The new Iphone

I think the big news about iPhone are not so much the phone. iOS 5, iCloud and a few other hidden gems. iCloud will start it's roll out next week this will mean all your data on all your apple devices computer, iPod, iPad, iPhone, itv.

iCloud means all your songs no matter where you got them available to all devices no matter where your are. Also forget dropbox everything you need to share is available all the time.

Also something hidden in iOS 5 (may never see the light of day) app rental. Suppose you're traveling and need a gps or a translator app but don't want to pay $40 just to use for a week, rent the app for 99cents.

And the dual core A5 means things like siri can work the way it should.
They gave me an iphone4 and ipad2 at work, and they both are great devices.

I am no Apple fanboy (actually the opposite), but no drop calls for me on AT&T, or any problems at all. It's not for the hardcore homebrewers out there, but it works.
When its time for a new phone, I walk in Verizon and play with all of the phones. when it came time to replace my palm pre plus 2, it was the Iphone 4. I got it just after Verizon started offering it. I have found out of all of my phones it is the easiest and most user friendly phone there is. I personally am a PC person, however the company I work for is all Mac. I use macbooks for work and before I became a salesmen for them I used the macbook pro. I personally use an Asus laptop running Windows 7, iPad 2, iPhone 4 for my cell, I also have the iPod Nano 2, and iPod Touch. I have found that Apple products have been much easier to use than PC products in every aspect. As far as the android market, I have not been a fan, I have found they are rather difficult to figure out how to use upon first pick up, also the fact that a new android phone comes out about once every 2-3 months it seems. I don't see how it can be so great if they replace their phones that often.... I would say it comes down to personal preference. As far as the iPhone 4 not being able to be customized what do you mean? You can move the apps around put them in folders, change your back screen picture, add ring tones, pictures, videos, music, etc..... The only thing you can't customize is the apps being all over the place like they were on my palm pre plus.... Also have had the phone on Verizon since February never had a dropped call....
I currently have an iPhone 3GS which is getting slower!!!!
I do use it all the time while I'm riding and I'm very interested in interacting "talking" (back and fourth) more to the phone!!!!!
Before I found apps that required you to physically push a button in the screen to talk, with the 4S I'm very curious to find out how the "talking" goes - From the Apple "Siri" demo video, it seems you do not have to touch the phone.
I passed to buy the 4 when it came out since I do not want to buy a new phone every year, now, I'd like to see how the interaction "talking" with the phone goes.
Additionally, a new (nicer) camera and HD video recording is a plus.
In essence, a cellphone "was intended" to make a receive phone calls, now days it seems phone calls is just another feature present but not the main one!!!

So, I won't upgrade immediately. I'll start reading reviews of the first users to see if I get the 4S or not.
What a joke! It doesn't have Verizon's LTE service. I love DROID and that is what I will own for life. I refuse to buy a Ianything because they are controlled by Apple heavily.

You may just want to wait for June for a Iphone 5 if that's when they are going to announce it.

PS. HSDPA is only on At&t which isn't really out yet.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
I have a 3S and from someone who uses it as a, well um a phone, I wish it was smaller. All the smart phones seem to be getting bigger and bigger. Next generation phones will be the size of Ipads soon!
From an RF performance standpoint as a phone, the iPhone has always been lousy. They drop more calls than other phones, they go into no service worse than a lot of the other phones.

I think you believe too much in what you're reading. I work on Manhattan (presumably the worst place to have the iPhone) and I very rarely had dropped calls. No more than other phones. Dropped calls are network, not phone, related. Have you heard complains about dropped iphone calls on Verizon?

The 4 that I have is pretty buggy with apps as well. I have apps that will work one time and the next time they won't and it will either take power cycling or a reset and reload to get them to work properly.

If you think iTunes apps are buggy then you truly never used android apps.

Personally, if I'm going to have a device that doubles as a web browser or a media device, I'd rather have more display real estate like the Atrix with the 4.3" display vs. the iPhone's 3.5" display. My 41 year old eyes aren't what they used to be.

Ah, so her's the main problem. You're just too old for it :p

I think one of the biggest disappointments with the new iPhone will be that it's not compatible with the latest 4G wireless technologies LTE or WIMAX.

With 2GB/month data limit I don't see it necessary.

For me my iPhone is primarily an iPod, then emails and calendar, and lastly a phone. YMMV
I have a 3S and from someone who uses it as a, well um a phone, I wish it was smaller. All the smart phones seem to be getting bigger and bigger. Next generation phones will be the size of Ipads soon!

There are still smaller phones out there, better yet, there's shock proof, dust proof and water... resistant... ones to boot. Well ok they aren't exactly tiny... but they're actually a good option for people who are fans of the outdoors and don't seem to be getting massive.

