The person who knocked your bike over...


Elite Member
Jun 26, 2007
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Ogden UT
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...was caught on a surveillance camera. Unfortunately no license # is readable...

[ame=]YouTube - Worst Parking Job Ever![/ame]
I'm guessing they were loaded, and weren't paying very close attention..... when the car hit the parking bump, they stomped on the brakes, but missed and hit the gas instead.

I'm impressed that an X5 can go that far up a car.... I know my 4WD Tractor wouldn't do that.

It's incredibly fortunate that no one was in either one of the cars this 'richard' nearly crushed.
BMW ought to used this video clip for a TV promotion demonstrating how tough its SUV's are. Maybe a "don't try this at home" disclaimer. Very impressive and it (BMW) probablhy didn't even get a scratch. I'll bet the driver/owner of that parking lot BMV SUV is one very proud BMW owner. The driver did the right thing by driving off because his/her insurance rates would've probably gone up had his insurance company ended up paying off the damage.
[ame=]YouTube - Hyundai Canada Response: [Original] Extreme Fitness BMW parking failure. Worst parking job ever![/ame]
Wow! I guess this gets that BMW driver off the hook now, huh? But, I think that YouTube is BeeeSSSSS! I doubt that is legit. They didn't even hand over any papers. B.S., right????
That's really good PR....... and wonderful for the owner of the Hyundai.

Pretty sure that Hyundai wanted that vehicle back, so they could analyze the damage to it..... if you think about it, it was pretty scary to see how easily that BMW rolled onto the roof of those cars.