getting the bike into neutral. Pull up from 1st and it will jump into 2nd, push down and into first. Build pressure on the lever slowly and no movement. Then it jumps. No tranny noise and while riding it shifts perfectly.

I was reading a thread in the forum about poorly adjusted or warped clutch, but wanted to see if there were any other forum members that ave experienced this.

Too hot to ride this afternoon, so I am planning to pull the shift cover to examine the mechanism.
I'd do the basic's first.

Lube your clutch cable, (it usally makes a bit of a difference). Lube the shifter linkage (left side) and make sure the clutch cable is adjusted correctly.

Unless you really abuse your clutch, they generally don't warp with this engine.

Pay attention to if the clutch seems to be engaging sooner NOW than before.

NOTE; One member had the bearing fail that pulls the clutch plates apart(thus NOT full dis-engagement., part #7;)

2006 Yamaha FZ-6 (FZS6V) Clutch | Babbitts Online
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Thanks all. I pulled the cover to look over the internals and cycle through the gears manually, rotating the rear tire to keep the dogs happy. Nothing conclusive. I Do like the clutch engagement to be close to the grip, and that might be the issue. With 30k+ on the clock, I will be replacing the clutch in the of-season. Till then I'll just keep an eye on it and post an update if things deteriorate.
Not meaning to jack your post, but I've noticed just the opposite. A few days ago I clicked it into neutral sitting at a light and had quite a time getting back into first. Anyone had that issue?
Not meaning to jack your post, but I've noticed just the opposite. A few days ago I clicked it into neutral sitting at a light and had quite a time getting back into first. Anyone had that issue?

Make sure your clutch is fully disengaging?
When I was teaching motorcycle safety down in Vegas, the Honda Nighthawk were notorious for NOT going into neutral. A trick I learned, but never passed it along to the students since it wasn't advised due to their inexperience. But rev the engine to about 3000 rpm and keep it steady, and then try to slip it into neutral. It usually slides right in, see if that works. On the other hand, I have over 100k miles on my clutch, so 30k is nothing. And I doubt you ride the clutch like I do, I do a lot of slow rides, or other type of riding that requires constant clutch and throttle control. My bike is the opposite, I can't get my bike in gear without making a loud and hard clunk when the engine is running. So I usually start the bike in hear to avoid the clunking.
Thanks all. I pulled the cover to look over the internals and cycle through the gears manually, rotating the rear tire to keep the dogs happy. Nothing conclusive. I Do like the clutch engagement to be close to the grip, and that might be the issue. With 30k+ on the clock, I will be replacing the clutch in the of-season. Till then I'll just keep an eye on it and post an update if things deteriorate.

The engagement close to the grip WON'T help the issue. If there's any drag to speak of (partial clutch engagement).It'll make finding neutral harder.

For S&G's, just for the day, you may try tightening up the upper clutch cable adjuster and see how/if that helps..
A few days ago I clicked it into neutral sitting at a light and had quite a time getting back into first. Anyone had that issue?

USUALLY, simply let the clutch out a little and get the gears spinning in the gear box (in neutral). Then pull the clutch lever in fully and try shifting. It should pop into first now.

Its fairly important to have the adjustment correct. There is some room for adjustment, but too far one way or the other can cause issues..

* I am ASSUMING (I know), that you didn't make any adjustments to the shifter mechanism (the long rod) and there's no physical contact with hard parts.

** If that shifter ROD is adjusted too LOW, it WON'T SHIFT INTO FIRST. The mechanism physically hits (I believe the kickstand bracket). I adjusted mine low (several years ago) and that's EXACTLY what happened. .

Once again, lubing the clutch cable helps as well as lubing the linkages won't hurt..

Please post back what you find.

**And in the future, if you can start a NEW thread, would usually be helpful. Mixing threads often makes things confusing.
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