Looked at the motorola defy?

or perhaps the Casio G'zOne Commando (I'd have this if it worked on my network)

I followed a couple live blogs on the presentation, and you left out what I thought was the biggest feature: Siri, the voice interface. If it indeed works the way portrayed, its pretty damn huge!
(note: I love my iMac and Macbook Air, but still don't own any kind of smartphone).

Haven't watched a video of specifics for this yet but how does it differ from google voice control thing in android? Either way it's pretty piss poor that they are only letting that work on the 4s... I imagine they need to tho, there's not much else inspiring people to upgrade.

Personally I feel voice control is only handy for driving, use it anywhere else and you look either crazy talking to yourself or like one of those blokes that walks around all day with a blue tooth unit in his ear (but sfa phone calls) trying to look important. A good look to be sure. :spank:

Still funky but something I don't particularly care about.

Wasn't looking to get an iphone so wasn't holding out for anything exciting but find myself underwhelmed ... too much hype this year I guess.

Looking forward to hearing some more about the new nexus... but who am I kidding my contract expires about this time next year :( I'll just have to put up with my GS2... :D

The time when i could use voicecommand is when i'm on my motorcycle, if Siri can understand me through all the wind and traficnoises it's handy ... but i'll have to see that first ;)

I seriously doubt the accuracy is going to be anything other than woeful with background noise, let alone wind noise haha :( Be cool if i was wrong... but I just watched the video... and I'm pretty sure you need to button press as well. Either the button or the button on the headphone cable.

While it is theoretically possible to have voice activated... the wind noise would trigger it... and well... that's going to be a 30 minute long siri query ... if on a 30 minute ride ;) haha

Looks like it's also a dedicated app, have to have it launched and running to do anything, altho the notification part of it seems not to matter. Maybe it triggers a short time to respond... but that'd backfire if you're riding/something and receive a text message...

Of course this is all based off what I noticed in an advertising video ... so could be wildly off :)

If you think iTunes apps are buggy then you truly never used android apps.

Both phones have their buggy apps. Just because it's an apple does not mean it's developers are good. They don't all work for apple. The core apps are smooth, to be sure...

Altho every patch seems to slow the older phones down whereas most of android patches seem to speed them up. The first generation android phones, think nexus, still run very well.

There are some phone makers that have put TERRIBLE UI overlays on them that have done terrible things tho. Hell the Galaxy S was a laggy bastard until they patched the @#$@ out of it. It's quite a nice phone now.

I know a few people who still don't want to upgrade their nexus.

Conversely, the only reason my G/F has upgraded is she dropper her iphone and the screen shattered. She's still on the 3g... but there's no way I'd upgrade her, the later patches slow it down too much. She doesn't care as it does everything she needs.

Ah, so her's the main problem. You're just too old for it :p

I prefer a bigger screen for reading ebooks and browsing the web, the GS2 is a nice screen, still fits in my pocket fine because it's so damned slim. Fits more webpage in too... I'd probably go half an inch bigger on the screen if I could... if they chopped more bezel off :D
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I've had an iPhone since 2007 when it first came out. In fact, I've had every model since. I usually get the new one and sell the older one on Craigslist for pretty close to what I paid for the new.

Initially, I wasn't planning on upgrading to the iPhone 4S. Of the primary upgrades mentioned, here are what I remember and my initial response:

  • Faster dual-core CPU - Nice, but don't really need it with what I do and the games I play aren't all that processor intensive.
  • Slightly longer battery life - Nice, but haven't really had too many problems with mine.
  • CDMA/GSM - Don't travel overseas, so no need. I do suppose it would be kind of nice if I ever wanted to switch to another carrier.
  • Better antenna - Nice, but rarely experience dropped calls and most downloads are fine.
  • 8 megapixel camera - Almost have my attention with this, but then again, the camera works pretty well for me at this time, but I do like the wider aperture for better low light conditions.
  • 1080p video camera - Uh-oh... feeling the tug. could probably use that on the project as a secondary camera.
  • Siri voice control - I'm in trouble now. I'm constantly using my current iPhone to set up appointments, reminders, text, email, searching, etc. Most of which are when it's not readily or always easy to do so. So, being able to use voice commands would be useful.

Yeah, I'll probably end up getting the new version. Most likely the 16Gb model though. At $199, I'll most definitely be able to get my money back when I sell the one I have.
Well, i owned an old ipod once... broke quickly... i now use a Zune HD... very happy.... GF has an Ipad... decent, but i like my laptop better (sony PC) :thumbup:

That being said i do use the "i" brand for something... my gamertag....

If you see [iPoo] ISheetzMaDrawrs that's me! Best use i could find for the "i" branding... lol i'll shut up now and behave....

Droid Bionic may very well be my next phone...i won't rule out an iPhone though...we'll brigade is a PoS laggy on everything... texting etc (any function really) so i'll be in the market soon...

