The Undertaker Motorcycle towing system

I was thinking about building one of those, but the problem is our output shaft is lubricated with engine oil, and the motor has to be running to lube it. Essentially, if you tow it like that with the chain on it'll fry the output shaft bearings and probably some other stuff.

I bought a trailer from Northern Tools for about $280 and after a day of assembly and a $30 piece of plywood decking it make a fantastic and useful trailer for all kinds of stuff. Plus it folds up nicely and stores easily. To tow the fizzy, I roll it up in the center, put it on the centerstand, strap it down with four straps holding down the lower triple tree, the passenger footpegs, and one on each side wrapping around the frame. I can stand on it and shake it around and it is solid with the trailer, no movement at all. Plus I can tow it with my 4 cyl Camry and I can't even tell its back there!
Take the chain off, and maybe...
You're still wearing out your rear tire.
And your bike's vulnerable to getting rear ended since it won't have any working lights.

Oh, and for one last point, if you attempt to back up, consider this. The bike's able to pivot at the front axle and the steering head. When you reverse, the bike's going to attempt to fold and store itself neatly underneath your bumper.

If you've got to trailer it, best to use a trailer.

Horrible- and pathetic. Obviously, someone who doesn't care about their bike or the safety of the general public designed it. Things like this trailer should NOT be designed for 'best case scenario' and I'd hate to see that thing in any other predicament.