To Female Riders:

I find it odd that I see so few female riders on the road yet for he last 2-3 years, the BRC classes I have taught are >50% women.

My daughter wants to ride and I will teach her, but she must take the BRC with someone else as the instructor. My wife took the BRC and passed. She could not overcome her fear on the road though.

When I took my MSF course, it was mostly men, but we had a good number of women (I think it was 6 to 8 or something) and during the course a few of the women said they were only doing it to make their husband/boyfriend/whatever happy and they had no intention of riding once the course was over. One lady said that it was a safety thing, that she often rides on the back, and if she needed to pilot it herself for any reason, she felt that she should know, but she didn't want her own bike.

Granted, these were the older ladies. There were a couple of us in our early 20s who either already had bikes or knew we wanted them....
When I took my MSF course, it was mostly men, but we had a good number of women (I think it was 6 to 8 or something) and during the course a few of the women said they were only doing it to make their husband/boyfriend/whatever happy and they had no intention of riding once the course was over. One lady said that it was a safety thing, that she often rides on the back, and if she needed to pilot it herself for any reason, she felt that she should know, but she didn't want her own bike.

Granted, these were the older ladies. There were a couple of us in our early 20s who either already had bikes or knew we wanted them....

Yes, I have many female students who are there because their hubby/BF wants them to ride not because they want ro ride. This is the wrong reason to be there. Many are begging to be "counseled out" and are very thankful and happy when we start the conversation.

The problem with the ones who "want to be able to pilot if needed" is they won't practice to develop the skills and won't be able to pilot the bike safely if and when they try.

I am not biased, if someone wants to learn to ride, I do everything I can to teach them. I've allowed them to show up early or stay late for additional instruction to get them over their hurdles. Not everyone belongs on a bike though.
Always wanted to be with a girl that rides! I just ordered a helmet for my gf, she's never been on a bike before, and is real hesitant . . . I'm hoping to get her stoked enough about it that she'll want her own FZ someday! There are a number of girls at my school that ride, and they are wicked CRAZY on their sportbikes . . . one of 'em that was ridin' with us was doing over 140 on her R6 down I-95 (her natural cruising speed, I gather); needless to say, she wasn't riding with us after that!

How did you manage to order the correct fitting helmet for your girlfriend if she was not with you??

I was just wondering.

Yes, I have many female students who are there because their hubby/BF wants them to ride not because they want ro ride. This is the wrong reason to be there. Many are begging to be "counseled out" and are very thankful and happy when we start the conversation.

The problem with the ones who "want to be able to pilot if needed" is they won't practice to develop the skills and won't be able to pilot the bike safely if and when they try.

I am not biased, if someone wants to learn to ride, I do everything I can to teach them. I've allowed them to show up early or stay late for additional instruction to get them over their hurdles. Not everyone belongs on a bike though.

DING DING DING!!! The only girls/women we had in my class were there so their husbands would stop hounding them... Ladies, if you wanna ride, that is amazing!!! (Not to mention totally hot!) I love girls on bikes. My GF is saving up so she can get a bike of her own. I can't wait!!! That being said, y'all gotta practice just like we do...
Well I'm new to riding, so I know my skills ain't all that. But skills come with education, practice, and experience. I think men and women just have different attitudes about riding. More guys seem to want to impress than women, I'm not saying all guys. Even the instructor at my MSF course pointed that out. (Our class was 12 people, 4 of whom were women.)

My job takes me all over the city as I travel from customer to customer (computer/network support for small companies w/o their own in-house IT staff). Most of my male customers, especially those that ride, recognize the jacket I wear and ask if I ride; we usually end up talking about riding so much it distracts me from the work I'm there to do. But I haven't come across any negativity so far.

There are few of my men customers who tell me that they want to ride, but their wives won't let them. I feel bad for them. But I understand, especially if they have kids, that riding (not "driving," RS) has its' dangers. That's probably another reason more men ride...women are less willing to be [physical] risk takers, especially if there are children to consider. I'm single and childless, so I'm free to put myself on the line. I enjoy riding, and I don't need any more reason than that to get on a bike.
My girlfriend grew up in a motorcycle family and has her endorsement, but she's definitely in need of road experience. She had a nasty little accident on a dirt bike some years ago and wouldn't give it another go until I coaxed her into doing laps in the yard with my 250 this fall. She was completely against me getting rid of it when I started looking at the FZ6's, and now she's talking about really learning to ride. I'm thinking of taking her to an empty parking lot this weekend to get some time in! She's been an enthusiastic passenger and I'm looking forward to being able to enjoy riding with her in a whole new way.
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Yes I fully agree with all of you. We need more female riders for sure. Bikes and babes go very well together...:rockon:

so unattractive women, therefore, need not apply?

