There are decent cops around!

Thanks for posting! This video is proof that all cops aren't dicks. In my 7+ years of LEO experience, I have only written one ticket to a motorcycle rider, and that was a result of several driving complaints with the rider doing power wheelies for miles. Two weeks later that same rider ran from one of my co-workers and wrecked out.

Most of my interactions with motorcyclists end without a ticket, and requesting them to ride safely and set a good example for the sport.
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I have been stopped a few times by Traffic Police and only once received a ticket. I was 16 and my rear wheel was buckled. I was a danger to myself and others. It was the second time the same Policeman stopped me for a defective wheel:spank:.
Back to my point, I find that if you have some manners and show a bit of respect. 9/10 only a warning will be issued. It's less hassle for both parties.