What kind of bills are you guys with smartphones getting? trying to decide if i can afford one :D
Siri and the Cloud are awesome features. Looks like the camera got a decent upgrade as well as the cpu/gpu. I like it.

Wow some times when I read what people say about the iPhones I start feeling like the luckiest man alive. Everyone seems to have some issue with it - doesn't have reception, calls drop, glass breaks, it freezes, apps don't work, etc etc. I guess I managed to get the only iPhone that just works haha :BLAA:
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I think you believe too much in what you're reading. I work on Manhattan (presumably the worst place to have the iPhone) and I very rarely had dropped calls. No more than other phones. Dropped calls are network, not phone, related. Have you heard complains about dropped iphone calls on Verizon?

I've been an RF engineer for over 14 years working for a wireless carrier doing performance and design engineering. I've seen the problem first hand. We've seen numerous phones released that have poorly designed receivers or transmitters that generate their own interference internal to the phone. In fact just today, one of my co-workers got rid of his Blackberry because it was dropping calls at an increased rate in areas when no one else was having a problem. So while you are correct, dropped calls are often caused by the network, they much of the time are related to poor performing phones as well.

Ah, so her's the main problem. You're just too old for it :p

Your right, I am too old for it. I do get tired of being "always on". It's nice to get away and ride where no one can reach you. :D
My iPhone 4 has very few issues as well! And has also seen the floor many times knock on wood no broken screen. I work with college kids so I see many destroyed phones. I see as many android phones with shattered screens as I do iPhones but the ones I see don't have a case on them. Also I have yet to see an iPhone 4 with a shattered screen they have all been 3 or older
I've been an RF engineer for over 14 years working for a wireless carrier doing performance and design engineering. I've seen the problem first hand. We've seen numerous phones released that have poorly designed receivers or transmitters that generate their own interference internal to the phone.

Thank you. Finally a knowledgeable person. It's true that iPhone is far from being perfect. Apple's experience in manufacturing phones is limited. I just want people to be fair. When I hear some saying that iPhone is a POS and they're going to get android instead it means they have no idea about phones. I work with different mobile devices and software on daily bases.

Your right, I am too old for it. I do get tired of being "always on". It's nice to get away and ride where no one can reach you. :D

Haha, lucky you! I know a lot of people who still use 2g and 3G iPhones. They don't want to upgrade because those phones are still working perfectly fine for them. If I wasn't switching to AT&T I would still use my 3G in t-mobile. I actually prefer 3G over 4G.

Show me an Android fanboy who's not dreaming every night about more GHz, GB, mega pixels, etc when their 3 months old android phone gets out of software upgrade path.

But hey, there is a new Galaxy XIV SS with bigger screen, more GHz, etc. let's buy it.

Now my iPhone looks like a bargain :)
Wow some times when I read what people say about the iPhones I start feeling like the luckiest man alive. Everyone seems to have some issue with it - doesn't have reception, calls drop, glass breaks, it freezes, apps don't work, etc etc. I guess I managed to get the only iPhone that just works haha :BLAA:

It's the same on my truck's forum. Mostly complains and bad talking. People usually stay quiet when things are OK and there are so many of them on the market that you constantly read a ton of complains.
Haha, lucky you! I know a lot of people who still use 2g and 3G iPhones. They don't want to upgrade because those phones are still working perfectly fine for them. If I wasn't switching to AT&T I would still use my 3G in t-mobile. I actually prefer 3G over 4G.

When the battery went bad in my iPhone 3Gs I switched back to an old basic phone (LG CU-515) until my boss decided whether he wanted to fix my 3Gs (which was out of warranty) or upgrade to the i4. I actually kind of enjoyed not constantly fiddling with a device, checking e-mail, checking Facebook, Twitter, playing Angry Birds :spank:, etc.
I do wish people would get rid of their old 2G phones. It would make my life a lot easier and free up some valuable spectrum.
Oh my god, you have got to see this =))

[ame=]Hitler gets angry about iPhone 4S - YouTube[/ame]
Lol, I love all of those. The one about Hitler and the Cubs is my personal fav.

Best line from this one is about Steve Jobs trying to run over a dog with his car. "he missed-but still, you have to admire the intention."

Thanks for sharing.


Sent from my iPhone 4 using Tapatalk

Looks like the exact same thing, only slightly better. It's actually quite laughable that this thing had such a huge hype built up for its release. My galaxy s II blows this thing away.

The hype was more from the rumors that a new Iphone 5 would arrive.
Now when they have only released a refresh of the 4 and with Steve Jobs gone, the Apple brigade is going to be all dome and gloom :rolleyes:

I am still of the old guard when it comes to phones. I still use and old W810i, and the only phone I could see myself upgrade to would be a Xperia Mini Pro.