I still don't get why men always assume that if a woman rides, she is hot. so many of you have such limited views on what consitutes "hotness" that the average woman does not fit that mold, so what makes you think all women who ride are going to look like that?

i dont know, maybe i'm just feeling hormonal today, but there is something wrong when every guy's reaction is "Oh a chick who rides, that's hot!" towards a female rider and "Cool, dude, what kind of bike do you have? Ever done a trackday? What's your favorite road?" when meeting a fellow male rider.

This is the mindset that drives me bonkers, not that there are fewer women riders, but that men, in general, do not take us seriously immediately like they would another guy.
so unattractive women, therefore, need not apply?

I still don't get why men always assume that if a woman rides, she is hot. so many of you have such limited views on what consitutes "hotness" that the average woman does not fit that mold, so what makes you think all women who ride are going to look like that?

i dont know, maybe i'm just feeling hormonal today, but there is something wrong when every guy's reaction is "Oh a chick who rides, that's hot!" towards a female rider and "Cool, dude, what kind of bike do you have? Ever done a trackday? What's your favorite road?" when meeting a fellow male rider.

This is the mindset that drives me bonkers, not that there are fewer women riders, but that men, in general, do not take us seriously immediately like they would another guy.

Well said....:thumbup:
I think the reason for such a bias ratio of male/ female riders is the mindset.
i've taken a good few gals as pillions and all, bar one, did not like it. They found it scary even at a pretty slow pace whereas blokes love it. I think we tend to be the adrenalin junkies.
I do MMA and its the same there, while plenty of women train almost none of them go and fight competetively.

I remeber when i took my xv125 around the block for the first time (having never rode a bike before) and being scared but loving it and the adrenalin buzz, my Fz6 is my third bike and ive never driven a car. To me theres just something about gunning the throttle on an empty stretch of road that gets my heart pounding every time.

And as for the comments about 'women shouldn't ride'; anyone can and should ride. Its one of the greatest common denominators, race, sex, politics, ect none of it matters. I love to talk with ANYONE that has a passion for biking (you can see through a poser in seconds)
And i've seen a lot more blokes that are a hazzard on the road than women.
keep 'er rubber side down
So Quick Question...

Guys is it still as Hott when a chick rides her own ride and doesn't try to "keep up"? Does she need specific skill level to keep her hottness? If she stalls out in front of you is she still hott or just being laughed at now?

I am looking for real replys.:confused:
Still HAWT!!

Always ride your own ride. get there safe. its not a competition when you're out on the public streets.

My wife rides a Buell blast.
Looking hot, for her, happens naturally. :rockon:

I just want her to and from her destination SAFE.
So Quick Question...

Guys is it still as Hott when a chick rides her own ride and doesn't try to "keep up"? Does she need specific skill level to keep her hottness? If she stalls out in front of you is she still hott or just being laughed at now?

I am looking for real replys.:confused:

Don't worry about it. Just ride. If you're riding for the look, you're riding for the wrong reason.
So Quick Question...

Guys is it still as Hott when a chick rides her own ride and doesn't try to "keep up"? Does she need specific skill level to keep her hottness? If she stalls out in front of you is she still hott or just being laughed at now?

I am looking for real replys.:confused:

You neglect to think that she may have more skill than you, and YOU are the one trying to "keep up."
Now that I think of it.....

I live with a wife, two daughters, a gay dog (seriously) and a nutered cat. I'm just fine biking with the guys!
So Quick Question...

Guys is it still as Hott when a chick rides her own ride and doesn't try to "keep up"? Does she need specific skill level to keep her hottness? If she stalls out in front of you is she still hott or just being laughed at now?

I am looking for real replys.:confused:

No, still hot!! Everyone started out slow, and got faster and smoother with experience. You have to start somewhere. I won't laugh at anyone (at least those I don't know personally) who stalls a bike trying to start off in 3rd gear because you forgot to downshift. Lord knows we have all been there...:D

It is not how fast you get there, it is how you get there. Two wheels are just more fun than four!