This is really sad


The Winged One
Jun 1, 2008
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BetterDrivingPlease - View Reports

These people really need something better to do with their lives. How sad it must be to collect the vehicle registration numbers of vehicles that have done something you don't agree with, much much sadder is posting them on the Internet in the belief that the vehicle owner actually cares, or even has Internet access.

They need to get a grip, and a life.
Really sad ......

Best thing is that they are internet :squid: too,-

Tried sorting on country, and got this:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: 'Ubound'
/Reports.asp, line 393

I've managed to get it to sort by country. Covers the UK and Australia as far as I can see. I did see someone try to post from the US. So at least the UK isn't the only country where drivers have no life :rolleyes:
From a different perspective, it gives people a place to vent; however, if you're still holding a grudge against a driver over half an hour, it shows how you can't cope with the daily stresses of driving.
...or maybe not...
Better rant away on that sites than getting out and tell them in person and get knocked dead or shot.

Just now, on the road next to the primary school where I dropped my little girl, this guy in a merc half stoppy, turn without signal in front of me just going on like a call center dude on his cell - I felt like ripping it from his hand and throw it over 3 roofs. :spank:

Yes, I'm a recovered road rager, I've grown up. What have I done - nothing, just thought, what a idiot. :Flip:
why not just file an official complaint with the police. someone did that to me and i got a 60 dollar ticket for going 10kph over the limit....ya i was pissed. bloody loser.
BetterDrivingPlease - View Reports

These people really need something better to do with their lives. How sad it must be to collect the vehicle registration numbers of vehicles that have done something you don't agree with, much much sadder is posting them on the Internet in the belief that the vehicle owner actually cares, or even has Internet access.

They need to get a grip, and a life.

I make an annual visit to Kuta, Bali each year. I also hire a scooter to get around along with thousands of other scooter riders, heaps of cars, truck, all on bad roads, but with wonderfully patient drivers and riders. Oh yes there are bad drivers and riders, probably all of them (me included).

Everybody just gets about the best way they can, using wrong side of road, wrong way up one way streets, ride on the pavement with the pedestrians. You name it we all do it.
The ones you really have to watch are the surfies, with there longboards strapped to their bikes. They go quick. The Asian lady pillion passengers ride side saddle, maybe holding a baby with another wedged between the petrol tank and the rider.

The Police love to pull up a touro on a bike for breaking the road rules that every local is a also breaking. Its a matter of working out what bribe you are going to pay and it pays to carry large notes in another part of your wallet, away from the eyes of the constabulary.

Why does it all work?. THERE IS NO ROAD RAGE.
I repeat NO ROAD RAGE. If there was there would be war on the streets.

I now ride a bike and driver a car in Australia and see a number of bad road users but they're in the minority (thank goodness) and I now behave like my Balinese brothers. I don't react. I say to myself "sin ken ken" (Balinese for: no problems).
You forgive mistakes for that in many cases what they are, which at times I make myself. A wave and a smile relieves everybody. "Sin ken ken". Road rage? What's the point? You just become another liability, probably even a bigger one.

As a consequence, my pleasure of driving and riding is now enjoyed in both Countries. :)
BetterDrivingPlease - View Reports

These people really need something better to do with their lives. How sad it must be to collect the vehicle registration numbers of vehicles that have done something you don't agree with, much much sadder is posting them on the Internet in the belief that the vehicle owner actually cares, or even has Internet access.

They need to get a grip, and a life.

I,m curious to how you found it ,lol
I make an annual visit to Kuta, Bali each year. I also hire a scooter to get around along with thousands of other scooter riders, heaps of cars, truck, all on bad roads, but with wonderfully patient drivers and riders. Oh yes there are bad drivers and riders, probably all of them (me included).

Everybody just gets about the best way they can, using wrong side of road, wrong way up one way streets, ride on the pavement with the pedestrians. You name it we all do it.
The ones you really have to watch are the surfies, with there longboards strapped to their bikes. They go quick. The Asian lady pillion passengers ride side saddle, maybe holding a baby with another wedged between the petrol tank and the rider.

The Police love to pull up a touro on a bike for breaking the road rules that every local is a also breaking. Its a matter of working out what bribe you are going to pay and it pays to carry large notes in another part of your wallet, away from the eyes of the constabulary.

Why does it all work?. THERE IS NO ROAD RAGE.
I repeat NO ROAD RAGE. If there was there would be war on the streets.

I now ride a bike and driver a car in Australia and see a number of bad road users but they're in the minority (thank goodness) and I now behave like my Balinese brothers. I don't react. I say to myself "sin ken ken" (Balinese for: no problems).
You forgive mistakes for that in many cases what they are, which at times I make myself. A wave and a smile relieves everybody. "Sin ken ken". Road rage? What's the point? You just become another liability, probably even a bigger one.

As a consequence, my pleasure of driving and riding is now enjoyed in both Countries. :)

:Flash: I will remeber this and already learned the words for the next time:
sin ken ken :Flip:
:) A bit of both tbh.

I did indeed read and comment on the thread about the proposed change in UK speed limit. Then after thinking about it more, and knowing that in the UK any cctv images can be requested for removal, I wondered if the same applied to average speed camera's. The thought being to flood them with removal requests if they kept the images - I still haven't found the answer btw, since they must keep them for comparison. So I googled around a bit and fell across that site.

That and it snowed yesterday so didn't take to the roads to find any more forward facing speed camera's to annoy :rockon: so needed something to do. :thumbup:
why not just file an official complaint with the police. someone did that to me and i got a 60 dollar ticket for going 10kph over the limit....ya i was pissed. bloody loser.

Thats messed up! The police here in the states well Florida anyways won't do that.