Top Two Favorite Tanks???? new or old....


SuperFlanker Moderator
Premium Member
Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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Based on general appeal and actual combat readiness:

my picks are:

M26 Pershing:
(a WW2 American tank that could actually engage german tanks!!!)



[ame=""]YouTube - Pershing tank M 26 moved out of the garage[/ame]

And the King Tiger:
(the term OMFGWTF would fit well to describe this tank)



[ame=""]YouTube - king tiger tank[/ame]

and just for general knowledge this is the shell size of the King Tiger:

The 17 pounder firefly round on the left for comparison is the BIGGEST allied anti-tank round of the war. most allied rounds were actually smaller than that.

hey hitler, whats up!!
While the King Tiger is an interesting footnote in history it was a terrible design and very ineffective tank. It was so slow, heavy, and thirsty that it was useless in actual combat operations, just a political tool really. It took the whole "manuverability" thing out of the equation. Of the German tanks in WWII the Panther was by far the best. Sloped armor copied from the T34, excellent manuverability, and the perfect gun. The long barrelled 75mm was more effective than an 88. Both would slice through any allied tank, but the 75 could carry twice as much ammo. Effective range was a bit better on the 88, but both would far outrange the classic Sherman snub nose 75.

My favorite tank would have to be this:

Total Destruction: Rip Saw UGV Tank Fast as a Motorcycle, Yours For Only $200,000
The chieftan, was a break through in tank design in its day, I think the first to have the floating gun and chobam armour. Best place to see tanks has got to be the Bovington museum. You name it they probably got it.

Tom,you are just down the road from me, where did you get your 08 from? I got mine from Groombridges for 4995 but I see they have been reduced again.
the king tiger was utterly useless.

when it wasnt short of fuel due to the overall german shortage and its ridiculous appetite for was probably not functioning due to the extremely complicated design of it all. then add to this the weight and overall unwieldy nature of the was quite a useless tank.

it is still my 2nd most favorite tank of all time though regardless of all this.

The A-10 because I'd rather have a flying tank.

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